9 letter word starting with imp

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
impacable adjective Not to be appeased or quieted.
impacting present participle & vb. noun of Impact
impaction noun The driving of one fragment of bone into another so that the fragments are not movable upon each other; as, impaction of the skull or of the hip., An immovable packing; (Med.), a lodgment of something in a strait or passage of the body; as, impaction of the fetal head in the strait of the pelvis; impaction of food or feces in the intestines of man or beast.
impairing present participle & vb. noun of Impair
impanated imp. & past participle of Impanate
impanator noun One who holds the doctrine of impanation.
impaneled imp. & past participle of Impanel
imparking present participle & vb. noun of Impark
imparting present participle & vb. noun of Impart
impartial adjective Not partial; not favoring one more than another; treating all alike; unprejudiced; unbiased; disinterested; equitable; fair; just.
impassion verb To move or affect strongly with passion.
impassive adjective Not susceptible of pain or suffering; apathetic; impassible; unmoved.
impasting present participle & vb. noun of Impaste, The laying on of colors to produce impasto.
impasture verb t. To place in a pasture; to foster.
impatible adjective Not capable of being borne; impassible.
impatiens noun A genus of plants, several species of which have very beautiful flowers; — so called because the elastic capsules burst when touched, and scatter the seeds with considerable force. Called also touch-me-not, jewelweed, and snapweed. I. Balsamina (sometimes called lady’s slipper) is the common garden balsam.
impatient adjective Not patient; not bearing with composure; intolerant; uneasy; fretful; restless, because of pain, delay, or opposition; eager for change, or for something expected; hasty; passionate; — often followed by at, for, of, and under., Not to be borne; unendurable., Prompted by, or exhibiting, impatience; as, impatient speeches or replies., One who is impatient.
impawning present participle & vb. noun of Impawn
impeached imp. & past participle of Impeach
impeacher noun One who impeaches.
impearled imp. & past participle of Impearl
impeccant adjective Sinless; impeccable.
impedible adjective Capable of being impeded or hindered.
impelling present participle & vb. noun of Impel
impellent adjective Having the quality of impelling., An impelling power or force.
impenning present participle & vb. noun of Impen
impending present participle & vb. noun of Impend, Hanging over; overhanging; suspended so as to menace; imminet; threatening.
impendent adjective Impending; threatening.
impennate adjective Characterized by short wings covered with feathers resembling scales, as the penguins., One of the Impennes.
impennous adjective Having no wings, as some insects.
impeopled imp. & past participle of Impeople
imperator noun A commander; a leader; an emperor; — originally an appellation of honor by which Roman soldiers saluted their general after an important victory. Subsequently the title was conferred as a recognition of great military achievements by the senate, whence it carried wiht it some special privileges. After the downfall of the Republic it was assumed by Augustus and his successors, and came to have the meaning now attached to the word emperor.
imperfect adjective Not perfect; not complete in all its parts; wanting a part; deective; deficient., Wanting in some elementary organ that is essential to successful or normal activity., Not fulfilling its design; not realizing an ideal; not conformed to a standard or rule; not satisfying the taste or conscience; esthetically or morally defective., The imperfect tense; or the form of a verb denoting the imperfect tense., To make imperfect.
imperiled imp. & past participle of Imperil
imperious adjective Commanding; ascendant; imperial; lordly; majestic., Haughly; arrogant; overbearing; as, an imperious tyrant; an imperious manner., Imperative; urgent; compelling.
impetrate adjective Obtained by entreaty., To obtain by request or entreaty.
impetuous adjective Rushing with force and violence; moving with impetus; furious; forcible; violent; as, an impetuous wind; an impetuous torrent., Vehement in feeling; hasty; passionate; violent; as, a man of impetuous temper.
impieties plural of Impiety
impinging present participle & vb. noun of Impinge
impingent adjective Striking against or upon.
implanted imp. & past participle of Implant
implating present participle & vb. noun of Implate
impleaded imp. & past participle of Implead
impleader noun One who prosecutes or sues another.
implement noun That which fulfills or supplies a want or use; esp., an instrument, toll, or utensil, as supplying a requisite to an end; as, the implements of trade, of husbandry, or of war., To accomplish; to fulfill., To provide with an implement or implements; to cause to be fulfilled, satisfied, or carried out, by means of an implement or implements., To fulfill or perform, as a contract or an engagement.
impletion noun The act of filling, or the state of being full., That which fills up; filling.
implexion noun Act of involving, or state of being involved; involution.
impliable adjective Not pliable; inflexible; inyielding.
implicate verb t. To infold; to fold together; to interweave., To bring into connection with; to involve; to connect; — applied to persons, in an unfavorable sense; as, the evidence implicates many in this conspiracy; to be implicated in a crime, a discreditable transaction, a fault, etc.
implicity noun Implicitness.
impliedly adverb By implication or inference.
implodent noun An implosive sound.
imploring present participle & vb. noun of Implore, That implores; beseeching; entreating.
implosion noun A burstion inwards, as of a vessel from which the air has been exhausted; — contrasted with explosion., A sudden compression of the air in the mouth, simultaneously with and affecting the sound made by the closure of the organs in uttering p, t, or k, at the end of a syllable (see Guide to Pronunciation, //159, 189); also, a similar compression made by an upward thrust of the larynx without any accompanying explosive action, as in the peculiar sound of b, d, and g, heard in Southern Germany.
implosive adjective Formed by implosion., An implosive sound, an implodent.
impluvium noun In Roman dwellings, a cistern or tank, set in the atrium or peristyle to recieve the water from the roof, by means of the compluvium; generally made ornamental with flowers and works of art around its birm.
impolarly adverb Not according to or in, the direction of the poles.
impolitic adjective Not politic; contrary to, or wanting in, policy; unwise; imprudent; indiscreet; inexpedient; as, an impolitic ruler, law, or measure.
importing present participle & vb. noun of Import, Full of meaning.
important verb t. Full of, or burdened by, import; charged with great interests; restless; anxious., Carrying or possessing weight or consequence; of valuable content or bearing; significant; weighty., Bearing on; forcible; driving., Importunate; pressing; urgent.
importune adjective To request or solicit, with urgency; to press with frequent, unreasonable, or troublesome application or pertinacity; hence, to tease; to irritate; to worry., To import; to signify., To require; to demand.
imposable adjective Capable of being imposed or laid on.
impostrix noun A woman who imposes upon or deceives others.
imposture noun The act or conduct of an impostor; deception practiced under a false or assumed character; fraud or imposition; cheating.
impostury noun Imposture.
impotence noun Alt. of Impotency
impotency noun The quality or condition of being impotent; want of strength or power, animal, intellectual, or moral; weakness; feebleness; inability; imbecility., Want of self-restraint or self-control., Want of procreative power; inability to copulate, or beget children; also, sometimes, sterility; barrenness.
impounded imp. & past participle of Impound
impounder noun One who impounds.
imprecate verb t. To call down by prayer, as something hurtful or calamitous., To invoke evil upon; to curse; to swear at.
impressed imp. & past participle of Impress
impresses plural of Impress
impressor noun One who, or that which, impresses.
imprested imp. & past participle of Imprest
imprimery noun A print; impression., A printing establishment., The art of printing.
impriming noun A beginning.
improbate verb t. To disapprove of; to disallow.
improbity noun Lack of probity; want of integrity or rectitude; dishonesty.
impromptu adverb / adjective Offhand; without previous study; extemporaneous; extempore; as, an impromptu verse., Something made or done offhand, at the moment, or without previous study; an extemporaneous composition, address, or remark., A piece composed or played at first thought; a composition in the style of an extempore piece.
improving present participle & vb. noun of Improve, Tending to improve, beneficial; growing better.
improvise verb t. To compose, recite, or sing extemporaneously, especially in verse; to extemporize; also, to play upon an instrument, or to act, extemporaneously., To bring about, arrange, or make, on a sudden, or without previous preparation., To invent, or provide, offhand, or on the spur of the moment; as, he improvised a hammer out of a stone., To produce or render extemporaneous compositions, especially in verse or in music, without previous preparation; hence, to do anything offhand.
improviso adjective Not prepared or mediated beforehand; extemporaneous.
imprudent adjective Not prudent; wanting in prudence or discretion; indiscreet; injudicious; not attentive to consequence; improper.
impuberal adjective Not having arrived at puberty; immature.
impuberty noun The condition of not having reached puberty, or the age of ability to reproduce one’s species; want of age at which the marriage contract can be legally entered into.
impudence noun The quality of being impudent; assurance, accompanied with a disregard of the presence or opinions of others; shamelessness; forwardness; want of modesty.
impudency noun Impudence.
impugning present participle & vb. noun of Impugn
impulsion noun The act of impelling or driving onward, or the state of being impelled; the sudden or momentary agency of a body in motion on another body; also, the impelling force, or impulse., Influence acting unexpectedly or temporarily on the mind; sudden motive or influence; impulse.
impulsive adjective Having the power of driving or impelling; giving an impulse; moving; impellent., Actuated by impulse or by transient feelings., Acting momentarily, or by impulse; not continuous; — said of forces., That which impels or gives an impulse; an impelling agent.
impunibly adverb Without punishment; with impunity.
impurpled imp. & past participle of Impurple
imputable adjective That may be imputed; capable of being imputed; chargeable; ascribable; attributable; referable., Accusable; culpable.
imputably adverb By imputation.