9 letter word starting with inn

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
innermost adjective Farthest inward; most remote from the outward part; inmost; deepest within.
innervate verb t. To supply with nerves; as, the heart is innervated by pneumogastric and sympathetic branches.
innerving present participle & vb. noun of Innerve
innholder noun One who keeps an inn.
innitency noun A leaning; pressure; weight.
innkeeper noun An innholder.
innocence noun The state or quality of being innocent; freedom from that which is harmful or infurious; harmlessness., The state or quality of being morally free from guilt or sin; purity of heart; blamelessness., The state or quality of being not chargeable for, or guilty of, a particular crime or offense; as, the innocence of the prisoner was clearly shown., Simplicity or plainness, bordering on weakness or silliness; artlessness; ingenuousness.
innocency noun Innocence.
innocuity noun Innocuousness.
innocuous adjective Harmless; producing no ill effect; innocent.
innodated imp. & past participle of Innodate
innovated imp. & past participle of Innovate
innovator noun One who innovates.
innoxious adjective Free from hurtful qualities or effects; harmless., Free from crime; pure; innocent.
innuedoes plural of Innuendo