9 letter word starting with irr

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
irradiant adjective Irradiating or illuminating; as, the irradiant moon.
irradiate verb t. To throw rays of light upon; to illuminate; to brighten; to adorn with luster., To enlighten intellectually; to illuminate; as, to irradiate the mind., To animate by heat or light., To radiate, shed, or diffuse., To emit rays; to shine., Illuminated; irradiated.
irrecured adjective Incurable.
irregular adjective Not regular; not conforming to a law, method, or usage recognized as the general rule; not according to common form; not conformable to nature, to the rules of moral rectitude, or to established principles; not normal; unnatural; immethodical; unsymmetrical; erratic; no straight; not uniform; as, an irregular line; an irregular figure; an irregular verse; an irregular physician; an irregular proceeding; irregular motion; irregular conduct, etc. Cf. Regular., One who is not regular; especially, a soldier not in regular service.
irremoval noun Absence of removal.
irrigated imp. & past participle of Irrigate
irriguous adjective Watered; watery; moist; dewy., Gently penetrating or pervading.
irrisible adjective Not risible.
irritable adjective Capable of being irriated., Very susceptible of anger or passion; easily inflamed or exasperated; as, an irritable temper., Endowed with irritability; susceptible of irritation; capable of being excited to action by the application of certain stimuli., Susceptible of irritation; unduly sensitive to irritants or stimuli. See Irritation, n., 3.
irritably adverb In an irritable manner.
irritancy noun The state or quality of being null and void; invalidity; forfeiture., The state o quality of being irritant or irritating.
irritated imp. & past participle of Irritate
irrorated imp. & past participle of Irrorate
irruption noun A bursting in; a sudden, violent rushing into a place; as, irruptions of the sea., A sudden and violent inroad, or entrance of invaders; as, the irruptions of the Goths into Italy.
irruptive adjective Rushing in or upon.