9 letter word starting with ki

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
kibblings noun pl. Portions of small fish used for bait on the banks of Newfoundland.
kickapoos noun pl. A tribe of Indians which formerly occupied the region of Northern Illinois, allied in language to the Sacs and Foxes.
kickshaws noun Something fantastical; any trifling, trumpery thing; a toy., A fancy dish; a titbit; a delicacy.
kidnapped of Kidnap
kidnaping present participle & vb. noun of Kidnap
kidnapper noun One who steals or forcibly carries away a human being; a manstealer.
kieserite noun Hydrous sulphate of magnesia found at the salt mines of Stassfurt, Prussian Saxony.
kilderkin noun A small barrel; an old liquid measure containing eighteen English beer gallons, or nearly twenty-two gallons, United States measure.
killifish noun Any one of several small American cyprinodont fishes of the genus Fundulus and allied genera. They live equally well in fresh and brackish water, or even in the sea. They are usually striped or barred with black. Called also minnow, and brook fish. See Minnow.
killigrew noun The Cornish chough. See under Chough.
kiloliter noun Alt. of Kilolitre
kilolitre noun A measure of capacity equal to a cubic meter, or a thousand liters. It is equivalent to 35.315 cubic feet, and to 220.04 imperial gallons, or 264.18 American gallons of 321 cubic inches.
kilometer noun Alt. of Kilometre
kilometre noun A measure of length, being a thousand meters. It is equal to 3,280.8 feet, or 62137 of a mile.
kilostere noun A cubic measure containing 1000 cubic meters, and equivalent to 35,315 cubic feet.
kimmerian adjective See Cimmerian.
kinematic adjective Alt. of Kinematical
kinesodic adjective Conveying motion; as; kinesodic substance; — applied esp. to the spinal cord, because it is capable of conveying doth voluntary and reflex motor impulses, without itself being affected by motor impulses applied to it directly.
kingcraft noun The craft of kings; the art of governing as a sovereign; royal policy.
kingdomed adjective Having a kingdom or the dignity of a king; like a kingdom.
king-post noun A member of a common form of truss, as a roof truss. It is strictly a tie, intended to prevent the sagging of the tiebeam in the middle. If there are struts, supporting the main rafters, they often bear upon the foot of the king-post. Called also crown-post.
kingstone noun The black angel fish. See Angel fish, under Angel.
kingtruss A truss, framed with a king-post; — used in roofs, bridges, etc.
kinkhaust noun Whooping cough.
kinswomen plural of Kinswoman
kinswoman noun A female relative.
kintlidge noun See Kentledge.
kippering present participle & vb. noun of Kipper
kippernut noun A name given to earthnuts of several kinds.
kitchener noun A kitchen servant; a cook.
kiteflier noun See Kite, n., 6.
kittening present participle & vb. noun of Kitten
kittenish adjective Resembling a kitten; playful; as, a kittenish disposition.
kittiwake noun A northern gull (Rissa tridactyla), inhabiting the coasts of Europe and America. It is white, with black tips to the wings, and has but three toes.