9 letter word starting with land

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
landamman noun A chief magistrate in some of the Swiss cantons., The president of the diet of the Helvetic republic.
landaulet noun A small landau.
landflood noun An overflowing of land by river; an inundation; a freshet.
landgrave noun A German nobleman of a rank corresponding to that of an earl in England and of a count in France.
landloper noun Same as Landlouper.
landowner noun An owner of land.
land-poor adjective Pecuniarily embarrassed through owning much unprofitable land.
landreeve noun A subordinate officer on an extensive estate, who acts as an assistant to the steward.
landscape noun A portion of land or territory which the eye can comprehend in a single view, including all the objects it contains., A picture representing a scene by land or sea, actual or fancied, the chief subject being the general aspect of nature, as fields, hills, forests, water. etc., The pictorial aspect of a country.
landslide noun The slipping down of a mass of land from a mountain, hill, etc., The land which slips down.
landsturm noun That part of the reserve force in Germany which is called out last.