9 letter word starting with le

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
leafiness noun The state of being leafy.
leafstalk noun The stalk or petiole which supports a leaf.
leaguerer noun A besieger.
leakiness noun The quality of being leaky.
leapingly adverb By leaps.
leap year Bissextile; a year containing 366 days; every fourth year which leaps over a day more than a common year, giving to February twenty-nine days. See Bissextile.
learnable adjective Such as can be learned.
leasehold adjective Held by lease., A tenure by lease; specifically, land held as personalty under a lease for years.
leastways adverb Alt. of Leastwise
leastwise adverb At least; at all events.
leathered imp. & past participle of Leather
leatheret noun Alt. of Leatherette
leaveless adjective Leafless.
leavening present participle & vb. noun of Leaven, The act of making light, or causing to ferment, by means of leaven., That which leavens or makes light.
leavenous adjective Containing leaven.
leaviness noun Leafiness.
lecanoric adjective Pertaining to, or designating, an organic acid which is obtained from several varieties of lichen (Lecanora, Roccella, etc.), as a white, crystalline substance, and is called also orsellic, / diorsellinic acid, lecanorin, etc.
lecanorin noun See Lecanoric.
lechering present participle & vb. noun of Lecher
lecherous adjective Like a lecher; addicted to lewdness; lustful; also, lust-provoking.
lecturing present participle & vb. noun of Lecture
ledgement noun See Ledgment.
leeringly adverb In a leering manner.
left-hand adjective Situated on the left; nearer the left hand than the right; as, the left-hand side; the left-hand road.
legalized imp. & past participle of Legalize
legantine adjective See Legatine.
legendary adjective Of or pertaining to a legend or to legends; consisting of legends; like a legend; fabulous., A book of legends; a tale or narrative., One who relates legends.
leggiadro adjective & adverb Alt. of Leggiero
legionary adjective Belonging to a legion; consisting of a legion or legions, or of an indefinitely great number; as, legionary soldiers; a legionary force., A member of a legion.
legislate verb i. To make or enact a law or laws.
leguleian adjective Lawyerlike; legal., A lawyer.
leisurely adjective Characterized by leisure; taking abundant time; not hurried; as, a leisurely manner; a leisurely walk., In a leisurely manner.
leitmotif noun See Leading motive, under Leading, a.
lemniscus noun One of two oval bodies hanging from the interior walls of the body in the Acanthocephala.
lengthful adjective Long.
lengthily adverb In a lengthy manner; at great length or extent.
leniently adverb In a lenient manner.
lenticula noun A kind of eruption upon the skin; lentigo; freckle., A lens of small size., A lenticel.
lentiform adjective Lenticular.
lentiscus noun Alt. of Lentisk
lentitude adjective Slowness; sluggishness.
leontodon noun A genus of liguliflorous composite plants, including the fall dandelion (L. autumnale), and formerly the true dandelion; — called also lion’s tooth.
lepidoted adjective Having a coat of scurfy scales, as the leaves of the oleaster.
lepismoid adjective Like or pertaining to the Lepisma.
leprosity noun The state or quality of being leprous or scaly; also, a scale.
leptiform adjective Having a form somewhat like leptus; — said of active insect larvae having three pairs of legs. See Larva.
leptology noun A minute and tedious discourse on trifling things.
leptynite noun See Granulite.
lessening present participle & vb. noun of Lessen
lessoning present participle & vb. noun of Lesson
let-alone adjective Letting alone.
lethality noun The quality of being lethal; mortality.
lethargic adjective Alt. of Lethargical
lettering present participle & vb. noun of Letter, The act or business of making, or marking with, letters, as by cutting or painting., The letters made; as, the lettering of a sign.
letterure noun Letters; literature.
leucitoid noun The trapezohedron or tetragonal trisoctahedron; — so called as being the form of the mineral leucite.
leucocyte noun A colorless corpuscle, as one of the white blood corpuscles, or those found in lymph, marrow of bone, connective tissue, etc.
leucoline noun A nitrogenous organic base from coal tar, and identical with quinoline. Cf. Quinoline.
leucosoid adjective Like or pertaining to the Leucosoidea, a tribe of marine crabs including the box crab or Calappa.
leucoxene noun A nearly opaque white mineral, in part identical with titanite, observed in some igneous rocks as the result of the alteration of titanic iron.
leukaemia noun Leucocythaemia.
leukeness noun See Luke, etc.
levantine noun Of or pertaining to the Levant., A native or inhabitant of the Levant., A stout twilled silk fabric, formerly made in the Levant.
levelling of Level
levelness noun The state or quality of being level.
leverwood noun The American hop hornbeam (Ostrya Virginica), a small tree with very tough wood.
leviathan noun An aquatic animal, described in the book of Job, ch. xli., and mentioned in other passages of Scripture., The whale, or a great whale.
levigable verb t. Capable of being levigated.
levigated imp. & past participle of Levigate
levitical adjective Of or pertaining to a Levite or the Levites., Priestly., Of or pertaining to, or designating, the law contained in the book of Leviticus.
leviticus noun The third canonical book of the Old Testament, containing the laws and regulations relating to the priests and Levites among the Hebrews, or the body of the ceremonial law.
levulinic adjective Pertaining to, or denoting, an acid (called also acetyl-propionic acid), C5H8O3, obtained by the action of dilute acids on various sugars (as levulose).
levulosan noun An unfermentable carbohydrate obtained by gently heating levulose.