9 letter word starting with mat

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
mathusian noun A follower of Malthus.
matagasse noun A shrike or butcher bird; — called also mattages.
matchable adjective Capable of being matched; comparable on equal conditions; adapted to being joined together; correspondent.
matchless adjective Having no equal; unequaled., Unlike each other; unequal; unsuited.
matchlock noun An old form of gunlock containing a match for firing the priming; hence, a musket fired by means of a match.
mateology noun A vain, unprofitable discourse or inquiry.
materiate adjective Alt. of Materiated
materious adjective See Material.
maternity noun The state of being a mother; the character or relation of a mother.
matriarch noun The mother and ruler of a family or of her descendants; a ruler by maternal right.
matricide noun The murder of a mother by her son or daughter., One who murders one’s own mother.
matrimony noun The union of man and woman as husband and wife; the nuptial state; marriage; wedlock., A kind of game at cards played by several persons.
matronage noun The state of a matron., The collective body of matrons.
matronize verb t. To make a matron of; to make matronlike., To act the part of a marton toward; to superintend; to chaperone; as, to matronize an assembly.
mattamore noun A subterranean repository for wheat.
mattering present participle & vb. noun of Matter
maturated imp. & past participle of Maturate
matutinal adjective Of or pertaining to the morning; early.