9 letter word starting with mis

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
misadjust verb t. To adjust wrongly of unsuitably; to throw of adjustment.
misadvice noun Bad advice.
misadvise verb t. To give bad counsel to.
misaffect verb t. To dislike.
misaffirm verb t. To affirm incorrectly.
misallege verb t. To state erroneously.
misallied adjective Wrongly allied or associated.
misassign verb t. To assign wrongly.
misattend verb t. To misunderstand; to disregard.
misbecome verb t. Not to become; to suit ill; not to befit or be adapted to.
misbehave verb t. & i. To behave ill; to conduct one’s self improperly; — often used with a reciprocal pronoun.
misbelief noun Erroneous or false belief.
misbeseem verb t. To suit ill.
misbestow verb t. To bestow improperly.
misbileve noun Misbelief; unbelief; suspicion.
mischance noun Ill luck; ill fortune; mishap., To happen by mischance.
mischarge verb t. To charge erroneously, as in account., A mistake in charging.
mischosen past participle of Mischoose
mischoose verb t. To choose wrongly., To make a wrong choice.
miscreant noun One who holds a false religious faith; a misbeliever., One not restrained by Christian principles; an unscrupulous villain; a while wretch., Holding a false religious faith., Destitute of conscience; unscrupulous.
miscreate adjective Miscreated; illegitimate; forged; as, miscreate titles., To create badly or amiss.
misdating present participle & vb. noun of Misdate
misdemean verb t. To behave ill; — with a reflexive pronoun; as, to misdemean one’s self.
misdepart verb t. To distribute wrongly.
misderive verb t. To turn or divert improperly; to misdirect., To derive erroneously.
misdesert noun Ill desert.
misdirect verb t. To give a wrong direction to; as, to misdirect a passenger, or a letter; to misdirect one’s energies.
misdivide verb t. To divide wrongly.
misemploy verb t. To employ amiss; as, to misemploy time, advantages, talents, etc.
miserable adjective Very unhappy; wretched., Causing unhappiness or misery., Worthless; mean; despicable; as, a miserable fellow; a miserable dinner., Avaricious; niggardly; miserly., A miserable person.
miserably adverb In a miserable; unhappily; calamitously; wretchedly; meanly.
misesteem noun Want of esteem; disrespect.
misfallen past participle of Misfall
misformed imp. & past participle of Misform
misgiving present participle & vb. noun of Misgive, Evil premonition; doubt; distrust.
misgotten adjective Unjustly gotten.
misgovern verb t. To govern ill; as, to misgovern a country.
misground verb t. To found erroneously.
misgrowth noun Bad growth; an unnatural or abnormal growth.
mishandle verb t. To handle ill or wrongly; to maltreat.
mishappen verb i. To happen ill or unluckily.
misinform verb t. To give untrue information to; to inform wrongly., To give untrue information; (with against) to calumniate.
misintend verb t. To aim amiss.
miskindle verb t. To kindle amiss; to inflame to a bad purpose; to excite wrongly.
mislaying present participle & vb. noun of Mislay
misleader noun One who leads into error.
misliking present participle & vb. noun of Mislike, Dislike; aversion.
mismanage verb t. & i. To manage ill or improperly; as, to mismanage public affairs.
misnumber verb t. To number wrongly.
mispickel noun Arsenical iron pyrites; arsenopyrite.
misplaced imp. & past participle of Misplace
mispolicy noun Wrong policy; impolicy.
mispraise verb t. To praise amiss.
misrecite verb t. & i. To recite erroneously.
misreckon verb t. & i. To reckon wrongly; to miscalculate.
misreform verb t. To reform wrongly or imperfectly.
misregard noun Wrong understanding; misconstruction.
misrelate verb t. To relate inaccurately.
misrender verb t. To render wrongly; to translate or recite wrongly.
misrepeat verb t. To repeat wrongly; to give a wrong version of.
misreport verb t. & i. To report erroneously; to give an incorrect account of., An erroneous report; a false or incorrect account given.
misrepute verb t. To have in wrong estimation; to repute or estimate erroneously.
misseltoe noun See Mistletoe.
misshapen adjective Having a bad or ugly form.
missingly adverb With a sense of loss.
missioner noun A missionary; an envoy; one who conducts a mission. See Mission, n., 6.
misspeech noun Wrong speech.
misspense noun A spending improperly; a wasting.
misstayed adjective Having missed stays; — said of a ship.
mistaking present participle & vb. noun of Mistake, An error; a mistake.
mistaught adjective Wrongly taught; as, a mistaught youth., of Misteach
mistemper verb t. To temper ill; to disorder; as, to mistemper one’s head.
misthrive verb i. To thrive poorly; to be not thrifty or prosperous.
mistigris noun Alt. of Mistigri
mistihead noun Mistiness.
mistiness noun State of being misty.
mistletoe noun A parasitic evergreen plant of Europe (Viscum album), bearing a glutinous fruit. When found upon the oak, where it is rare, it was an object of superstitious regard among the Druids. A bird lime is prepared from its fruit.
mistonusk noun The American badger.
miswander verb i. To wander in a wrong path; to stray; to go astray.