9 letter word starting with mono

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
monobasic adjective Capable of being neutralized by a univalent base or basic radical; having but one acid hydrogen atom to be replaced; — said of acids; as, acetic, nitric, and hydrochloric acids are monobasic.
monoceros noun A one-horned creature; a unicorn; a sea monster with one horn., The Unicorn, a constellation situated to the east Orion.
monochord noun An instrument for experimenting upon the mathematical relations of musical sounds. It consists of a single string stretched between two bridges, one or both of which are movable, and which stand upon a graduated rule for the purpose of readily changing and measuring the length of the part of the string between them.
monocline noun A monoclinal fold.
monocotyl noun Any monocotyledonous plant.
monocracy noun Government by a single person; undivided rule.
monocular adjective Having only one eye; with one eye only; as, monocular vision., Adapted to be used with only one eye at a time; as, a monocular microscope.
monodelph noun Alt. of Monodelphian
monodical adjective Belonging to a monody., For one voice; monophonic., Homophonic; — applied to music in which the melody is confined to one part, instead of being shared by all the parts as in the style called polyphonic.
monodrama noun Alt. of Monodrame
monodrame noun A drama acted, or intended to be acted, by a single person.
monoecian adjective Of or pertaining to the Monoecia; monoecious., One of the Monoecia., A monoecious animal, as certain mollusks.
monoecism noun The state or condition of being monoecious.
monogamia noun pl. A Linnaean order of plants, having solitary flowers with united anthers, as in the genus Lobelia.
monogamic adjective Pertaining to, or involving, monogamy., Of or pertaining to the Monogamia; having a simple flower with united anthers.
monogenic adjective Of or pertaining to monogenesis., Producing only one kind of germs, or young; developing only in one way.
monograph noun A written account or description of a single thing, or class of things; a special treatise on a particular subject of limited range.
monogynia noun pl. A Linnaean order of plants, including those which have only one style or stigma.
monoicous adjective Monoecious.
monolatry noun Worship of a single deity.
monologue noun A speech uttered by a person alone; soliloquy; also, talk or discourse in company, in the strain of a soliloquy; as, an account in monologue., A dramatic composition for a single performer.
monomachy noun A duel; single combat.
monomania noun Derangement of the mind in regard of a single subject only; also, such a concentration of interest upon one particular subject or train of ideas to show mental derangement.
monometer noun A rhythmic series, consisting of a single meter.
monomyary adjective Of or pertaining to the Monomya., One of the Monomya.
monopathy noun Suffering or sensibility in a single organ or function.
monoplast noun A monoplastic element.
monopodia plural of Monopodium
monopoler noun A monopolist.
monoptera plural of Monopteron
monoptote noun A noun having only one case., A noun having only one ending for the oblique cases.
monorhina noun pl. The Marsipobranchiata.
monorhyme noun A composition in verse, in which all the lines end with the same rhyme.
monosperm noun A monospermous plant.
monostich noun A composition consisting of one verse only.
monotonic adjective Alt. of Monotonical
monotreme noun One of the Monotremata.
monotropa noun A genus of parasitic or saprophytic plants including the Indian pipe and pine sap. The name alludes to the dropping end of the stem.
monotypic adjective Having but one type; containing but one representative; as, a monotypic genus, which contains but one species.
monoxylon noun A canoe or boat made from one piece of timber.