9 letter word starting with pi

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
pigpecker noun The European garden warbler (Sylvia, / Currica, hortensis); — called also beccafico and greater pettychaps.
piaculous adjective Same as Piacular.
pia mater The delicate and highly vascular membrane immediately investing the brain and spinal cord.
pickaback adverb On the back or shoulders; as, to ride pickback.
pickapack adverb Pickaback.
pickeered imp. & past participle of Pickeer
pickeerer noun One who pickeers.
pickering noun The sauger of the St.Lawrence River.
picketing present participle & vb. noun of Picket
pickpenny noun A miser; also, a sharper.
pickpurse noun One who steals purses, or money from purses.
pickthank noun One who strives to put another under obligation; an officious person; hence, a flatterer. Used also adjectively.
picktooth noun A toothpick.
picnicked imp. & past participle of Picnic
picnicker noun One who takes part in a picnic.
picrolite noun A fibrous variety of serpentine.
pictorial adjective Of or pertaining to pictures; illustrated by pictures; forming pictures; representing with the clearness of a picture; as, a pictorial dictionary; a pictorial imagination.
picturing present participle & vb. noun of Picture
picturize verb t. To picture., To adorn with pictures.
pieceless adjective Not made of pieces; whole; entire.
piecemeal adverb In pieces; in parts or fragments., Piece by piece; by little and little in succession., Made up of parts or pieces; single; separate., A fragment; a scrap.
piecework noun Work done by the piece or job; work paid for at a rate based on the amount of work done, rather than on the time employed.
piedouche noun A pedestal of small size, used to support small objects, as busts, vases, and the like.
piedstall noun See Pedestal.
piepoudre noun Alt. of Piepowder
piepowder noun An ancient court of record in England, formerly incident to every fair and market, of which the steward of him who owned or had the toll was the judge.
pietistic adjective Alt. of Pietistical
piggeries plural of Piggery
pig-jawed adjective Having the upper jaw projecting beyond the lower, with the upper incisors in advance of the lower; — said of dogs.
pigmental adjective Alt. of Pigmentary
pigmented adjective Colored; specifically (Biol.), filled or imbued with pigment; as, pigmented epithelial cells; pigmented granules.
pignerate verb t. To pledge or pawn., to receive in pawn, as a pawnbroker does.
pigtailed adjective Having a tail like a pig’s; as, the pigtailed baboon.
pikestaff noun The staff, or shaft, of a pike., A staff with a spike in the lower end, to guard against slipping.
pikrolite noun See Picrolite.
pileiform adjective Having the form of a pileus or cap; pileate.
pile-worn adjective Having the pile worn off; threadbare.
pilfering present participle & vb. noun of Pilfer, Thieving in a small way., Petty theft.
pilgarlic noun One who has lost his hair by disease; a sneaking fellow, or one who is hardly used.
pillaging present participle & vb. noun of Pillage
pillarist noun See Stylite.
pilleries plural of Pillery
pillorize verb t. To set in, or punish with, the pillory; to pillory.
pillories plural of Pillory
pilloried imp. & past participle of Pillory
pillowing present participle & vb. noun of Pillow
pimpernel noun A plant of the genus Anagallis, of which one species (A. arvensis) has small flowers, usually scarlet, but sometimes purple, blue, or white, which speedily close at the approach of bad weather.
pinacolin noun A colorless oily liquid related to the ketones, and obtained by the decomposition of pinacone; hence, by extension, any one of the series of which pinacolin proper is the type.
pince-nez noun Eyeglasses kept on the nose by a spring.
pinchbeck noun An alloy of copper and zinc, resembling gold; a yellow metal, composed of about three ounces of zinc to a pound of copper. It is much used as an imitation of gold in the manufacture of cheap jewelry., Made of pinchbeck; sham; cheap; spurious; unreal.
pinchcock noun A clamp on a flexible pipe to regulate the flow of a fluid through the pipe.
pinchfist noun A closefisted person; a miser.
pincoffin noun A commercial preparation of garancin, yielding fine violet tints.
pindarism noun Imitation of Pindar.
pindarist noun One who imitates Pindar.
pineapple noun A tropical plant (Ananassa sativa); also, its fruit; — so called from the resemblance of the latter, in shape and external appearance, to the cone of the pine tree. Its origin is unknown, though conjectured to be American.
pineaster noun See Pinaster.
pine-clad adjective Alt. of Pine-crowned
pinedrops noun A reddish herb (Pterospora andromedea) of the United States, found parasitic on the roots of pine trees.
pinefinch noun A small American bird (Spinus, / Chrysomitris, spinus); — called also pine siskin, and American siskin., The pine grosbeak.
pinioning present participle & vb. noun of Pinion
pinionist noun Any winged creature.
pink-eyed adjective Having small eyes.
pinnacled imp. & past participle of Pinnacle
pinnately adverb In a pinnate manner.
pinniform adjective Shaped like a fin or feather.
pinnulate adjective Having each pinna subdivided; — said of a leaf, or of its pinnae.
pioneered imp. & past participle of Pioneer
pipe clay A plastic, unctuous clay of a grayish white color, — used in making tobacco pipes and various kinds of earthenware, in scouring cloth, and in cleansing soldiers’ equipments.
pipelayer Alt. of Pipe layer
pipemouth noun Any fish of the genus Fistularia; — called also tobacco pipefish. See Fistularia.
piperidge noun Same as Pepperidge.
piperonal noun A white crystalline substance obtained by oxidation of piperic acid, and regarded as a complex aldehyde.
pipestone noun A kind of clay slate, carved by the Indians into tobacco pipes. Cf. Catlinite.
pipistrel noun Alt. of Pipistrelle
piquantly adverb In a piquant manner.
piqueerer noun See Pickeerer.
pirameter noun A dynamometer for ascertaining the power required to draw carriages over roads.
piratical adjective Of or pertaining to a pirate; acquired by, or practicing, piracy; as, a piratical undertaking.
piririgua noun A South American bird (Guira guira) allied to the cuckoos.
pirouette noun A whirling or turning on the toes in dancing., The whirling about of a horse., To perform a pirouette; to whirl, like a dancer.
piscation noun Fishing; fishery.
piscatory adjective Of or pertaining to fishes or fishing.
pisciform adjective Having the form of a fish; resembling a fish.
pisolitic adjective Composed of, containing, or resembling, pisolite.
pisophalt noun Pissasphalt.
pistachio noun The nut of the Pistacia vera, a tree of the order Anacardiaceae, containing a kernel of a pale greenish color, which has a pleasant taste, resembling that of the almond, and yields an oil of agreeable taste and odor; — called also pistachio nut. It is wholesome and nutritive. The tree grows in Arabia, Persia, Syria, and Sicily.
pistacite noun Epidote.
pistareen noun An old Spanish silver coin of the value of about twenty cents.
pistazite noun Same as Pistacite.
pistoling present participle & vb. noun of Pistol
pistolade noun A pistol shot.
pistoleer noun One who uses a pistol.
pitchfork noun A fork, or farming utensil, used in pitching hay, sheaves of grain, or the like., To pitch or throw with, or as with, a pitchfork.
pitch-ore noun Pitchblende.
pitchwork noun The work of a coal miner who is paid by a share of his product.
pithecoid adjective Of or pertaining to the genus Pithecia, or subfamily Pithecinae, which includes the saki, ouakari, and other allied South American monkeys., Of or pertaining to the anthropoid apes in particular, or to the higher apes of the Old World, collectively.
pithiness noun The quality or state of being pithy.
pituitary adjective Secreting mucus or phlegm; as, the pituitary membrane, or the mucous membrane which lines the nasal cavities., Of or pertaining to the pituitary body; as, the pituitary fossa.
pituitous adjective Consisting of, or resembling, pituite or mucus; full of mucus; discharging mucus.
pizzicato A direction to violinists to pluck the string with the finger, instead of using the bow. (Abrev. pizz.)