9 letter word starting with por

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
porbeagle noun A species of shark (Lamna cornubica), about eight feet long, having a pointed nose and a crescent-shaped tail; — called also mackerel shark.
porcelain noun Purslain., A fine translucent or semitransculent kind of earthenware, made first in China and Japan, but now also in Europe and America; — called also China, or China ware.
porcupine noun Any Old Word rodent of the genus Hystrix, having the back covered with long, sharp, erectile spines or quills, sometimes a foot long. The common species of Europe and Asia (Hystrix cristata) is the best known., Any species of Erethizon and related genera, native of America. They are related to the true porcupines, but have shorter spines, and are arboreal in their habits. The Canada porcupine (Erethizon dorsatus) is a well known species.
poreblind adjective Nearsighted; shortsighted; purblind.
poriferan noun One of the Polifera.
porporino noun A composition of quicksilver, tin, and sulphur, forming a yellow powder, sometimes used by mediaeval artists, for the sake of economy, instead of gold.
porringer noun A porridge dish; esp., a bowl or cup from which children eat or are fed; as, a silver porringer.
portative adjective Portable., Capable of holding up or carrying; as, the portative force of a magnet, of atmospheric pressure, or of capillarity.
portcluse noun A portcullis.
portended imp. & past participle of Portend
porterage noun The work of a porter; the occupation of a carrier or of a doorkeeper., Money charged or paid for the carriage of burdens or parcels by a porter.
porteress noun See Portress.
portfolio noun A portable case for holding loose papers, prints, drawings, etc., Hence: The office and functions of a minister of state or member of the cabinet; as, to receive the portfolio of war; to resign the portfolio.
portglave noun A sword bearer.
portgreve Alt. of Portgrave
portgrave In old English law, the chief magistrate of a port or maritime town.; a portreeve.
porticoes plural of Portico
porticoed adjective Furnished with a portico.
portingal adjective Of or pertaining to Portugal; Portuguese., A Portuguese.
portioned imp. & past participle of Portion
portioner noun One who portions., See Portionist, 2.
portrayed imp. & past participle of Portray
portrayal noun The act or process of portraying; description; delineation.
portrayer noun One who portrays.
portreeve noun A port warden.
portulaca noun A genus of polypetalous plants; also, any plant of the genus.