9 letter word starting with s

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
sabadilla noun A Mexican liliaceous plant (Schoenocaulon officinale); also, its seeds, which contain the alkaloid veratrine. It was formerly used in medicine as an emetic and purgative.
sabbatism noun Intermission of labor, as upon the Sabbath; rest.
sabellian adjective Pertaining to the doctrines or tenets of Sabellius. See Sabellian, n., A follower of Sabellius, a presbyter of Ptolemais in the third century, who maintained that there is but one person in the Godhead, and that the Son and Holy Spirit are only different powers, operations, or offices of the one God the Father.
sabelloid adjective Like, or related to, the genus Sabella.
saberbill noun Alt. of Sabrebill
sabrebill noun The curlew.
sabianism noun The doctrine of the Sabians; the Sabian religion; that species of idolatry which consists in worshiping the sun, moon, and stars; heliolatry.
sabotiere noun A kind of freezer for ices.
saccharic adjective Of, pertaining to, or obtained from, saccharine substances; specifically, designating an acid obtained, as a white amorphous gummy mass, by the oxidation of mannite, glucose, sucrose, etc.
saccharin noun A bitter white crystalline substance obtained from the saccharinates and regarded as the lactone of saccharinic acid; — so called because formerly supposed to be isomeric with cane sugar (saccharose).
saccharum noun A genus of tall tropical grasses including the sugar cane.
saccholic adjective Saccholactic.
sacciform adjective Having the general form of a sac.
sachemdom noun The government or jurisdiction of a sachem.
sackcloth noun Linen or cotton cloth such as sacks are made of; coarse cloth; anciently, a cloth or garment worn in mourning, distress, mortification, or penitence.
sacrament noun The oath of allegiance taken by Roman soldiers; hence, a sacred ceremony used to impress an obligation; a solemn oath-taking; an oath., The pledge or token of an oath or solemn covenant; a sacred thing; a mystery., One of the solemn religious ordinances enjoined by Christ, the head of the Christian church, to be observed by his followers; hence, specifically, the eucharist; the Lord’s Supper., To bind by an oath.
sacrarium noun A sort of family chapel in the houses of the Romans, devoted to a special divinity., The adytum of a temple., In a Christian church, the sanctuary.
sacration noun Consecration.
sacrifice noun The offering of anything to God, or to a god; consecratory rite., Anything consecrated and offered to God, or to a divinity; an immolated victim, or an offering of any kind, laid upon an altar, or otherwise presented in the way of religious thanksgiving, atonement, or conciliation., Destruction or surrender of anything for the sake of something else; devotion of some desirable object in behalf of a higher object, or to a claim deemed more pressing; hence, also, the thing so devoted or given up; as, the sacrifice of interest to pleasure, or of pleasure to interest., A sale at a price less than the cost or the actual value., To make an offering of; to consecrate or present to a divinity by way of expiation or propitiation, or as a token acknowledgment or thanksgiving; to immolate on the altar of God, in order to atone for sin, to procure favor, or to express thankfulness; as, to sacrifice an ox or a sheep., Hence, to destroy, surrender, or suffer to be lost, for the sake of obtaining something; to give up in favor of a higher or more imperative object or duty; to devote, with loss or suffering., To destroy; to kill., To sell at a price less than the cost or the actual value., To make offerings to God, or to a deity, of things consumed on the altar; to offer sacrifice.
sacrilege noun The sin or crime of violating or profaning sacred things; the alienating to laymen, or to common purposes, what has been appropriated or consecrated to religious persons or uses.
sacristan noun An officer of the church who has the care of the utensils or movables, and of the church in general; a sexton.
saddening present participle & vb. noun of Sadden
saddlebow noun The bow or arch in the front part of a saddle, or the pieces which form the front.
sadducaic adjective Pertaining to, or like, the Sadducees; as, Sadducaic reasonings.
sadducism noun The tenets of the Sadducees.
sadducize verb i. To adopt the principles of the Sadducees.
safeguard noun One who, or that which, defends or protects; defense; protection., A convoy or guard to protect a traveler or property., A pass; a passport; a safe-conduct., To guard; to protect.
safflower noun An annual composite plant (Carthamus tinctorius), the flowers of which are used as a dyestuff and in making rouge; bastard, or false, saffron., The dried flowers of the Carthamus tinctorius., A dyestuff from these flowers. See Safranin (b).
safranine noun An orange-red nitrogenous dyestuff produced artificially by oxidizing certain aniline derivatives, and used in dyeing silk and wool; also, any one of the series of which safranine proper is the type.
sagacious adjective Of quick sense perceptions; keen-scented; skilled in following a trail., Hence, of quick intellectual perceptions; of keen penetration and judgment; discerning and judicious; knowing; far-sighted; shrewd; sage; wise; as, a sagacious man; a sagacious remark.
sagapenum noun A fetid gum resin obtained from a species of Ferula. It has been used in hysteria, etc., but is now seldom met with.
sagebrush noun A low irregular shrub (Artemisia tridentata), of the order Compositae, covering vast tracts of the dry alkaline regions of the American plains; — called also sagebush, and wild sage.
sagenitic adjective Resembling sagenite; — applied to quartz when containing acicular crystals of other minerals, most commonly rutile, also tourmaline, actinolite, and the like.
sagittary noun A centaur; a fabulous being, half man, half horse, armed with a bow and quiver., The Arsenal in Venice; — so called from having a figure of an archer over the door., Pertaining to, or resembling, an arrow.
sagittate adjective Shaped like an arrowhead; triangular, with the two basal angles prolonged downward.
sailcloth noun Duck or canvas used in making sails.
sailmaker noun One whose occupation is to make or repair sails.
sainthood noun The state of being a saint; the condition of a saint., The order, or united body, of saints; saints, considered collectively.
saintlike adjective Resembling a saint; suiting a saint; becoming a saint; saintly.
saintship noun The character or qualities of a saint.
salacious noun Having a propensity to venery; lustful; lecherous.
salangana noun The salagane.
salarying present participle & vb. noun of Salary
salebrous adjective Rough; rugged.
saleratus noun Aerated salt; a white crystalline substance having an alkaline taste and reaction, consisting of sodium bicarbonate (see under Sodium.) It is largely used in cooking, with sour milk (lactic acid) or cream of tartar as a substitute for yeast. It is also an ingredient of most baking powders, and is used in the preparation of effervescing drinks.
saliaunce adjective Salience; onslaught.
salicylal noun A thin, fragrant, colorless oil, HO.C6H4.CHO, found in the flowers of meadow sweet (Spiraea), and also obtained by oxidation of salicin, saligenin, etc. It reddens on exposure. Called also salicylol, salicylic aldehyde, and formerly salicylous, / spiroylous, acid.
salicylic adjective Pertaining to, derived from, or designating, an acid formerly obtained by fusing salicin with potassium hydroxide, and now made in large quantities from phenol (carbolic acid) by the action of carbon dioxide on heated sodium phenolate. It is a white crystalline substance. It is used as an antiseptic, and in its salts in the treatment of rheumatism. Called also hydroxybenzoic acid.
salicylol noun Same as Salicylal.
saliently adverb In a salient manner.
salifying present participle & vb. noun of Salify
saligenin noun A phenol alcohol obtained, by the decomposition of salicin, as a white crystalline substance; — called also hydroxy-benzyl alcohol.
salimeter noun An instrument for measuring the amount of salt present in any given solution.
salimetry noun The art or process of measuring the amount of salt in a substance.
saliretin noun A yellow amorphous resinoid substance obtained by the action of dilute acids on saligenin.
salivated imp. & past participle of Salivate
salleting noun Salad.
salliance noun Salience.
sallowish adjective Somewhat sallow.
salmonoid adjective Like, or pertaining to, the Salmonidae, a family of fishes including the trout and salmon., Any fish of the family Salmonidae.
salometer noun See Salimeter.
saltation noun A leaping or jumping., Beating or palpitation; as, the saltation of the great artery., An abrupt and marked variation in the condition or appearance of a species; a sudden modification which may give rise to new races.
saltatory adjective Leaping or dancing; having the power of, or used in, leaping or dancing.
saltmouth noun A wide-mouthed bottle with glass stopper for holding chemicals, especially crystallized salts.
saltpeter noun Alt. of Saltpetre
saltpetre noun Potassium nitrate; niter; a white crystalline substance, KNO3, having a cooling saline taste, obtained by leaching from certain soils in which it is produced by the process of nitrification (see Nitrification, 2). It is a strong oxidizer, is the chief constituent of gunpowder, and is also used as an antiseptic in curing meat, and in medicine as a diuretic, diaphoretic, and refrigerant.
salubrity noun The quality of being salubrious; favorableness to the preservation of health; salubriousness; wholesomeness; healthfulness; as, the salubrity of the air, of a country, or a climate.
salvation noun The act of saving; preservation or deliverance from destruction, danger, or great calamity., The redemption of man from the bondage of sin and liability to eternal death, and the conferring on him of everlasting happiness., Saving power; that which saves.
salvatory noun A place where things are preserved; a repository.
samaritan adjective Of or pertaining to Samaria, in Palestine., A native or inhabitant of Samaria; also, the language of Samaria.
samoyedes noun pl. An ignorant and degraded Turanian tribe which occupies a portion of Northern Russia and a part of Siberia.
sanbenito noun Anciently, a sackcloth coat worn by penitents on being reconciled to the church., A garnment or cap, or sometimes both, painted with flames, figures, etc., and worn by persons who had been examined by the Inquisition and were brought forth for punishment at the auto-da-fe.
sanctuary noun A sacred place; a consecrated spot; a holy and inviolable site., The most retired part of the temple at Jerusalem, called the Holy of Holies, in which was kept the ark of the covenant, and into which no person was permitted to enter except the high priest, and he only once a year, to intercede for the people; also, the most sacred part of the tabernacle; also, the temple at Jerusalem., The most sacred part of any religious building, esp. that part of a Christian church in which the altar is placed., A house consecrated to the worship of God; a place where divine service is performed; a church, temple, or other place of worship., A sacred and inviolable asylum; a place of refuge and protection; shelter; refuge; protection.
sandarach noun Alt. of Sandarac
sandglass noun An instrument for measuring time by the running of sand. See Hourglass.
sandiness noun The quality or state of being sandy, or of being of a sandy color.
sandpaper noun Paper covered on one side with sand glued fast, — used for smoothing and polishing., To smooth or polish with sandpaper; as, to sandpaper a door.
sandpiper noun Any one of numerous species of small limicoline game birds belonging to Tringa, Actodromas, Ereunetes, and various allied genera of the family Tringidae., A small lamprey eel; the pride.
sandstone noun A rock made of sand more or less firmly united. Common or siliceous sandstone consists mainly of quartz sand.
sanhedrin noun Alt. of Sanhedrim
sanhedrim noun the great council of the Jews, which consisted of seventy members, to whom the high priest was added. It had jurisdiction of religious matters.
santonate noun A salt of santonic acid.
sapadillo noun See Sapodila.
saphenous adjective Manifest; — applied to the two principal superficial veins of the lower limb of man., Of, pertaining to, or in the region of, the saphenous veins; as, the saphenous nerves; the saphenous opening, an opening in the broad fascia of the thigh through which the internal saphenous vein passes.
sapidness noun Quality of being sapid; sapidity.
sapiently adverb In a sapient manner.
sapodilla noun A tall, evergeen, tropical American tree (Achras Sapota); also, its edible fruit, the sapodilla plum.
sapogenin noun A white crystalline substance obtained by the decomposition of saponin.
saporific adjective Having the power to produce the sensation of taste; producing taste, flavor, or relish.
sappiness noun The quality of being sappy; juiciness.
sarabaite noun One of certain vagrant or heretical Oriental monks in the early church.
saracenic adjective Alt. of Saracenical
saraswati noun The sakti or wife of Brahma; the Hindoo goddess of learning, music, and poetry.
sarcastic adjective Alt. of Sarcastical
sarcocarp noun The fleshy part of a stone fruit, situated between the skin, or epicarp, and the stone, or endocarp, as in a peach. See Illust. of Endocarp.
sarcocele noun Any solid tumor of the testicle.
sarcoderm noun Alt. of sarcoderma
sarcoline adjective Flesh-colored.
sarcology noun That part of anatomy which treats of the soft parts. It includes myology, angiology, neurology, and splanchnology.
sarcomata plural of Sarcoma
sarcoptes noun A genus of parasitic mites including the itch mites.
sarcoptid noun Any species of the genus Sarcoptes and related genera of mites, comprising the itch mites and mange mites., Of or pertaining to the itch mites.
sardinian adjective Of or pertaining to the island, kingdom, or people of Sardinia., A native or inhabitant of Sardinia.
sardonian adjective Sardonic.
sargassum noun A genus of algae including the gulf weed.
sarmatian adjective Alt. of Sarmatic
sarrasine noun A portcullis, or herse.
sartorial adjective Of or pertaining to a tailor or his work., Of or pertaining to the sartorius muscle.
sartorius noun A muscle of the thigh, called the tailor’s muscle, which arises from the hip bone and is inserted just below the knee. So named because its contraction was supposed to produce the position of the legs assumed by the tailor in sitting.
sarum use A liturgy, or use, put forth about 1087 by St. Osmund, bishop of Sarum, based on Anglo-Saxon and Norman customs.
sassafras noun An American tree of the Laurel family (Sassafras officinale); also, the bark of the roots, which has an aromatic smell and taste.
sassanage noun Stones left after sifting.
sassarara noun A word used to emphasize a statement.
sassenach noun A Saxon; an Englishman; a Lowlander.
sassoline noun Native boric acid, found in saline incrustations on the borders of hot springs near Sasso, in the territory of Florence.
satanical adjective Of or pertaining to Satan; having the qualities of Satan; resembling Satan; extremely malicious or wicked; devilish; infernal.
satellite noun An attendant attached to a prince or other powerful person; hence, an obsequious dependent., A secondary planet which revolves about another planet; as, the moon is a satellite of the earth. See Solar system, under Solar., Situated near; accompanying; as, the satellite veins, those which accompany the arteries.
satiating present participle & vb. noun of Satiate
satiation noun Satiety.
satinwood noun The hard, lemon-colored, fragrant wood of an East Indian tree (Chloroxylon Swietenia). It takes a lustrous finish, and is used in cabinetwork. The name is also given to the wood of a species of prickly ash (Xanthoxylum Caribaeum) growing in Florida and the West Indies.
satirical adjective Of or pertaining to satire; of the nature of satire; as, a satiric style., Censorious; severe in language; sarcastic; insulting.
satirized imp. & past participle of Satirize
satisfier noun One who satisfies.
satisfied imp. & past participle of Satisfy
satrapess noun A female satrap.
satrapies plural of Satrapy
saturable adjective Capable of being saturated; admitting of saturation.
saturated imp. & past participle of Saturate, Filled to repletion; holding by absorption, or in solution, all that is possible; as, saturated garments; a saturated solution of salt., Having its affinity satisfied; combined with all it can hold; — said of certain atoms, radicals, or compounds; thus, methane is a saturated compound. Contrasted with unsaturated.
saturator noun One who, or that which, saturates.
saturnian adjective Of or pertaining to Saturn, whose age or reign, from the mildness and wisdom of his government, is called the golden age., Hence: Resembling the golden age; distinguished for peacefulness, happiness, contentment., Of or pertaining to the planet Saturn; as, the Saturnian year., Any one of numerous species of large handsome moths belonging to Saturnia and allied genera. The luna moth, polyphemus, and promethea, are examples. They belong to the Silkworn family, and some are raised for their silk. See Polyphemus.
saturnine adjective Born under, or influenced by, the planet Saturn., Heavy; grave; gloomy; dull; — the opposite of mercurial; as, a saturnine person or temper., Of or pertaining to lead; characterized by, or resembling, lead, which was formerly called Saturn.
saturnism noun Plumbism.
saturnist noun A person of a dull, grave, gloomy temperament.
satyrical adjective Of or pertaining to satyrs; burlesque; as, satyric tragedy.
sauba ant A South American ant (Oecodoma cephalotes) remarkable for having two large kinds of workers besides the ordinary ones, and for the immense size of its formicaries. The sauba ant cuts off leaves of plants and carries them into its subterranean nests, and thus often does great damage by defoliating trees and cultivated plants.
sauciness noun The quality or state of being saucy; that which is saucy; impertinent boldness; contempt of superiors; impudence.
saucisson noun Alt. of Saucisse
sauntered imp. & past participle of Saunter
saunterer noun One who saunters.
sauropoda noun pl. An extinct order of herbivorous dinosaurs having the feet of a saurian type, instead of birdlike, as they are in many dinosaurs. It includes the largest known land animals, belonging to Brontosaurus, Camarasaurus, and allied genera. See Illustration in Appendix.
sauseflem adjective Having a red, pimpled face.
savacioun noun Salvation.
savanilla noun The tarpum.
savioress noun A female savior.
savorless adjective Having no savor; destitute of smell or of taste; insipid.
sawceflem adjective See Sauseflem.
saw-wrest noun See Saw-set.
saxicavas plural of Saxicava
saxicavae plural of Saxicava
saxicavid adjective Of or pertaining to the saxicavas., A saxicava.
saxifraga noun A genus of exogenous polypetalous plants, embracing about one hundred and eighty species. See Saxifrage.
saxifrage noun Any plant of the genus Saxifraga, mostly perennial herbs growing in crevices of rocks in mountainous regions.
saxophone noun A wind instrument of brass, containing a reed, and partaking of the qualities both of a brass instrument and of a clarinet.
saymaster noun A master of assay; one who tries or proves.
scagliola noun An imitation of any veined and ornamental stone, as marble, formed by a substratum of finely ground gypsum mixed with glue, the surface of which, while soft, is variegated with splinters of marble, spar, granite, etc., and subsequently colored and polished.
scaldfish noun A European flounder (Arnoglossus laterna, or Psetta arnoglossa); — called also megrim, and smooth sole.
scaleback noun Any one of numerous species of marine annelids of the family Polynoidae, and allies, which have two rows of scales, or elytra, along the back. See Illust. under Chaetopoda.
scalebeam noun The lever or beam of a balance; the lever of a platform scale, to which the poise for weighing is applied., A weighing apparatus with a sliding weight, resembling a steelyard.
scaleless adjective Destitute of scales.
scaliness noun The state of being scaly; roughness.
scalloped imp. & past participle of Scallop, Furnished with a scallop; made or done with or in a scallop., Having the edge or border cut or marked with segments of circles. See Scallop, n., 2., Baked in a scallop; cooked with crumbs.
scalloper noun One who fishes for scallops.
scambling present participle & vb. noun of Scamble
scamillus noun A sort of second plinth or block, below the bases of Ionic and Corinthian columns, generally without moldings, and of smaller size horizontally than the pedestal.
scampavia noun A long, low war galley used by the Neapolitans and Sicilians in the early part of the nineteenth century.
scampered imp. & past participle of Scamper
scamperer noun One who scampers.
scansores noun pl. An artifical group of birds formerly regarded as an order. They are distributed among several orders by modern ornithologists.
scantling adjective Not plentiful; small; scanty., A fragment; a bit; a little piece., A piece or quantity cut for a special purpose; a sample., A small quantity; a little bit; not much., A piece of timber sawed or cut of a small size, as for studs, rails, etc., The dimensions of a piece of timber with regard to its breadth and thickness; hence, the measure or dimensions of anything., A rough draught; a rude sketch or outline., A frame for casks to lie upon; a trestle.
scantness noun The quality or condition of being scant; narrowness; smallness; insufficiency; scantiness.
scapegoat noun A goat upon whose head were symbolically placed the sins of the people, after which he was suffered to escape into the wilderness., Hence, a person or thing that is made to bear blame for others.
scapeless adjective Destitute of a scape.
scapement verb Same as Escapement, 3.
scaphopda noun pl. A class of marine cephalate Mollusca having a tubular shell open at both ends, a pointed or spadelike foot for burrowing, and many long, slender, prehensile oral tentacles. It includes Dentalium, or the tooth shells, and other similar shells. Called also Prosopocephala, and Solenoconcha.
scapiform adjective Resembling a scape, or flower stem.
scapolite noun A grayish white mineral occuring in tetragonal crystals and in cleavable masses. It is essentially a silicate of alumina and soda.
scapulary noun A loose sleeveless vestment falling in front and behind, worn by certain religious orders and devout persons., The name given to two pieces of cloth worn under the ordinary garb and over the shoulders as an act of devotion., A bandage passing over the shoulder to support it, or to retain another bandage in place., Same as Scapular, a., Same as 2d and 3d Scapular.
scaraboid adjective Of or pertaining to the family Scarabaeidae, an extensive group which includes the Egyptian scarab, the tumbledung, and many similar lamellicorn beetles., A scaraboid beetle.
scarecrow noun Anything set up to frighten crows or other birds from cornfields; hence, anything terifying without danger., A person clad in rags and tatters., The black tern.
scarefire noun An alarm of fire., A fire causing alarm.
scarfskin noun See Epidermis.
scarifier noun One who scarifies., The instrument used for scarifying., An implement for stripping and loosening the soil, without bringing up a fresh surface.
scarified imp. & past participle of Scarify
scathless adjective Unharmed.
scattered imp. & past participle of Scatter, Dispersed; dissipated; sprinkled, or loosely spread., Irregular in position; having no regular order; as, scattered leaves.
scavenger verb A person whose employment is to clean the streets of a city, by scraping or sweeping, and carrying off the filth. The name is also applied to any animal which devours refuse, carrion, or anything injurious to health.
scelestic adjective Evil; wicked; atrocious.
scentless adjective Having no scent.
sceptered imp. & past participle of Sceptre
sceptring of Sceptre
sceptical Alt. of Scepticism
schediasm noun Cursory writing on a loose sheet.
scheelite noun Calcium tungstate, a mineral of a white or pale yellowish color and of the tetragonal system of crystallization.
scheelium noun The metal tungsten.
schematic adjective Of or pertaining to a scheme or a schema.
schemeful adjective Full of schemes or plans.
schetical adjective Of or pertaining to the habit of the body; constitutional.
schilling noun Any one of several small German and Dutch coins, worth from about one and a half cents to about five cents.
schirrhus noun See Scirrhus.
schistose adjective Alt. of Schistous
schistous adjective Of or pertaining to schist; having the structure of a schist.
schizopod noun one of the Schizopoda. Also used adjectively., Alt. of Schizopodous
scholarly adjective Like a scholar, or learned person; showing the qualities of a scholar; as, a scholarly essay or critique., In a scholarly manner.
scholiast noun A maker of scholia; a commentator or annotator.
scholiaze verb i. To write scholia.
scholical adjective Scholastic.
scholiums plural of Scholium
schooling present participle & vb. noun of School, Instruction in school; tuition; education in an institution of learning; act of teaching., Discipline; reproof; reprimand; as, he gave his son a good schooling., Compensation for instruction; price or reward paid to an instructor for teaching pupils., Collecting or running in schools or shoals.
schoolboy noun A boy belonging to, or attending, a school.
schoolery noun Something taught; precepts; schooling.
schoolmen plural of Schoolman
schoolman noun One versed in the niceties of academical disputation or of school divinity.
schorlous adjective Schorlaceous.
schottish noun Alt. of Schottische
schwanpan noun Chinese abacus.
sciaenoid adjective Of or pertaining to the Sciaenidae, a family of marine fishes which includes the meagre, the squeteague, and the kingfish.
sciagraph noun An old term for a vertical section of a building; — called also sciagraphy. See Vertical section, under Section., A radiograph.
sciamachy noun See Sciomachy.
sciatical adjective Sciatic.
sciential adjective Pertaining to, or producing, science.
scientist noun One learned in science; a scientific investigator; one devoted to scientific study; a savant.
scillitin noun A bitter principle extracted from the bulbs of the squill (Scilla), and probably consisting of a complex mixture of several substances.
scintilla noun A spark; the least particle; an iota; a tittle.
sciomachy noun A fighting with a shadow; a mock contest; an imaginary or futile combat.
sciomancy noun Divination by means of shadows.
scioptics noun The art or process of exhibiting luminous images, especially those of external objects, in a darkened room, by arrangements of lenses or mirrors.
scioptric adjective Scioptic.
scirrhoid adjective Resembling scirrhus.
scirrhous adjective Proceeding from scirrhus; of the nature of scirrhus; indurated; knotty; as, scirrhous affections; scirrhous disease.
scissible adjective Capable of being cut or divided by a sharp instrument.
sclaundre noun Slander.
sclavonic adjective Same as Slavonic.
scleritis noun See Sclerotitis.
sclerogen noun The thickening matter of woody cells; lignin.
sclerosed adjective Affected with sclerosis.
sclerosis noun Induration; hardening; especially, that form of induration produced in an organ by increase of its interstitial connective tissue., Hardening of the cell wall by lignification.
sclerotal adjective Sclerotic., The optic capsule; the sclerotic coat of the eye.
sclerotic adjective Hard; firm; indurated; — applied especially in anatomy to the firm outer coat of the eyeball, which is often cartilaginous and sometimes bony., Of or pertaining to the sclerotic coat of the eye; sclerotical., Affected with sclerosis; sclerosed., The sclerotic coat of the eye. See Illust. of Eye (d)., Pertaining to, or designating, an acid obtained from ergot or the sclerotium of a fungus growing on rye.
sclerotia plural of Sclerotium
scobiform adjective Having the form of, or resembling, sawdust or raspings.
scolecida noun pl. Same as Helminthes.
scolecite noun A zeolitic mineral occuring in delicate radiating groups of white crystals. It is a hydrous silicate of alumina and lime. Called also lime mesotype.
scoliosis noun A lateral curvature of the spine.
scolithus noun A tubular structure found in Potsdam sandstone, and believed to be the fossil burrow of a marine worm.
scombroid adjective Like or pertaining to the Mackerel family., Any fish of the family Scombridae, of which the mackerel (Scomber) is the type.
sconcheon noun A squinch.
scopeline adjective Scopeloid.
scopeloid adjective Like or pertaining to fishes of the genus Scopelus, or family Scopelodae, which includes many small oceanic fishes, most of which are phosphorescent., Any fish of the family Scopelidae.
scopiform adjective Having the form of a broom or besom.
scops owl Any one of numerous species of small owls of the genus Scops having ear tufts like those of the horned owls, especially the European scops owl (Scops giu), and the American screech owl (S. asio).
scoptical adjective Jesting; jeering; scoffing.
scopulous adjective Full of rocks; rocky.
scorbutic adjective Alt. of Scorbutical
scorbutus noun Scurvy.
scorching present participle & vb. noun of Scorch, Burning; parching or shriveling with heat.
scorifier noun One who, or that which, scorifies; specifically, a small flat bowl-shaped cup used in the first heating in assaying, to remove the earth and gangue, and to concentrate the gold and silver in a lead button.
scoriform adjective In the form of scoria.
scorified imp. & past participle of Scorify
scorodite noun A leek-green or brownish mineral occurring in orthorhombic crystals. It is a hydrous arseniate of iron.
scorpioid adjective Alt. of Scorpioidal
scotching present participle & vb. noun of Scotch, Dressing stone with a pick or pointed instrument.
scotchmen plural of Scotchman
scotchman noun A native or inhabitant of Scotland; a Scot; a Scotsman., A piece of wood or stiff hide placed over shrouds and other rigging to prevent chafe by the running gear.
scot-free adjective Free from payment of scot; untaxed; hence, unhurt; clear; safe.
scoundrel noun A mean, worthless fellow; a rascal; a villain; a man without honor or virtue., Low; base; mean; unprincipled.
scourging present participle & vb. noun of Scourge
scrabbled imp. & past participle of Scrabble
scraggily adverb In a scraggy manner.
scrambled imp. & past participle of Scramble
scrambler noun One who scrambles; one who climbs on all fours., A greedy and unceremonious contestant.
scranched imp. & past participle of Scranch
scrapbook noun A blank book in which extracts cut from books and papers may be pasted and kept.
scrappily adverb In a scrappy manner; in scraps.
scratched imp. & past participle of Scratch
scratcher noun One who, or that which, scratches; specifically (Zool.), any rasorial bird.
scrawling present participle & vb. noun of Scrawl
screaking present participle & vb. noun of Screak
screaming present participle & vb. noun of Scream, Uttering screams; shrieking., Having the nature of a scream; like a scream; shrill; sharp.
screeched imp. & past participle of Screech
screening present participle & vb. noun of Screen
scribable adjective Capable of being written, or of being written upon.
scribbled imp. & past participle of Scribble
scribbler noun One who scribbles; a petty author; a writer of no reputation; a literary hack., A scribbling machine.
scrimmage noun Formerly, a skirmish; now, a general row or confused fight or struggle., The struggle in the rush lines after the ball is put in play.
scrimping present participle & vb. noun of Scrimp, a. & n. from Scrimp, v. t.
scrimshaw verb t. To ornament, as shells, ivory, etc., by engraving, and (usually) rubbing pigments into the incised lines., A shell, a whale’s tooth, or the like, that is scrimshawed.
scringing present participle & vb. noun of Scrine
scrippage noun The contents of a scrip, or wallet.
scriptory adjective Of or pertaining to writing; expressed in writing; used in writing; as, scriptory wills; a scriptory reed.
scripture noun Anything written; a writing; a document; an inscription., The books of the Old and the new Testament, or of either of them; the Bible; — used by way of eminence or distinction, and chiefly in the plural., A passage from the Bible;; a text.
scrivener noun A professional writer; one whose occupation is to draw contracts or prepare writings., One whose business is to place money at interest; a broker., A writing master.
scrubbing present participle & vb. noun of Scrub
scrummage noun See Scrimmage.
skrupling present participle & vb. noun of Scruple
scrutable adjective Discoverable by scrutiny, inquiry, or critical examination.
scrutator noun One who scrutinizes; a close examiner or inquirer.
scrutoire noun A escritoire; a writing desk.
scuffling present participle & vb. noun of Scuffle
sculptile adjective Formed by carving; graven; as, sculptile images.
sculpture noun The art of carving, cutting, or hewing wood, stone, metal, etc., into statues, ornaments, etc., or into figures, as of men, or other things; hence, the art of producing figures and groups, whether in plastic or hard materials., Carved work modeled of, or cut upon, wood, stone, metal, etc., To form with the chisel on, in, or from, wood, stone, or metal; to carve; to engrave.
scumbling present participle & vb. noun of Scumble, A mode of obtaining a softened effect, in painting and drawing, by the application of a thin layer of opaque color to the surface of a painting, or part of the surface, which is too bright in color, or which requires harmonizing., In crayon drawing, the use of the stump., The color so laid on. Also used figuratively.
scutching present participle & vb. noun of Scutch
scutcheon noun An escutcheon; an emblazoned shield., A small plate of metal, as the shield around a keyhole. See Escutcheon, 4.
scutellum noun A rounded apothecium having an elevated rim formed of the proper thallus, the fructification of certain lichens., The third of the four pieces forming the upper part of a thoracic segment of an insect. It follows the scutum, and is followed by the small postscutellum; a scutella. See Thorax., One of the transverse scales on the tarsi and toes of birds; a scutella.
scutiform adjective Shield-shaped; scutate.
scuttling present participle & vb. noun of Scuttle
scythemen plural of Scytheman
scytheman noun One who uses a scythe; a mower.
sea acorn An acorn barnacle (Balanus).
sea adder The European fifteen-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus spinachia); — called also bismore., The European tanglefish, or pipefish (Syngnathus acus).
sea apple The fruit of a West Indian palm (Manicaria Plukenetii), often found floating in the sea.
sea arrow A squid of the genus Ommastrephes. See Squid.
sea beast Any large marine mammal, as a seal, walrus, or cetacean.
sea blite A plant (Suaeda maritima) of the Goosefoot family, growing in salt marches.
sea bream Any one of several species of sparoid fishes, especially the common European species (Pagellus centrodontus), the Spanish (P. Oweni), and the black sea bream (Cantharus lineatus); — called also old wife.
sea brief Same as Sea letter.
sea-built adjective Built at, in, or by the sea.
sea chart A chart or map on which the lines of the shore, islands, shoals, harbors, etc., are delineated.
sea cocoa A magnificent palm (Lodoicea Sechellarum) found only in the Seychelles Islands. The fruit is an immense two-lobed nut. It was found floating in the Indian Ocean before the tree was known, and called sea cocoanut, and double cocoanut.
sea devil Any very large ray, especially any species of the genus Manta or Cepholoptera, some of which become more than twenty feet across and weigh several tons. See also Ox ray, under Ox., Any large cephalopod, as a large Octopus, or a giant squid (Architeuthis). See Devilfish., The angler.
sea drake The pewit gull.
sea eagle Any one of several species of fish-eating eagles of the genus Haliaeetus and allied genera, as the North Pacific sea eagle. (H. pelagicus), which has white shoulders, head, rump, and tail; the European white-tailed eagle (H. albicilla); and the Indian white-tailed sea eagle, or fishing eagle (Polioaetus ichthyaetus). The bald eagle and the osprey are also sometimes classed as sea eagles., The eagle ray. See under Ray.
seafaring adjective Following the business of a mariner; as, a seafaring man.
sea fight An engagement between ships at sea; a naval battle.
sea froth See Sea foam, 2.
sea gauge See under Gauge, n.
sea goose A phalarope.
sea grape The gulf weed. See under Gulf., A shrubby plant (Coccoloba uvifera) growing on the sandy shores of tropical America, somewhat resembling the grapevine., The clusters of gelatinous egg capsules of a squid (Loligo).
sea grass Eelgrass.
sea green The green color of sea water.
sea-green adjective Of a beautiful bluish green color, like sea water on soundings.
sea heath A low perennial plant (Frankenia laevis) resembling heath, growing along the seashore in Europe.
sea holly An evergeen seashore plant (Eryngium maritimum). See Eryngium.
sea horse A fabulous creature, half horse and half fish, represented in classic mythology as driven by sea dogs or ridden by the Nereids. It is also depicted in heraldry. See Hippocampus., The walrus., Any fish of the genus Hippocampus.
sea jelly A medusa, or jellyfish.
sea laces A kind of seaweed (Chorda Filum) having blackish cordlike fronds, often many feet long.
sea lemon Any one of several species of nudibranchiate mollusks of the genus Doris and allied genera, having a smooth, thick, convex yellow body.
sea level The level of the surface of the sea; any surface on the same level with the sea.
sea loach The three-bearded rockling. See Rockling.
sea louse Any one of numerous species of isopod crustaceans of Cymothoa, Livoneca, and allied genera, mostly parasites on fishes.
sea marge Land which borders on the sea; the seashore.
sea mouse A dorsibranchiate annelid, belonging to Aphrodite and allied genera, having long, slender, hairlike setae on the sides., The dunlin.
sea onion The officinal squill. See Squill.
sea otter An aquatic carnivore (Enhydris lutris, / marina) found in the North Pacific Ocean. Its fur is highly valued, especially by the Chinese. It is allied to the common otter, but is larger, with feet more decidedly webbed.
sea peach A beautiful American ascidian (Cynthia, / Halocynthia, pyriformis) having the size, form, velvety surface, and color of a ripe peach.
sea perch The European bass (Roccus, / Labrax, lupus); — called also sea dace., The cunner., The sea bass., The name is applied also to other species of fishes.
sea poker The lyrie.
sea poppy The horn poppy. See under Horn.
sea purse The horny egg case of a skate, and of certain sharks.
sea quail The turnstone.
sea raven An American cottoid fish (Hemitripterus Americanus) allied to the sculpins, found on the northeren Atlantic coasts., The cormorant.
searching present participle & vb. noun of Search, Exploring thoroughly; scrutinizing; penetrating; trying; as, a searching discourse; a searching eye.
searcloth noun Cerecloth., To cover, as a sore, with cerecloth.
sea robin See under Robin, and Illustration in Appendix.
sea rover One that cruises or roves the sea for plunder; a sea robber; a pirate; also, a piratical vessel.
sea scurf Any bryozoan which forms rounded or irregular patches of coral on stones, seaweeds, etc.
sea snail A small fish of the genus Liparis, having a ventral sucker. It lives among stones and seaweeds., Any small creeping marine gastropod, as the species of Littorina, Natica, etc.
sea snake Any one of many species of venomous aquatic snakes of the family Hydrophidae, having a flattened tail and living entirely in the sea, especially in the warmer parts of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. They feed upon fishes, and are mostly of moderate size, but some species become eight or ten feet long and four inches broad.
sea snipe A sandpiper, as the knot and dunlin., The bellows fish.
seasoning present participle & vb. noun of Season, The act or process by which anything is seasoned., That which is added to any species of food, to give it a higher relish, as salt, spices, etc.; a condiment., Hence, something added to enhance enjoyment or relieve dullness; as, wit is the seasoning of conversation.
seasonage noun A seasoning.
sea thief A pirate.
sea trout Any one of several species of true trouts which descend rivers and enter the sea after spawning, as the European bull trout and salmon trout, and the eastern American spotted trout., The common squeteague, and the spotted squeteague., A California fish of the family Chiridae, especially Hexagrammus decagrammus; — called also spotted rock trout. See Rock trout, under Rock., A California sciaenoid fish (Cynoscion nobilis); — called also white sea bass.
seaworthy adjective Fit for a voyage; worthy of being trusted to transport a cargo with safety; as, a seaworthy ship.
sea wrack See Wrack.
sebaceous adjective Pertaining to, or secreting, fat; composed of fat; having the appearance of fat; as, the sebaceous secretions of some plants, or the sebaceous humor of animals.
seborrhea noun A morbidly increased discharge of sebaceous matter upon the skin; stearrhea.
secerning present participle & vb. noun of Secern
secernent adjective Secreting; secretory., That which promotes secretion., A vessel in, or by means of, which the process of secretion takes place; a secreting vessel.
secession noun The act of seceding; separation from fellowship or association with others, as in a religious or political organization; withdrawal., The withdrawal of a State from the national Union.
secluding present participle & vb. noun of Seclude
seclusion noun The act of secluding, or the state of being secluded; separation from society or connection; a withdrawing; privacy; as, to live in seclusion.
seclusive adjective Tending to seclude; keeping in seclusion; secluding; sequestering.
seconding present participle & vb. noun of Second
secondary adjective Suceeding next in order to the first; of second place, origin, rank, rank, etc.; not primary; subordinate; not of the first order or rate., Acting by deputation or delegated authority; as, the work of secondary hands., Possessing some quality, or having been subject to some operation (as substitution), in the second degree; as, a secondary salt, a secondary amine, etc. Cf. primary., Subsequent in origin; — said of minerals produced by alteertion or deposition subsequent to the formation of the original rocks mass; also of characters of minerals (as secondary cleavage, etc.) developed by pressure or other causes., Pertaining to the second joint of the wing of a bird., Dependent or consequent upon another disease; as, Bright’s disease is often secondary to scarlet fever. (b) Occuring in the second stage of a disease; as, the secondary symptoms of syphilis., One who occupies a subordinate, inferior, or auxiliary place; a delegate deputy; one who is second or next to the chief officer; as, the secondary, or undersheriff of the city of London., A secondary circle., A satellite., A secondary quill.
secrecies plural of Secrecy
secreness noun Secrecy; privacy.
secretage noun A process in which mercury, or some of its salts, is employed to impart the property of felting to certain kinds of furs.
secretary noun One who keeps, or is intrusted with, secrets., A person employed to write orders, letters, dispatches, public or private papers, records, and the like; an official scribe, amanuensis, or writer; one who attends to correspondence, and transacts other business, for an association, a public body, or an individual., An officer of state whose business is to superintend and manage the affairs of a particular department of government, and who is usually a member of the cabinet or advisory council of the chief executive; as, the secretary of state, who conducts the correspondence and attends to the relations of a government with foreign courts; the secretary of the treasury, who manages the department of finance; the secretary of war, etc., A piece of furniture, with conveniences for writing and for the arrangement of papers; an escritoire., The secretary bird.
secreting present participle & vb. noun of Secrete
secretion noun The act of secreting or concealing; as, the secretion of dutiable goods., The act of secreting; the process by which material is separated from the blood through the agency of the cells of the various glands and elaborated by the cells into new substances so as to form the various secretions, as the saliva, bile, and other digestive fluids. The process varies in the different glands, and hence are formed the various secretions., Any substance or fluid secreted, or elaborated and emitted, as the gastric juice.
secretist noun A dealer in secrets.
secretive adjective Tending to secrete, or to keep secret or private; as, a secretive disposition.
secretory adjective Secreting; performing, or connected with, the office secretion; secernent; as, secretory vessels, nerves., A secretory vessel; a secernent.
sectarian noun Pertaining to a sect, or to sects; peculiar to a sect; bigotedly attached to the tenets and interests of a denomination; as, sectarian principles or prejudices., One of a sect; a member or adherent of a special school, denomination, or religious or philosophical party; one of a party in religion which has separated itself from established church, or which holds tenets different from those of the prevailing denomination in a state.
sectarism noun Sectarianism.
sectarist noun A sectary.
sectaries plural of Sectary
sectility noun The state or quality of being sectile.
sectional adjective Of or pertaining to a sections or distinct part of larger body or territory; local., Consisting of sections, or capable of being divided into sections; as, a sectional steam boiler.
sectorial adjective Adapted for cutting., A sectorial, or carnassial, tooth.
secularly adverb In a secular or worldly manner.
secundate verb t. To make prosperous.
secundine noun The second coat, or integument, of an ovule, lying within the primine., The afterbirth, or placenta and membranes; — generally used in the plural.
securable adjective That may be secured.
sedentary adjective Accustomed to sit much or long; as, a sedentary man., Characterized by, or requiring, much sitting; as, a sedentary employment; a sedentary life., Inactive; motionless; sluggish; hence, calm; tranquil., Caused by long sitting., Remaining in one place, especially when firmly attached to some object; as, the oyster is a sedentary mollusk; the barnacles are sedentary crustaceans.
seditious adjective Of or pertaining to sedition; partaking of the nature of, or tending to excite, sedition; as, seditious behavior; seditious strife; seditious words., Disposed to arouse, or take part in, violent opposition to lawful authority; turbulent; factious; guilty of sedition; as, seditious citizens.
seducible adjective Capable of being seduced; corruptible.
seduction noun The act of seducing; enticement to wrong doing; specifically, the offense of inducing a woman to consent to unlawful sexual intercourse, by enticements which overcome her scruples; the wrong or crime of persuading a woman to surrender her chastity., That which seduces, or is adapted to seduce; means of leading astray; as, the seductions of wealth.
seductive adjective Tending to lead astray; apt to mislead by flattering appearances; tempting; alluring; as, a seductive offer.
seediness noun The quality or state of being seedy, shabby, or worn out; a state of wretchedness or exhaustion.
seemingly adverb In appearance; in show; in semblance; apparently; ostensibly.
seemlyhed noun Comely or decent appearance.
seesawing present participle & vb. noun of Seesaw
segmental adjective Relating to, or being, a segment., Of or pertaining to the segments of animals; as, a segmental duct; segmental papillae., Of or pertaining to the segmental organs.
segmented adjective Divided into segments or joints; articulated.
segnitude noun Alt. of Segnity
segregate adjective Separate; select., Separated from others of the same kind., To separate from others; to set apart., To separate from a mass, and collect together about centers or along lines of fracture, as in the process of crystallization or solidification.
seigniory noun The power or authority of a lord; dominion., The territory over which a lord holds jurisdiction; a manor.
seintuary noun Sanctuary.
selachian noun One of the Selachii. See Illustration in Appendix.
seldshewn adjective Rarely shown or exhibited.
selecting present participle & vb. noun of Select
selection noun The act of selecting, or the state of being selected; choice, by preference., That which is selected; a collection of things chosen; as, a choice selection of books.
selective adjective Selecting; tending to select.
selectmen plural of Selectman
selectman noun One of a board of town officers chosen annually in the New England States to transact the general public business of the town, and have a kind of executive authority. The number is usually from three to seven in each town.
selenious adjective Of, pertaining to, or containing, selenium; specifically, designating those compounds in which the element has a lower valence as contrasted with selenic compounds.
selenitic adjective Alt. of Selenitical
self-bern adjective Born or produced by one’s self.
self-heal noun A blue-flowered labiate plant (Brunella vulgaris); the healall.
self-help noun The act of aiding one’s self, without depending on the aid of others.
selfishly adverb In a selfish manner; with regard to private interest only or chiefly.
self-life noun Life for one’s self; living solely or chiefly for one’s own pleasure or good.
self-love noun The love of one’s self; desire of personal happiness; tendency to seek one’s own benefit or advantage.
self-made adjective Made by one’s self.
self-uned adjective One with itself; separate from others.
self-view noun A view if one’s self; specifically, carefulness or regard for one’s own interests
self-will noun One’s own will, esp. when opposed to that of others; obstinacy.
seljukian adjective Of or pertaining to Seljuk, a Tartar chief who embraced Mohammedanism, and began the subjection of Western Asia to that faith and rule; of or pertaining to the dynasty founded by him, or the empire maintained by his descendants from the 10th to the 13th century.
selvedged adjective Having a selvage.
semaphore noun A signal telegraph; an apparatus for giving signals by the disposition of lanterns, flags, oscillating arms, etc.
sematrope noun An instrument for signaling by reflecting the rays of the sun in different directions.
semblable adjective Like; similar; resembling., Likeness; representation.
semblably adverb In like manner.
semblance adjective Seeming; appearance; show; figure; form., Likeness; resemblance, actual or apparent; similitude; as, the semblance of worth; semblance of virtue.
semiology noun The science or art of signs., The science of the signs or symptoms of disease; symptomatology., The art of using signs in signaling., Alt. of Semiological
semeiotic adjective Alt. of Semiotic
semiotics noun Semeiology., Same as Semeiotics.
semiangle noun The half of a given, or measuring, angle.
semibreve noun A note of half the time or duration of the breve; — now usually called a whole note. It is the longest note in general use.
semibrief noun A semibreve.
semicolon noun The punctuation mark [;] indicating a separation between parts or members of a sentence more distinct than that marked by a comma.
semifable noun That which is part fable and part truth; a mixture of truth and fable.
semifluid adjective Imperfectly fluid., A semifluid substance.
semihoral adjective Half-hourly.
semilunar adjective Shaped like a half moon., The semilunar bone.
semimetal noun An element possessing metallic properties in an inferior degree and not malleable, as arsenic, antimony, bismuth, molybdenum, uranium, etc.
semiimute adjective Having the faculty of speech but imperfectly developed or partially lost.
seminated imp. & past participle of Seminate
seminific adjective Alt. of Semnifical
seminoles noun pl. A tribe of Indians who formerly occupied Florida, where some of them still remain. They belonged to the Creek Confideration.
seminymph noun The pupa of insects which undergo only a slight change in passing to the imago state.
semiovate adjective Half ovate.
semipagan adjective Half pagan.
semipedal adjective Containing a half foot.
semiplume noun A feather which has a plumelike web, with the shaft of an ordinary feather.
semiproof noun Half proof; evidence from the testimony of a single witness.
semi pupa noun The young of an insect in a stage between the larva and pupa.
semisolid adjective Partially solid.
semisteel noun Puddled steel.
semitonic adjective Of or pertaining to a semitone; consisting of a semitone, or of semitones.
semivocal adjective Of or pertaining to a semivowel; half cocal; imperfectly sounding.
semivowel noun A sound intermediate between a vowel and a consonant, or partaking of the nature of both, as in the English w and y., The sign or letter representing such a sound.
semolella noun See Semolina.
senescent adjective Growing old; decaying with the lapse of time.
seneschal noun An officer in the houses of princes and dignitaries, in the Middle Ages, who had the superintendence of feasts and domestic ceremonies; a steward. Sometimes the seneschal had the dispensing of justice, and was given high military commands.
seniority noun The quality or state of being senior.
seniorize verb i. To exercise authority; to rule; to lord it.
senocular adjective Having six eyes.
sensating present participle & vb. noun of Sensate
sensation noun An impression, or the consciousness of an impression, made upon the central nervous organ, through the medium of a sensory or afferent nerve or one of the organs of sense; a feeling, or state of consciousness, whether agreeable or disagreeable, produced either by an external object (stimulus), or by some change in the internal state of the body., A purely spiritual or psychical affection; agreeable or disagreeable feelings occasioned by objects that are not corporeal or material., A state of excited interest or feeling, or that which causes it.
senseless adjective Destitute of, deficient in, or contrary to, sense; without sensibility or feeling; unconscious; stupid; foolish; unwise; unreasonable.
sensitive adjective Having sense of feeling; possessing or exhibiting the capacity of receiving impressions from external objects; as, a sensitive soul., Having quick and acute sensibility, either to the action of external objects, or to impressions upon the mind and feelings; highly susceptible; easily and acutely affected., Having a capacity of being easily affected or moved; as, a sensitive thermometer; sensitive scales., Readily affected or changed by certain appropriate agents; as, silver chloride or bromide, when in contact with certain organic substances, is extremely sensitive to actinic rays., Serving to affect the sense; sensible., Of or pertaining to sensation; depending on sensation; as, sensitive motions; sensitive muscular motions excited by irritation.
sensitize verb t. To render sensitive, or susceptible of being easily acted on by the actinic rays of the sun; as, sensitized paper or plate.
sensitory noun See Sensory.
sensorial adjective Of or pertaining to the sensorium; as, sensorial faculties, motions, powers.
sensorium noun The seat of sensation; the nervous center or centers to which impressions from the external world must be conveyed before they can be perceived; the place where external impressions are localized, and transformed into sensations, prior to being reflected to other parts of the organism; hence, the whole nervous system, when animated, so far as it is susceptible of common or special sensations.
sensories plural of Sensery
sensually adverb In a sensual manner.
sentenced imp. & past participle of Sentence
sentencer noun One who pronounced a sentence or condemnation.
sentience noun Alt. of Sentiency
sentiency noun The quality or state of being sentient; esp., the quality or state of having sensation.
sentiment adjective A thought prompted by passion or feeling; a state of mind in view of some subject; feeling toward or respecting some person or thing; disposition prompting to action or expression., Hence, generally, a decision of the mind formed by deliberation or reasoning; thought; opinion; notion; judgment; as, to express one’s sentiments on a subject., A sentence, or passage, considered as the expression of a thought; a maxim; a saying; a toast., Sensibility; feeling; tender susceptibility.
separable adjective Capable of being separated, disjoined, disunited, or divided; as, the separable parts of plants; qualities not separable from the substance in which they exist.
separated imp. & past participle of Separate
separator noun One who, or that which, separates., A device for depriving steam of particles of water mixed with it., An apparatus for sorting pulverized ores into grades, or separating them from gangue., An instrument used for spreading apart the threads of the warp in the loom, etc.
sepelible adjective Admitting of burial.
sepiolite noun Meerschaum. See Meerschaum.
septaemia noun Septicaemia.
septangle noun A figure which has seven angles; a heptagon.
septarium noun A flattened concretionary nodule, usually of limestone, intersected within by cracks which are often filled with calcite, barite, or other minerals.
september noun The ninth month of the year, containing thurty days.
septemvir noun One of a board of seven men associated in some office.
septenary adjective Consisting of, or relating to, seven; as, a septenary number., Lasting seven years; continuing seven years., The number seven.
septenate adjective Having parts in sevens; heptamerous.
septicity noun Tendency to putrefaction; septic quality.
septiform adjective Having the form of a septum.
septimole noun A group of seven notes to be played in the time of four or six.
septulate adjective Having imperfect or spurious septa.
septupled imp. & past participle of Septuple
sepulcher noun Alt. of Sepulchre, Alt. of Sepulchre
sepulchre noun The place in which the dead body of a human being is interred, or a place set apart for that purpose; a grave; a tomb., To bury; to inter; to entomb; as, obscurely sepulchered.
sepulture noun The act of depositing the dead body of a human being in the grave; burial; interment., A sepulcher; a grave; a place of burial.
sequacity noun Quality or state of being sequacious; sequaciousness.
sequester verb t. To separate from the owner for a time; to take from parties in controversy and put into the possession of an indifferent person; to seize or take possession of, as property belonging to another, and hold it till the profits have paid the demand for which it is taken, or till the owner has performed the decree of court, or clears himself of contempt; in international law, to confiscate., To cause (one) to submit to the process of sequestration; to deprive (one) of one’s estate, property, etc., To set apart; to put aside; to remove; to separate from other things., To cause to retire or withdraw into obscurity; to seclude; to withdraw; — often used reflexively., To withdraw; to retire., To renounce (as a widow may) any concern with the estate of her husband., Sequestration; separation., A person with whom two or more contending parties deposit the subject matter of the controversy; one who mediates between two parties; a mediator; an umpire or referee., Same as Sequestrum.
sequestra plural of Sequestrum
sequoiene noun A hydrocarbon (C13H10) obtained in white fluorescent crystals, in the distillation products of the needles of the California “big tree” (Sequoia gigantea).
seraphina noun A seraphine.
seraphine noun A wind instrument whose sounding parts are reeds, consisting of a thin tongue of brass playing freely through a slot in a plate. It has a case, like a piano, and is played by means of a similar keybord, the bellows being worked by the foot. The melodeon is a portable variety of this instrument.
seraskier noun A general or commander of land forces in the Turkish empire; especially, the commander-in-chief of minister of war.
serbonian adjective Relating to the lake of Serbonis in Egypt, which by reason of the sand blowing into it had a deceptive appearance of being solid land, but was a bog.
serenaded imp. & past participle of Serenade
serenader noun One who serenades.
sergeancy noun The office of a sergeant; sergeantship.
sergeanty noun Tenure of lands of the crown by an honorary kind of service not due to any lord, but to the king only.
seriality noun The quality or state of succession in a series; sequence.
seriation noun Arrangement or position in a series.
sericeous adjective Of or pertaining to silk; consisting of silk; silky., Covered with very soft hairs pressed close to the surface; as, a sericeous leaf., Having a silklike luster, usually due to fine, close hairs.
sermoneer noun A sermonizer.
sermoning noun The act of discoursing; discourse; instruction; preaching.
sermonish adjective Resembling a sermon.
sermonist noun See Sermonizer.
sermonize verb i. To compose or write a sermon or sermons; to preach., To inculcate rigid rules., To preach or discourse to; to affect or influence by means of a sermon or of sermons.
serpented imp. & past participle of Serpent
serpentry noun A winding like a serpent’s., A place inhabited or infested by serpents.
serpulian noun Alt. of Serpulidan
serpulite noun A fossil serpula shell.
serranoid noun Any fish of the family Serranidae, which includes the striped bass, the black sea bass, and many other food fishes., Of or pertaining to the Serranidae.
serration noun Condition of being serrate; formation in the shape of a saw., One of the teeth in a serrate or serrulate margin.
serrature noun A notching, like that between the teeth of a saw, in the edge of anything., One of the teeth in a serrated edge; a serration.
serricorn adjective Having serrated antenn/., Any one of a numerous tribe of beetles (Serricornia). The joints of the antennae are prominent, thus producing a serrate appearance. See Illust. under Antenna.
serrifera noun pl. A division of Hymenoptera comprising the sawflies.
serrulate adjective Alt. of Serrulated
servaline adjective Related to, or resembling, the serval.
servantry noun A body of servants; servants, collectively.
serviette noun A table napkin.
servilely adverb In a servile manner; slavishly.
servility noun The quality or state of being servile; servileness.
servitude noun The state of voluntary or compulsory subjection to a master; the condition of being bound to service; the condition of a slave; slavery; bondage; hence, a state of slavish dependence., Servants, collectively., A right whereby one thing is subject to another thing or person for use or convenience, contrary to the common right.
serviture noun Servants, collectively.
servitute noun Servitude.
sessional adjective Of or pertaining to a session or sessions.
setaceous adjective Set with, or consisting of, bristles; bristly; as, a stiff, setaceous tail., Bristelike in form or texture; as, a setaceous feather; a setaceous leaf.
sevenfold adjective Repeated seven times; having seven thicknesses; increased to seven times the size or amount., Seven times as much or as often.
seventeen adjective One more than sixteen; ten and seven added; as, seventeen years., The number greater by one than sixteen; the sum of ten and seven; seventeen units or objects., A symbol denoting seventeen units, as 17, or xvii.
seventhly adverb In the seventh place.
seventies plural of Seventy
severable adjective Capable of being severed.
severally adverb Separately; distinctly; apart from others; individually.
severalty noun A state of separation from the rest, or from all others; a holding by individual right.
severance noun The act of severing, or the state of being severed; partition; separation., The act of dividing; the singling or severing of two or more that join, or are joined, in one writ; the putting in several or separate pleas or answers by two or more disjointly; the destruction of the unity of interest in a joint estate.
sexangled adjective Alt. of Sexangular
sexennial adjective Lasting six years, or happening once in six years., A sexennial event.
sextaries plural of Sextary
sextoness noun A female sexton; a sexton’s wife.
sexualist noun One who classifies plants by the sexual method of Linnaeus.
sexuality noun The quality or state of being distinguished by sex.
sexualize verb t. To attribute sex to.
sforzando adjective Alt. of Sforzato
sgraffito adjective Scratched; — said of decorative painting of a certain style, in which a white overland surface is cut or scratched through, so as to form the design from a dark ground underneath.
shackling present participle & vb. noun of Shackle
shacklock noun A sort of shackle.
shadeless adjective Being without shade; not shaded.
shadiness noun Quality or state of being shady.
shadowing present participle & vb. noun of Shadow, Shade, or gradation of light and color; shading., A faint representation; an adumbration.
shadowish adjective Shadowy; vague.
shaftment noun A measure of about six inches.
shagebush noun A sackbut.
shakedown noun A temporary substitute for a bed, as one made on the floor or on chairs; — perhaps originally from the shaking down of straw for this purpose.
shakefork noun A fork for shaking hay; a pitchfork.
shakeress noun A female Shaker.
shakerism noun Doctrines of the Shakers.
shakiness noun Quality of being shaky.
shallowly adverb In a shallow manner.
shamanism noun The type of religion which once prevalied among all the Ural-Altaic peoples (Tungusic, Mongol, and Turkish), and which still survives in various parts of Northern Asia. The Shaman, or wizard priest, deals with good as well as with evil spirits, especially the good spirits of ancestors.
shamanist noun An adherent of Shamanism.
shambling present participle & vb. noun of Shamble, Characterized by an awkward, irregular pace; as, a shambling trot; shambling legs., An awkward, irregular gait.
shamefast adjective Modest; shamefaced.
shameless adjective Destitute of shame; wanting modesty; brazen-faced; insensible to disgrace., Indicating want of modesty, or sensibility to disgrace; indecent; as, a shameless picture or poem.
shamoying noun A process used in preparing certain kinds of leather, which consists in frizzing the skin, and working oil into it to supply the place of the astringent (tannin, alum, or the like) ordinarily used in tanning.
shampooed imp. & past participle of Shampoo
shampooer noun One who shampoos.
shankbeer noun See Schenkbeer.
shapeless adjective Destitute of shape or regular form; wanting symmetry of dimensions; misshapen; — opposed to shapely.
sharebeam noun The part of the plow to which the share is attached.
sharebone noun The public bone.
sharewort noun A composite plant (Aster Tripolium) growing along the seacoast of Europe.
sharp-cut adjective Cut sharply or definitely, or so as to make a clear, well-defined impression, as the lines of an engraved plate, and the like; clear-cut; hence, having great distinctness; well-defined; clear.
sharpling noun A stickleback.
sharpness noun The quality or condition of being sharp; keenness; acuteness.
sharp-set adjective Eager in appetite or desire of gratification; affected by keen hunger; ravenous; as, an eagle or a lion sharp-set.
sharptail noun The pintail duck., The pintail grouse, or prairie chicken.
shathmont noun A shaftment.
shattered imp. & past participle of Shatter
shaveling noun A man shaved; hence, a monk, or other religious; — used in contempt.
shearbill noun The black skimmer. See Skimmer.
shearling noun A sheep but once sheared.
sheartail noun The common tern., Any one of several species of humming birds of the genus Thaumastura having a long forked tail.
sheatfish noun A European siluroid fish (Silurus glanis) allied to the cat-fishes. It is the largest fresh-water fish of Europe, sometimes becoming six feet or more in length. See Siluroid.
sheathing present participle & adjective Inclosing with a sheath; as, the sheathing leaves of grasses; the sheathing stipules of many polygonaceous plants., That which sheathes., The casing or covering of a ship’s bottom and sides; the materials for such covering; as, copper sheathing., The first covering of boards on the outside wall of a frame house or on a timber roof; also, the material used for covering; ceiling boards in general.
shea tree An African sapotaceous tree (Bassia, / Butyrospermum, Parkii), from the seeds of which a substance resembling butter is obtained; the African butter tree.
shebander noun A harbor master, or ruler of a port, in the East Indies.
shechinah noun See Shekinah.
sheepback noun A rounded knoll of rock resembling the back of a sheep. — produced by glacial action. Called also roche moutonnee; — usually in the plural.
sheepbite verb i. To bite or nibble like a sheep; hence, to practice petty thefts.
sheepcote noun A small inclosure for sheep; a pen; a fold.
sheepfold noun A fold or pen for sheep; a place where sheep are collected or confined.
sheephook noun A hook fastened to pole, by which shepherds lay hold on the legs or necks of their sheep; a shepherd’s crook.
sheeprack noun The starling.
sheepskin noun The skin of a sheep; or, leather prepared from it., A diploma; — so called because usually written or printed on parchment prepared from the skin of the sheep.
sheetfuls plural of Sheetful
sheldafle noun Alt. of Sheldaple
sheldaple noun A chaffinch.
sheldfowl noun The common sheldrake.
sheldrake noun Any one of several species of large Old World ducks of the genus Tadorna and allied genera, especially the European and Asiatic species. (T. cornuta, / tadorna), which somewhat resembles a goose in form and habit, but breeds in burrows., Any one of the American mergansers.
shell-lac noun Alt. of Shellac
shellbark noun A species of hickory (Carya alba) whose outer bark is loose and peeling; a shagbark; also, its nut.
shellfish noun Any aquatic animal whose external covering consists of a shell, either testaceous, as in oysters, clams, and other mollusks, or crustaceous, as in lobsters and crabs.
shellwork noun Work composed of shells, or adorned with them.
sheltered imp. & past participle of Shelter
shemitish adjective Of or pertaining to Shem, the son of Noah, or his descendants. See Semitic.
shemitism noun See Semitism.
shendship noun Harm; ruin; also, reproach; disgrace.
sheriffry noun Alt. of Sheriffwick
shewbread See Showbread.
shielding present participle & vb. noun of Shield
shiftable adjective Admitting of being shifted.
shiftless adjective Destitute of expedients, or not using successful expedients; characterized by failure, especially by failure to provide for one’s own support, through negligence or incapacity; hence, lazy; improvident; thriftless; as, a shiftless fellow; shiftless management.
shillalah noun Alt. of Shillelah
shillelah noun An oaken sapling or cudgel; any cudgel; — so called from Shillelagh, a place in Ireland of that name famous for its oaks.
shimmered imp. & past participle of Shimmer
shingling present participle & vb. noun of Shingle, The act of covering with shingles; shingles, collectively; a covering made of shingles., The process of expelling scoriae and other impurities by hammering and squeezing, in the production of wrought iron.
shintiism noun One of the two great systems of religious belief in Japan. Its essence is ancestor worship, and sacrifice to dead heroes.
shintoist noun An adherent of Shintoism.
shipboard noun A ship’s side; hence, by extension, a ship; — found chiefly in adverbial phrases; as, on shipboard; a shipboard.
shipowner noun Owner of a ship or ships.
shipshape adjective Arranged in a manner befitting a ship; hence, trim; tidy; orderly., In a shipshape or seamanlike manner.
shipwreck noun The breaking in pieces, or shattering, of a ship or other vessel by being cast ashore or driven against rocks, shoals, etc., by the violence of the winds and waves., A ship wrecked or destroyed upon the water, or the parts of such a ship; wreckage., Fig.: Destruction; ruin; irretrievable loss., To destroy, as a ship at sea, by running ashore or on rocks or sandbanks, or by the force of wind and waves in a tempest., To cause to experience shipwreck, as sailors or passengers. Hence, to cause to suffer some disaster or loss; to destroy or ruin, as if by shipwreck; to wreck; as, to shipwreck a business.
shirtless adjective Not having or wearing a shirt.
shivering present participle & vb. noun of Shiver
shoddyism noun The quality or state of being shoddy.
shoeblack noun One who polishes shoes.
shoemaker noun One whose occupation it is to make shoes and boots., The threadfish., The runner, 12.
shogunate noun The office or dignity of a Shogun.
shopboard noun A bench or board on which work is performed; a workbench.
shopshift noun The trick of a shopkeeper; deception.
shopwomen plural of Shopwoman
shopwoman noun A woman employed in a shop.
shoreless adjective Having no shore or coast; of indefinite or unlimited extent; as, a shoreless ocean.
shoreling noun See Shorling.
shoreward adverb Toward the shore.
shortcake noun An unsweetened breakfast cake shortened with butter or lard, rolled thin, and baked.
shortener noun One who, or that which, shortens.
shorthand noun A compendious and rapid method or writing by substituting characters, abbreviations, or symbols, for letters, words, etc.; short writing; stenography. See Illust. under Phonography.
shorthead noun A sucking whale less than one year old; — so called by sailors.
shorthorn adjective One of a breed of large, heavy domestic cattle having short horns. The breed was developed in England.
shortness noun The quality or state of being short; want of reach or extension; brevity; deficiency; as, the shortness of a journey; the shortness of the days in winter; the shortness of an essay; the shortness of the memory; a shortness of provisions; shortness of breath.
shortstop noun The player stationed in the field bewtween the second and third bases.
shortwing noun Any one of several species of small wrenlike Asiatic birds having short wings and a short tail. They belong to Brachypterix, Callene, and allied genera.
shoshones noun pl. A linguistic family or stock of North American Indians, comprising many tribes, which extends from Montana and Idaho into Mexico. In a restricted sense the name is applied especially to the Snakes, the most northern of the tribes.
shot-clog noun A person tolerated only because he pays the shot, or reckoning, for the rest of the company, otherwise a mere clog on them.
shot-free adjective Not to be injured by shot; shot-proof., Free from charge or expense; hence, unpunished; scot-free.
shovelled of Shovel
shoveling present participle & vb. noun of Shovel
shovelard noun Shoveler.
shovelful noun As much as a shovel will hold; enough to fill a shovel.
showbread noun Bread of exhibition; loaves to set before God; — the term used in translating the various phrases used in the Hebrew and Greek to designate the loaves of bread which the priest of the week placed before the Lord on the golden table in the sanctuary. They were made of fine flour unleavened, and were changed every Sabbath. The loaves, twelve in number, represented the twelve tribes of Israel. They were to be eaten by the priests only, and in the Holy Place.
showering present participle & vb. noun of Shower
showerful adjective Full of showers.
showiness noun The quality or state of being showy; pompousness; great parade; ostentation.
shredding present participle & vb. noun of Shred, The act of cutting or tearing into shreds., That which is cut or torn off; a piece.
shredcook noun The fieldfare; — so called from its harsh cry before rain.
shredless adjective Having no shreds; without a shred.
shrieking present participle & vb. noun of Shriek
shrilling present participle & vb. noun of Shrill
shrinking present participle & vb. noun of Shrink, a. & n. from Shrink.
shrinkage noun The act of shrinking; a contraction into less bulk or measurement., The amount of such contraction; the bulk or dimension lost by shrinking, as of grain, castings, etc., Decrease in value; depreciation.
shrivalty noun Shrievalty.
shriveled imp. & past participle of Shrivel
shroffage noun The examination of coins, and the separation of the good from the debased.
shrouding present participle & vb. noun of Shroud, The shrouds. See Shroud, n., 7.
shrubbery noun A collection of shrubs., A place where shrubs are planted.
shrubless adjective having no shrubs.
shrugging present participle & vb. noun of Shrug
shuddered imp. & past participle of Shudder
shuffling present participle & vb. noun of Shuffle, Moving with a dragging, scraping step., Evasive; as, a shuffling excuse., In a shuffling manner.
shuttered adjective Furnished with shutters.
shwan-pan noun See Schwan-pan.
sibilance noun Alt. of Sibilancy
sibilancy noun The quality or state of being sibilant; sibilation.
sibylline adjective Pertaining to the sibyls; uttered, written, or composed by sibyls; like the productions of sibyls.
siccation noun The act or process of drying.
siccative adjective Drying; causing to dry., That which promotes drying.
siciliano noun A Sicilian dance, resembling the pastorale, set to a rather slow and graceful melody in 12-8 or 6-8 measure; also, the music to the dance.
sickening present participle & vb. noun of Sicken, Causing sickness; specif., causing surfeit or disgust; nauseating.
sikerness noun The quality or state of being sicker, or certain., See 2d Sicker, Sickerly, etc.
sicklemen plural of Sickleman
sickleman noun One who uses a sickle; a reaper.
sideboard noun A piece of dining-room furniture having compartments and shelves for keeping or displaying articles of table service.
sidepiece noun The jamb, or cheek, of an opening in a wall, as of door or window.
siderated adjective Planet-struck; blasted.
sidereous adjective Sidereal.
siderosis noun A sort of pneumonia occuring in iron workers, produced by the inhalation of particles of iron.
siegework noun A temporary fort or parallel where siege guns are mounted.
sigh-born adjective Sorrowful; mournful.
sightless adjective Wanting sight; without sight; blind., That can not be seen; invisible., Offensive or unpleasing to the eye; unsightly; as, sightless stains.
sightsmen plural of Sightsman
sightsman noun One who reads or performs music readily at first sight.
sigmodont noun Any one of a tribe (Sigmodontes) of rodents which includes all the indigenous rats and mice of America. So called from the form of the ridges of enamel on the crowns of the worn molars. Also used adjectively.
sigmoidal adjective Curved in two directions, like the letter S, or the Greek /.
signaling present participle & vb. noun of Signal
signalist noun One who makes signals; one who communicates intelligence by means of signals.
signality noun The quality or state of being signal or remarkable.
signalize adjective To make signal or eminent; to render distinguished from what is common; to distinguish., To communicate with by means of a signal; as, a ship signalizes its consort., To indicate the existence, presence, or fact of, by a signal; as, to signalize the arrival of a steamer.
signalman noun A man whose business is to manage or display signals; especially, one employed in setting the signals by which railroad trains are run or warned.
signation verb t. Sign given; marking.
signatory adjective Relating to a seal; used in sealing., Signing; joining or sharing in a signature; as, signatory powers., A signer; one who signs or subscribes; as, a conference of signatories.
signature verb t. A sign, stamp, or mark impressed, as by a seal., Especially, the name of any person, written with his own hand, employed to signify that the writing which precedes accords with his wishes or intentions; a sign manual; an autograph., An outward mark by which internal characteristics were supposed to be indicated., A resemblance between the external characters of a disease and those of some physical agent, for instance, that existing between the red skin of scarlet fever and a red cloth; — supposed to indicate this agent in the treatment of the disease., The designation of the key (when not C major, or its relative, A minor) by means of one or more sharps or flats at the beginning of the staff, immediately after the clef, affecting all notes of the same letter throughout the piece or movement. Each minor key has the same signature as its relative major., A letter or figure placed at the bottom of the first page of each sheet of a book or pamphlet, as a direction to the binder in arranging and folding the sheets., The printed sheet so marked, or the form from which it is printed; as, to reprint one or more signatures., That part of a prescription which contains the directions to the patient. It is usually prefaced by S or Sig. (an abbreviation for the Latin signa, imperative of signare to sign or mark)., To mark with, or as with, a signature or signatures.
signboard noun A board, placed on or before a shop, office, etc., on which ssome notice is given, as the name of a firm, of a business, or the like.
signified imp. & past participle of Signify
signorina noun Miss; — a title of address among the Italians.
silencing present participle & vb. noun of Silence
silicated adjective Combined or impregnated with silicon or silica; as, silicated hydrogen; silicated rocks.
siliceous adjective Of or pertaining to silica; containing silica, or partaking of its nature.
silicious adjective See Siliceous.
silicited adjective Silicified.
siliquosa noun pl. A Linnaean order of plants including those which bear siliques.
siliquose adjective Alt. of Siliquous
siliquous adjective Bearing siliques; as, siliquose plants; pertaining to, or resembling, siliques; as, siliquose capsules.
silkiness noun The quality or state of being silky or silken; softness and smoothness., Fig.: Effeminacy; weakness.
silliness noun The quality or state of being silly.
siluridan noun Any fish of the family Siluridae or of the order Siluroidei.
silvanite noun See Sylvanite.
silvering present participle & vb. noun of Silver, The art or process of covering metals, wood, paper, glass, etc., with a thin film of metallic silver, or a substance resembling silver; also, the firm do laid on; as, the silvering of a glass speculum.
silverfin noun A small North American fresh-water cyprinoid fish (Notropis Whipplei).
silverize verb t. To cover with silver.
similarly adverb In a similar manner.
similiter noun The technical name of the form by which either party, in pleading, accepts the issue tendered by his opponent; — called sometimes a joinder in issue.
simmering present participle & vb. noun of Simmer
simonious adjective Simoniacal.
simpering present participle & vb. noun of Simper, a. &. n. from Simper, v.
simpleton noun A person of weak intellect; a silly person.
simulacra plural of Simulacrum
simulated imp. & past participle of Simulate
simulator noun One who simulates, or feigns.
sinapisin noun A substance extracted from mustard seed and probably identical with sinalbin.
sincaline noun Choline.
sincerely adverb In a sincere manner., Purely; without alloy., Honestly; unfeignedly; without dissimulation; as, to speak one’s mind sincerely; to love virtue sincerely.
sincerity noun The quality or state of being sincere; honesty of mind or intention; freedom from simulation, hypocrisy, disguise, or false pretense; sincereness.
sinecural adjective Of or pertaining to a sinecure; being in the nature of a sinecure.
sinewless adjective Having no sinews; hence, having no strength or vigor.
singeress noun A songstress.
singingly adverb With sounds like singing; with a kind of tune; in a singing tone.
singleton noun In certain games at cards, as whist, a single card of any suit held at the deal by a player; as, to lead a singleton.
sing-sing noun The kob.
singultus noun Hiccough.
sinistrad adverb Toward the left side; sinistrally.
sinistral adjective Of or pertaining to the left, inclining to the left; sinistrous; — opposed to dextral., Having the whorls of the spire revolving or rising to the left; reversed; — said of certain spiral shells.
sinistrin noun A mucilaginous carbohydrate, resembling achroodextrin, extracted from squill as a colorless amorphous substance; — so called because it is levorotatory.
sinneress noun A woman who sins.
sinologue noun A student of Chinese; one versed in the Chinese language, literature, and history.
sinuating present participle & vb. noun of Sinuate
sinuation noun A winding or bending in and out.
sinuosity noun Quality or state of being sinuous., A bend, or a series of bends and turns; a winding, or a series of windings; a wave line; a curve.
siphonage noun The action of a siphon.
siphonata noun pl. A tribe of bivalve mollusks in which the posterior mantle border is prolonged into two tubes or siphons. Called also Siphoniata. See Siphon, 2 (a), and Quahaug.
siphonate adjective Having a siphon or siphons., Belonging to the Siphonata.
siphonium noun A bony tube which, in some birds, connects the tympanium with the air chambers of the articular piece of the mandible.
siphuncle noun The tube which runs through the partitions of chambered cephalopod shells.
siraskier noun See Seraskier.
sirbonian adjective See Serbonian.
sirenical adjective Like, or appropriate to, a siren; fascinating; deceptive.
sistering adjective Contiguous.
sisyphean adjective Relating to Sisyphus; incessantly recurring; as, Sisyphean labors.
situation noun Manner in which an object is placed; location, esp. as related to something else; position; locality site; as, a house in a pleasant situation., Position, as regards the conditions and circumstances of the case., Relative position; circumstances; temporary state or relation at a moment of action which excites interest, as of persons in a dramatic scene., Permanent position or employment; place; office; as, a situation in a store; a situation under government.
sitz bath A tub in which one bathes in a sitting posture; also, a bath so taken; a hip bath.
sixpences plural of Sixpence
sixteenmo noun See Sextodecimo.
sixteenth adjective Sixth after the tenth; next in order after the fifteenth., Constituting or being one of sixteen equal parts into which anything is divided., The quotient of a unit divided by sixteen; one of sixteen equal parts of one whole., The next in order after the fifteenth; the sixth after the tenth., An interval comprising two octaves and a second.
sizarship noun The position or standing of a sizar.
skedaddle verb i. To betake one’s self to flight, as if in a panic; to flee; to run away.
skeelduck noun Alt. of Skeelgoose
skeldrake noun Alt. of Skieldrake
skeptical adjective Of or pertaining to a sceptic or skepticism; characterized by skepticism; hesitating to admit the certainly of doctrines or principles; doubting of everything., Doubting or denying the truth of revelation, or the sacred Scriptures.
sketching present participle & vb. noun of Sketch
sketchily adverb In a sketchy or incomplete manner.
skewering present participle & vb. noun of Skewer
skiffling noun Rough dressing by knocking off knobs or projections; knobbing.
skinbound adjective Having the skin adhering closely and rigidly to the flesh; hidebound.
skinching present participle & vb. noun of Skinch
skin-deep adjective Not deeper than the skin; hence, superficial.
skinflint noun A penurious person; a miser; a niggard.
skirlcock noun The missel thrush; — so called from its harsh alarm note.
skolecite noun Alt. of Skolezite
skolezite noun See Scolecite.
skorodite noun See Scorodite.
skrimmage noun See Scrimmage.
skullfish noun A whaler’s name for a whale more than two years old.
skunkball noun The surf duck.
skunkhead noun The surf duck., A duck (Camptolaimus Labradorus) which formerly inhabited the Atlantic coast of New England. It is now supposed to be extinct. Called also Labrador duck, and pied duck.
skunkweed noun Skunk cabbage.
skyrocket noun A rocket that ascends high and burns as it flies; a species of fireworks.
slabbered imp. & past participle of Slabber
slabberer noun One who slabbers, or drools; hence, an idiot.
slackened of Slacken
slackness noun The quality or state of being slack.
slakeless adjective Not capable of being slaked.
slam-bang adverb With great violence; with a slamming or banging noise.
slandered imp. & past participle of Slander
slanderer noun One who slanders; a defamer; a calumniator.
slantwise adverb Alt. of Slantly
slapeface noun A soft-spoken, crafty hypocrite.
slaughter verb t. The act of killing., The extensive, violent, bloody, or wanton destruction of life; carnage., The act of killing cattle or other beasts for market., To visit with great destruction of life; to kill; to slay in battle., To butcher; to kill for the market, as beasts.
slaveborn adjective Born in slavery.
slavering present participle & vb. noun of Slaver, Drooling; defiling with saliva.
slaveries plural of Slavery
slavonian adjective Alt. of Slavonic, A native or inhabitant of Slavonia; ethnologically, a Slav.
slavophil noun Alt. of Slavophile
sleekness noun The quality or state of being sleek; smoothness and glossiness of surface.
sleepless adjective Having no sleep; wakeful., Having no rest; perpetually agitated.
sleighing noun The act of riding in a sleigh., The state of the snow or ice which admits of running sleighs.
sleightly adverb Cinningly.
slickness noun The state or quality of being slick; smoothness; sleekness.
slidderly verb t. Alt. of Sliddery
slighting present participle & vb. noun of Slight, Characterized by neglect or disregard.
slightful adjective See Sleightful.
sliminess noun The quality or state of being slimy.
slipboard noun A board sliding in grooves.
slippered adjective Wearing slippers.
slivering present participle & vb. noun of Sliver
slobberer noun One who slobbers., A slovenly farmer; a jobbing tailor.
slopeness noun State of being slope.
slopewise adverb Obliquely.
slouching present participle & vb. noun of Slouch, Hanging down at the side; limp; drooping; without firmness or shapeliness; moving in an ungainly manner.
sloughing present participle & vb. noun of Slough, The act of casting off the skin or shell, as do insects and crustaceans; ecdysis.
slowhound noun A sleuthhound.
slubbered imp. & past participle of Slubber
sluggardy noun The state of being a sluggard; sluggishness; sloth.
slug-horn adjective An erroneous form of the Scotch word slughorne, or sloggorne, meaning slogan.
sluiceway noun An artificial channel into which water is let by a sluice; specifically, a trough constructed over the bed of a stream, so that logs, lumber, or rubbish can be floated down to some convenient place of delivery.
slumbered imp. & past participle of Slumber
slumberer noun One who slumbers; a sleeper.
slumbrous adjective Slumberous.
smallness noun The quality or state of being small.
smartness noun The quality or state of being smart.
smartweed noun An acrid plant of the genus Polygonum (P. Hydropiper), which produces smarting if applied where the skin is tender.
smatterer noun One who has only a slight, superficial knowledge; a sciolist.
smear dab The sand fluke (b).
smegmatic adjective Being of the nature of soap; soapy; cleansing; detersive.
smileless adjective Not having a smile.
smilingly adverb In a smiling manner.
smittlish adjective Infectious; catching.
smockless adjective Wanting a smock.
smoke-dry verb t. To dry by or in smoke.
smokejack noun A contrivance for turning a spit by means of a fly or wheel moved by the current of ascending air in a chimney.
smokeless adjective Making or having no smoke.
smokiness noun The quality or state of being smoky.
smoldered imp. & past participle of Smoulder
smoothing present participle & vb. noun of Smooth, fr. Smooth, v.
smorzando adjective Alt. of Smorsato
smothered imp. & past participle of Smother
smuggling present participle & vb. noun of Smuggle
smutching present participle & vb. noun of Smutch
snaffling present participle & vb. noun of Snaffle
snailfish noun See Sea snail (a).
snakebird noun Any one of four species of aquatic birds of the genus Anhinga or Plotus. They are allied to the gannets and cormorants, but have very long, slender, flexible necks, and sharp bills., The wryneck.
snakefish noun The band fish., The lizard fish.
snakehead noun A loose, bent-up end of one of the strap rails, or flat rails, formerly used on American railroads. It was sometimes so bent by the passage of a train as to slip over a wheel and pierce the bottom of a car., The turtlehead., The Guinea-hen flower. See Snake’s-head, and under Guinea.
snakeneck noun The snakebird, 1.
snakeroot noun Any one of several plants of different genera and species, most of which are (or were formerly) reputed to be efficacious as remedies for the bites of serpents; also, the roots of any of these.
snakeweed noun A kind of knotweed (Polygonum Bistorta)., The Virginia snakeroot. See Snakeroot.
snakewood noun An East Indian climbing plant (Strychnos colubrina) having a bitter taste, and supposed to be a remedy for the bite of the hooded serpent., An East Indian climbing shrub (Ophioxylon serpentinum) which has the roots and stems twisted so as to resemble serpents., Same as Trumpetwood., A tropical American shrub (Plumieria rubra) which has very fragrant red blossoms., Same as Letterwood.
snaphance noun A spring lock for discharging a firearm; also, the firearm to which it is attached., A trifling or second-rate thing or person.
snatching present participle & vb. noun of Snatch
sneak-cup noun One who sneaks from his cups; one who balks his glass.
snickered imp. & past participle of Snicker
sniggling present participle & vb. noun of Sniggle
snipebill noun A plane for cutting deep grooves in moldings., A bolt by which the body of a cart is fastened to the axle.
snipefish noun The bellows fish., A long, slender deep-sea fish (Nemichthys scolopaceus) with a slender beak.
snip-snap noun A tart dialogue with quick replies., Quick; short; sharp; smart.
snivelled of Snivel
sniveling present participle & vb. noun of Snivel
snowberry noun A name of several shrubs with white berries; as, the Symphoricarpus racemosus of the Northern United States, and the Chiococca racemosa of Florida and tropical America.
snowdrift noun A bank of drifted snow.
snowflake noun A flake, or small filmy mass, of snow., See Snowbird, 1., A name given to several bulbous plants of the genus Leucoium (L. vernum, aestivum, etc.) resembling the snowdrop, but having all the perianth leaves of equal size.
snowfleck noun See Snowbird, 1.
snowshoer noun One who travels on snowshoes; an expert in using snowshoes.
snowstorm noun A storm with falling snow.
snuffling present participle & vb. noun of Snuffle
snuggling present participle & vb. noun of Snuggle
soapiness noun Quality or state of being soapy.
soapstone noun See Steatite, and Talc.
soberness noun The quality or state of being sober.
sobriquet noun An assumed name; a fanciful epithet or appellation; a nickname.
so-called adjective So named; called by such a name (but perhaps called thus with doubtful propriety).
ssociable adjective Capable of being, or fit to be, united in one body or company; associable., Inclined to, or adapted for, society; ready to unite with others; fond of companions; social., Ready to converse; inclined to talk with others; not taciturn or reserved., Affording opportunites for conversation; characterized by much conversation; as, a sociable party., No longer hostile; friendly.
socialism noun A theory or system of social reform which contemplates a complete reconstruction of society, with a more just and equitable distribution of property and labor. In popular usage, the term is often employed to indicate any lawless, revolutionary social scheme. See Communism, Fourierism, Saint-Simonianism, forms of socialism.
socialist noun One who advocates or practices the doctrines of socialism., Alt. of Socialistic
sociality noun The quality of being social; socialness.
socialize verb t. To render social., To subject to, or regulate by, socialism.
societary adjective Societarian.
societies plural of Society
sociology noun That branch of philosophy which treats of the constitution, phenomena, and development of human society; social science.
socotrine adjective Of or pertaining to Socotra, an island in the Indian Ocean, on the east coast of Africa., A native or inhabitant of Socotra.
socratism noun The philosophy or the method of Socrates.
socratist noun A disciple or follower of Socrates.
softening present participle & vb. noun of Soften, a. & n. from Soften, v.
sogginess noun The quality or state of being soggy; soddenness; wetness.
soiliness noun Stain; foulness.
sojourned imp. & past participle of Sojourn
sojourner noun One who sojourns.
sokemanry noun See Socmanry.
solacious adjective Affording solace; as, a solacious voice.
solarized imp. & past participle of Solarize
soldanrie noun The country ruled by a soldan, or sultan.
soldering present participle & vb. noun of Solder, a. & n. from Solder, v. t.
soldierly adjective Like or becoming a real soldier; brave; martial; heroic; honorable; soldierlike.
solemness noun Solemnness.
solemnity noun A rite or ceremony performed with religious reverence; religious or ritual ceremony; as, the solemnity of a funeral, a sacrament., ceremony adapted to impress with awe., Ceremoniousness; impressiveness; seriousness; grave earnestness; formal dignity; gravity., Hence, affected gravity or seriousness., Solemn state or feeling; awe or reverence; also, that which produces such a feeling; as, the solemnity of an audience; the solemnity of Westminster Abbey., A solemn or formal observance; proceeding according to due form; the formality which is necessary to render a thing done valid.
solemnize verb t. To perform with solemn or ritual ceremonies, or according to legal forms., To dignify or honor by ceremonies; to celebrate., To make grave, serious, and reverential., Solemnization.
solenette noun A small European sole (Solea minuta).
solenodon noun Either one of two species of singular West Indian insectivores, allied to the tenrec. One species (Solendon paradoxus), native of St. Domingo, is called also agouta; the other (S. Cubanus), found in Cuba, is called almique.
soleplate noun A bedplate; as, the soleplate of a steam engine., The plate forming the back of a waterwheel bucket.
sol-faing present participle & vb. noun of Sol-fa
solfatara noun A volcanic area or vent which yields only sulphur vapors, steam, and the like. It represents the stages of the volcanic activity.
solfeggio noun The system of arranging the scale by the names do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, by which singing is taught; a singing exercise upon these syllables.
solferino noun A brilliant deep pink color with a purplish tinge, one of the dyes derived from aniline; — so called from Solferino in Italy, where a battle was fought about the time of its discovery.
solicited imp. & past participle of Solicit
solicitor noun One who solicits., An attorney or advocate; one who represents another in court; — formerly, in English practice, the professional designation of a person admitted to practice in a court of chancery or equity. See the Note under Attorney., The law officer of a city, town, department, or government; as, the city solicitor; the solicitor of the treasury.
solidness noun State or quality of being solid; firmness; compactness; solidity, as of material bodies., Soundness; strength; truth; validity, as of arguments, reasons, principles, and the like.
solifugae noun pl. A division of arachnids having large, powerful fangs and a segmented abdomen; — called also Solpugidea, and Solpugides.
soliloquy noun The act of talking to one’s self; a discourse made by one in solitude to one’s self; monologue., A written composition, reciting what it is supposed a person says to himself.
solipsism noun Egotism., Egoism.
solitaire noun A person who lives in solitude; a recluse; a hermit., A single diamond in a setting; also, sometimes, a precious stone of any kind set alone., A game which one person can play alone; — applied to many games of cards, etc.; also, to a game played on a board with pegs or balls, in which the object is, beginning with all the places filled except one, to remove all but one of the pieces by “jumping,” as in draughts., A large extinct bird (Pezophaps solitaria) which formerly inhabited the islands of Mauritius and Rodrigeuz. It was larger and taller than the wild turkey. Its wings were too small for flight. Called also solitary., Any species of American thrushlike birds of the genus Myadestes. They are noted their sweet songs and retiring habits. Called also fly-catching thrush. A West Indian species (Myadestes sibilans) is called the invisible bird.
somatical adjective Somatic.
something noun Anything unknown, undetermined, or not specifically designated; a certain indefinite thing; an indeterminate or unknown event; an unspecified task, work, or thing., A part; a portion, more or less; an indefinite quantity or degree; a little., A person or thing importance., In some degree; somewhat; to some extent; at some distance.
sometimes adverb Formerly; sometime., At times; at intervals; now and then;occasionally., Former; sometime.
somewhere adverb In some place unknown or not specified; in one place or another.
somewhile adverb Once; for a time.
sommerset noun See Somersault.
somnolent adjective Sleepy; drowsy; inclined to sleep.
somnolism noun The somnolent state induced by animal magnetism.
sommonour noun A summoner.
songcraft noun The art of making songs or verse; metrical composition; versification.
sonneteer noun A composer of sonnets, or small poems; a small poet; — usually in contempt., To compose sonnets.
sonnetist noun A sonneter, or sonneteer.
sonnetize verb i. To compose sonnets.
sonometer noun An instrument for exhibiting the transverse vibrations of cords, and ascertaining the relations between musical notes. It consists of a cord stretched by weight along a box, and divided into different lengths at pleasure by a bridge, the place of which is determined by a scale on the face of the box., An instrument for testing the hearing capacity.
sonorific adjective Producing sound; as, the sonorific quality of a body.
soofeeism Same as Sufi, Sufism.
sooterkin noun A kind of false birth, fabled to be produced by Dutch women from sitting over their stoves; also, an abortion, in a figurative sense; an abortive scheme.
soothfast adjective Firmly fixed in, or founded upon, the thruth; true; genuine; real; also, truthful; faithful., Soothly; really; in fact.
soothness noun Truth; reality.
sootiness noun The quality or state of being sooty; fuliginousness.
sophister noun A sophist. See Sophist., A student who is advanced beyond the first year of his residence., To maintain by sophistry, or by a fallacious argument.
sophistic adjective Alt. of Sophistical
sophistry noun The art or process of reasoning; logic., The practice of a sophist; fallacious reasoning; reasoning sound in appearance only.
sophomore noun One belonging to the second of the four classes in an American college, or one next above a freshman.
soporific adjective Causing sleep; tending to cause sleep; soporiferous; as, the soporific virtues of opium., A medicine, drug, plant, or other agent that has the quality of inducing sleep; a narcotic.
sopranist noun A treble singer.
sopsavine noun See Sops of wine, under Sop.
sorbition noun The act of drinking or sipping.
sorbonist noun A doctor of the Sorbonne, or theological college, in the University of Paris, founded by Robert de Sorbon, a. d. 1252. It was suppressed in the Revolution of 1789.
sorceress noun A female sorcerer.
sorcering noun Act or practice of using sorcery.
sorcerous adjective Of or pertaining to sorcery.
sorceries plural of Sorcery
sorediate adjective Sorediiferous.
soritical adjective Of or pertaining to a sorites; resembling a sorites.
sorriness noun The quality or state of being sorry.
sorrowing present participle & vb. noun of Sorrow
sorrowful adjective Full of sorrow; exhibiting sorrow; sad; dejected; distressed., Producing sorrow; exciting grief; mournful; lamentable; grievous; as, a sorrowful accident.
sortilege noun The act or practice of drawing lots; divination by drawing lots.
sortilegy noun Sortilege.
sortition noun Selection or appointment by lot.
sostenuto adjective Sustained; — applied to a movement or passage the sounds of which are to sustained to the utmost of the nominal value of the time; also, to a passage the tones of which are to be somewhat prolonged or protacted.
soubahdar noun See Subahdar.
soubrette noun A female servant or attendant; specifically, as a term of the theater, a lady’s maid, in comedies, who acts the part of an intrigante; a meddlesome, mischievous female servant or young woman.
soundable adjective Capable of being sounded.
soundless adjective Not capable of being sounded or fathomed; unfathomable., Having no sound; noiseless; silent.
soundness noun The quality or state of being sound; as, the soundness of timber, of fruit, of the teeth, etc.; the soundness of reasoning or argument; soundness of faith.
sourcrout noun See Sauerkraut.
sourkrout noun Same as Sauerkraut.
southdown adjective Of or pertaining to the South Downs, a range of pasture hills south of the Thames, in England., A Southdown sheep.
southeast noun The point of the compass equally distant from the south and the east; the southeast part or region., Of or pertaining to the southeast; proceeding toward, or coming from, the southeast; as, a southeast course; a southeast wind.
southerly adjective Southern.
southmost adjective Farthest toward the south; southernmost.
southness noun A tendency in the end of a magnetic needle to point toward the south pole.
southward adverb Alt. of Southwards, Toward the south., The southern regions or countries; the south.
southwest noun The point of the compass equally from the south and the west; the southwest part or region., Pertaining to, or in the direction of, the southwest; proceeding toward the southwest; coming from the southwest; as, a southwest wind.
sovereign adjective Supreme or highest in power; superior to all others; chief; as, our sovereign prince., Independent of, and unlimited by, any other; possessing, or entitled to, original authority or jurisdiction; as, a sovereign state; a sovereign discretion., Princely; royal., Predominant; greatest; utmost; paramount., Efficacious in the highest degree; effectual; controlling; as, a sovereign remedy., The person, body, or state in which independent and supreme authority is vested; especially, in a monarchy, a king, queen, or emperor., A gold coin of Great Britain, on which an effigy of the head of the reigning king or queen is stamped, valued at one pound sterling, or about $4.86., Any butterfly of the tribe Nymphalidi, or genus Basilarchia, as the ursula and the viceroy.
spaceless adjective Without space.
spacially adverb See Spatially.
spadassin noun A bravo; a bully; a duelist.
spadebone noun Shoulder blade.
spadefish noun An American market fish (Chaetodipterus faber) common on the southern coasts; — called also angel fish, moonfish, and porgy.
spadefoot noun Any species of burrowing toads of the genus Scaphiopus, esp. S. Holbrookii, of the Eastern United States; — called also spade toad.
spadefuls plural of Spadeful
spadicose adjective Spadiceous.
spaghetti noun A variety or macaroni made in tubes of small diameter.
spagyrist noun A chemist, esp. one devoted to alchemistic pursuits., One of a sect which arose in the days of alchemy, who sought to discover remedies for disease by chemical means. The spagyrists historically preceded the iatrochemists.
spanaemia noun A condition of impoverishment of the blood; a morbid state in which the red corpuscles, or other important elements of the blood, are deficient.
spanaemic adjective Of or pertaining to spanaemia; having impoverished blood.
spanceled imp. & past participle of Spancel
spangling present participle & vb. noun of Spangle
spanpiece noun The collar of a roof; sparpiece.
sparadrap noun A cerecloth., Any adhesive plaster.
spareless adjective Unsparing.
spareness noun The quality or state of being lean or thin; leanness.
spar-hung adjective Hung with spar, as a cave.
sparkling present participle & vb. noun of Sparkle, Emitting sparks; glittering; flashing; brilliant; lively; as, sparkling wine; sparkling eyes.
sparpiece noun The collar beam of a roof; the spanpiece.
sparsedly adverb Sparsely.
sparteine noun A narcotic alkaloid extracted from the tops of the common broom (Cytisus scoparius, formerly Spartium scoparium), as a colorless oily liquid of aniline-like odor and very bitter taste.
spasmodic adjective Of or pertaining to spasm; consisting in spasm; occuring in, or characterized by, spasms; as, a spasmodic asthma., Soon relaxed or exhausted; convulsive; intermittent; as, spasmodic zeal or industry., A medicine for spasm.
spatangus noun A genus of heart-shaped sea urchins belonging to the Spatangoidea.
spatially adverb As regards space.
spattered imp. & past participle of Spatter
spatulate adjective Shaped like spatula, or like a battledoor, being roundish, with a long, narrow, linear base.
speakable adjective Capable of being spoken; fit to be spoken., Able to speak.
spearfish noun A large and powerful fish (Tetrapturus albidus) related to the swordfish, but having scales and ventral fins. It is found on the American coast and the Mediterranean., The carp sucker.
spearhead noun The pointed head, or end, of a spear.
spearmint noun A species of mint (Mentha viridis) growing in moist soil. It vields an aromatic oil. See Mint, and Mentha.
spearwood noun An Australian tree (Acacia Doratoxylon), and its tough wood, used by the natives for spears.
spearwort noun A name given to several species of crowfoot (Ranunculus) which have spear-shaped leaves.
specially adverb In a special manner; particularly; especially., For a particular purpose; as, a meeting of the legislature is specially summoned.
specialty noun Particularity., A particular or peculiar case., A contract or obligation under seal; a contract by deed; a writing, under seal, given as security for a debt particularly specified., That for which a person is distinguished, in which he is specially versed, or which he makes an object of special attention; a speciality.
specified imp. & past participle of Specify
specollum noun See Stylet, 2.
speckling present participle & vb. noun of Speckle
spectacle noun Something exhibited to view; usually, something presented to view as extraordinary, or as unusual and worthy of special notice; a remarkable or noteworthy sight; a show; a pageant; a gazingstock., A spy-glass; a looking-glass., An optical instrument consisting of two lenses set in a light frame, and worn to assist sight, to obviate some defect in the organs of vision, or to shield the eyes from bright light., Fig.: An aid to the intellectual sight.
spectator noun One who on; one who sees or beholds; a beholder; one who is personally present at, and sees, any exhibition; as, the spectators at a show.
speculate verb i. To consider by turning a subject in the mind, and viewing it in its different aspects and relations; to meditate; to contemplate; to theorize; as, to speculate on questions in religion; to speculate on political events., To view subjects from certain premises given or assumed, and infer conclusions respecting them a priori., To purchase with the expectation of a contingent advance in value, and a consequent sale at a profit; — often, in a somewhat depreciative sense, of unsound or hazardous transactions; as, to speculate in coffee, in sugar, or in bank stock., To consider attentively; as, to speculate the nature of a thing.
speculist noun One who observes or considers; an observer.
speechful adjective Full of speech or words; voluble; loquacious.
speechify verb i. To make a speech; to harangue.
speeching noun The act of making a speech.
speedless adjective Being without speed.
speedwell noun Any plant of the genus Veronica, mostly low herbs with pale blue corollas, which quickly fall off.
spelicans noun pl. See Spilikin.
spellable adjective Capable of being spelt.
spellwork noun Power or effect of magic; that which is wrought by magic; enchantment.
spermatic adjective Of or pertaining to semen; as, the spermatic fluid, the spermatic vessels, etc.
spermatin noun A substance allied to alkali albumin and to mucin, present in semen, to which it is said to impart the mucilaginous character.
spermatia plural of Spermatium
spermato- Alt. of Spermo-
spermatoa plural of Spermatoon
spermidia plural of Spermidium
spewiness noun The state of being spewy.
spacelate verb i. To die, decay, or become gangrenous, as flesh or bone; to mortify.
sphacelus noun Gangrenous part; gangrene; slough.
sphagnous adjective Pertaining to moss of the genus Sphagnum, or bog moss; abounding in peat or bog moss.
sphenodon noun Same as Hatteria.
sphenotic adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, the sphenotic bone., The sphenotic bone.
spherical adjective Alt. of Spheric
sphericle noun A small sphere.
sphincter noun A muscle which surrounds, and by its contraction tends to close, a natural opening; as, the sphincter of the bladder., Of, pertaining to, or designating, a sphincter; as, a sphincter muscle.
sphragide noun Lemnian earth.
spicebush noun Spicewood.
spicewood noun An American shrub (Lindera Benzoin), the bark of which has a spicy taste and odor; — called also Benjamin, wild allspice, and fever bush.
spiciform adjective Spike-shaped.
spiciness noun The quality or state of being spicy.
spicosity noun The state of having, or being full of, ears like corn.
spiculate adjective Covered with, or having, spicules., Covered with minute spiculae, or pointed fleshy appendages; divided into small spikelets., To sharpen to a point.
spigurnel noun Formerly the title of the sealer of writs in chancery.
spikebill noun The hooded merganser., The marbled godwit (Limosa fedoa).
spikefish noun See Sailfish (a)
spikenard noun An aromatic plant. In the United States it is the Aralia racemosa, often called spignet, and used as a medicine. The spikenard of the ancients is the Nardostachys Jatamansi, a native of the Himalayan region. From its blackish roots a perfume for the hair is still prepared in India., A fragrant essential oil, as that from the Nardostachys Jatamansi.
spiketail noun The pintail duck.
spilikins plural of Spilikin
spillikin noun See Spilikin.
spindling present participle & vb. noun of Spindle, Long and slender, or disproportionately tall and slender; as, a spindling tree; a spindling boy.
spineback noun A fish having spines in, or in front of, the dorsal fins.
spinebill noun Any species of Australian birds of the genus Acanthorhynchus. They are related to the honey eaters.
spineless adjective Having no spine.
spinetail noun Any one or several species of swifts of the genus Acanthylis, or Chaetura, and allied genera, in which the shafts of the tail feathers terminate in rigid spines., Any one of several species of South American and Central American clamatorial birds belonging to Synallaxis and allied genera of the family Dendrocolaptidae. They are allied to the ovenbirds., The ruddy duck.
spiniform adjective Shaped like a spine.
spininess noun Quality of being spiny.
spinnaker noun A large triangular sail set upon a boom, — used when running before the wind.
spinneret noun One of the special jointed organs situated on the under side, and near the end, of the abdomen of spiders, by means of which they spin their webs. Most spiders have three pairs of spinnerets, but some have only two pairs. The ordinary silk line of the spider is composed of numerous smaller lines jointed after issuing from the spinnerets.
spinosity noun The quality or state of being spiny or thorny; spininess.
spinozism noun The form of Pantheism taught by Benedict Spinoza, that there is but one substance, or infinite essence, in the universe, of which the so-called material and spiritual beings and phenomena are only modes, and that one this one substance is God.
spinozist noun A believer in Spinozism.
spinulose adjective Alt. of Spinulous
spinulous adjective Covered with small spines.
spirality noun The quality or states of being spiral.
spiranthy noun The occasional twisted growth of the parts of a flower.
spiration noun The act of breathing.
spirillum noun A genus of common motile microorganisms (Spirobacteria) having the form of spiral-shaped filaments. One species is said to be the cause of relapsing fever.
spiriting present participle & vb. noun of Spirit
spiritful adjective Full of spirit; spirited.
spiritism noun Spiritualsm.
spiritist noun A spiritualist.
spiritoso adjective & adverb Spirited; spiritedly; — a direction to perform a passage in an animated, lively manner.
spiritous adjective Like spirit; refined; defecated; pure., Ardent; active.
spiritual adjective Consisting of spirit; not material; incorporeal; as, a spiritual substance or being., Of or pertaining to the intellectual and higher endowments of the mind; mental; intellectual., Of or pertaining to the moral feelings or states of the soul, as distinguished from the external actions; reaching and affecting the spirits., Of or pertaining to the soul or its affections as influenced by the Spirit; controlled and inspired by the divine Spirit; proceeding from the Holy Spirit; pure; holy; divine; heavenly-minded; — opposed to carnal., Not lay or temporal; relating to sacred things; ecclesiastical; as, the spiritual functions of the clergy; lords spiritual and temporal; a spiritual corporation., A spiritual function, office, or affair. See Spirituality, 2.
spiroylic adjective Alt. of Spiroylous
spirulate noun Having the color spots, or structural parts, arranged spirally.
spissated adjective Rendered dense or compact, as by evaporation; inspissated; thickened.
spit curl A little lock of hair, plastered in a spiral form on the temple or forehead with spittle, or other adhesive substance.
spitously adverb Spitefully.
spitz dog A breed of dogs having erect ears and long silky hair, usually white; — called also Pomeranian dog, and louploup.
splandrel noun See Spandrel.
splashing present participle & vb. noun of Splash
splayfeet plural of Splayfoot
splayfoot noun A foot that is abnormally flattened and spread out; flat foot., Alt. of Splayfooted
spleenful adjective Displaying, or affected with, spleen; angry; fretful; melancholy.
spleenish adjective Spleeny; affected with spleen; fretful.
splenculi plural of Splenculus
splendent adjective Shining; glossy; beaming with light; lustrous; as, splendent planets; splendent metals. See the Note under 3d Luster, 4., Very conspicuous; illustrious.
splenetic adjective Affected with spleen; malicious; spiteful; peevish; fretful., A person affected with spleen.
splenical adjective Splenic.
splenitis noun Inflammation of the spleen.
spleuchan noun A pouch, as for tobacco.
splinting present participle & vb. noun of Splint
splintery adjective Consisting of splinters; resembling splinters; as, the splintery fracture of a mineral.
splitting present participle & vb. noun of Split
splitfeet noun pl. The Fissipedia.
spodumene noun A mineral of a white to yellowish, purplish, or emerald-green color, occuring in prismatic crystals, often of great size. It is a silicate of aluminia and lithia. See Hiddenite.
spoilable adjective Capable of being spoiled.
spoilfive noun A certain game at cards in which, if no player wins three of the five tricks possible on any deal, the game is said to be spoiled.
spoilsmen plural of Spoilsman
spoilsman noun One who serves a cause or a party for a share of the spoils; in United States politics, one who makes or recognizes a demand for public office on the ground of partisan service; also, one who sanctions such a policy in appointments to the public service.
spokesmen plural of Spokesman
spokesman noun One who speaks for another.
spoliated imp. & past participle of Spoliate
spoliator noun One who spoliates; a spoiler.
spongelet noun See Spongiole.
spongeous adjective Resembling sponge; having the nature or qualities of sponge.
spongilla noun A genus of siliceous spongea found in fresh water.
spongiole noun A supposed spongelike expansion of the tip of a rootlet for absorbing water; — called also spongelet.
spongiose adjective Alt. of Spongious
spongious adjective Somewhat spongy; spongelike; full of small cavities like sponge; as, spongious bones.
sponsible adjective responsible; worthy of credit.
spnsorial adjective Pertaining to a sponsor.
spoonbill noun Any one of several species of wading birds of the genera Ajaja and Platalea, and allied genera, in which the long bill is broadly expanded and flattened at the tip., The shoveler. See Shoveler, 2., The ruddy duck. See under Ruddy., The paddlefish.
spoonfuls plural of Spoonful
spoonwood noun The mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia).
spoonworm noun A gephyrean worm of the genus Thalassema, having a spoonlike probiscis.
spoonwort noun Scurvy grass.
sporadial adjective Sporadic.
sporangia plural of Sporangium
sporidium noun A secondary spore, or a filament produced from a spore, in certain kinds of minute fungi., A spore.
sporocarp noun A closed body or conceptacle containing one or more masses of spores or sporangia., A sporangium.
sporocyst noun An asexual zooid, usually forming one of a series of larval forms in the agamic reproduction of various trematodes and other parasitic worms. The sporocyst generally develops from an egg, but in its turn produces other larvae by internal budding, or by the subdivision of a part or all of its contents into a number of minute germs. See Redia., Any protozoan when it becomes encysted produces germs by sporulation.
sporogony noun The growth or development of an animal or a zooid from a nonsexual germ.
sporozoid noun Same as Zoospore.
sportless adjective Without sport or mirth; joyless.
sportling noun A little person or creature engaged in sports or in play.
sportsmen plural of Sportsman
sportsman noun One who pursues the sports of the field; one who hunts, fishes, etc.
sportulae plural of Sportula
spoutfish noun A marine animal that spouts water; — applied especially to certain bivalve mollusks, like the long clams (Mya), which spout, or squirt out, water when retiring into their holes.
spoutless adjective Having no spout.
spragging present participle & vb. noun of Sprag
spraining present participle & vb. noun of Sprain
sprawling present participle & vb. noun of Sprawl
spreading present participle & vb. noun of Spread
sprechery noun Movables of an inferior description; especially, such as have been collected by depredation.
sprigging present participle & vb. noun of Sprig
sprightly superl. Sprightlike, or spiritlike; lively; brisk; animated; vigorous; airy; gay; as, a sprightly youth; a sprightly air; a sprightly dance.
sprigtail noun The pintail duck; — called also sprig, and spreet-tail., The sharp-tailed grouse.
springing present participle & vb. noun of Spring, The act or process of one who, or that which, springs., Growth; increase; also, that which springs up; a shoot; a plant.
springald adjective Alt. of Springall
springall adjective An active, springly young man.
springbok noun Alt. of Springbuck
springlet noun A little spring.
sprinkled imp. & past participle of Sprinkle
sprinkler noun One who sprinkles., An instrument or vessel used in sprinkling; specifically, a watering pot.
sprinting present participle & vb. noun of Sprint
spriteful adjective Alt. of Spritely
spritsail noun A sail extended by a sprit., A sail formerly hung under the bowsprit, from the spritsail yard.
sprouting present participle & vb. noun of Sprout
spuminess noun The quality or condition of being spumy; spumescence.
sputation noun The act of spitting; expectoration.
sputative adjective Inclined to spit; spitting much.
sputtered imp. & past participle of Sputter
sputterer noun One who sputters.
squabbish adjective Thick; fat; heavy.
squabbled imp. & past participle of Squabble
squabbler noun One who squabbles; a contentious person; a brawler.
squaimous adjective Squeamish.
squalidly adverb In a squalid manner.
squalling present participle & vb. noun of Squall
squalodon noun A genus of fossil whales belonging to the Phocodontia; — so called because their are serrated, like a shark’s.
squamated adjective Same as Squamose.
squamduck The American eider duck.
squamella noun A diminutive scale or bractlet, such as those found on the receptacle in many composite plants; a palea.
squamipen noun Any one of a group of fishes having the dorsal and anal fins partially covered with scales.
squamosal adjective Scalelike; squamous; as, the squamosal bone., Of or pertaining to the squamosal bone., The squamous part of the temporal bone, or a bone correspondending to it, under Temporal.
squamulae plural of Squamula
squarrose adjective Ragged or full of lose scales or projecting parts; rough; jagged, Consisting of scales widely divaricating; having scales, small leaves, or other bodies, spreading widely from the axis on which they are crowded; — said of a calyx or stem., Divided into shreds or jags, raised above the plane of the leaf, and not parallel to it; said of a leaf., Having scales spreading every way, or standing upright, or at right angles to the surface; — said of a shell.
squarrous adjective Squarrose.
squashing present participle & vb. noun of Squash
squatting present participle & vb. noun of Squat
squawking present participle & vb. noun of Squawk
squawroot noun A scaly parasitic plant (Conopholis Americana) found in oak woods in the United States; — called also cancer root.
squawweed noun The golden ragwort. See under Ragwort.
squeaking present participle & vb. noun of Squeak
squealing present participle & vb. noun of Squeal
squeamish adjective Having a stomach that is easily or nauseated; hence, nice to excess in taste; fastidious; easily disgusted; apt to be offended at trifling improprieties.
squeamous adjective Squeamish.
squeezing present participle & vb. noun of Squeeze, The act of pressing; compression; oppression., That which is forced out by pressure; dregs., Same as Squeeze, n., 2.
squelched imp. & past participle of Squelch
squibbing present participle & vb. noun of Squib
squinance noun Alt. of Squinancy
squinancy noun The quinsy. See Quinsy., A European perennial herb (Asperula cynanchica) with narrowly linear whorled leaves; — formerly thought to cure the quinsy. Also called quincewort.
squinting present participle & vb. noun of Squint, a. & n. from Squint, v.
squiralty noun Same as Squirarchy.
squirarch noun One who belongs to the squirarchy.
squirming present participle & vb. noun of Squirm
squirting present participle & vb. noun of Squirt
stability adjective The state or quality of being stable, or firm; steadiness; firmness; strength to stand without being moved or overthrown; as, the stability of a structure; the stability of a throne or a constitution., Steadiness or firmness of character, firmness of resolution or purpose; the quality opposite to fickleness, irresolution, or inconstancy; constancy; steadfastness; as, a man of little stability, or of unusual stability., Fixedness; — as opposed to fluidity.
stableboy noun Alt. of Stableman
stableman noun A boy or man who attends in a stable; a groom; a hostler.
stackyard noun A yard or inclosure for stacks of hay or grain.
stageplay noun A dramatic or theatrical entertainment.
stag-evil noun A kind of palsy affecting the jaw of a horse.
staggered imp. & past participle of Stagger
staghound noun A large and powerful hound formerly used in hunting the stag, the wolf, and other large animals. The breed is nearly extinct.
stagirite noun A native of, or resident in, Stagira, in ancient Macedonia; especially, Aristotle.
stagnancy noun State of being stagnant.
stagnated imp. & past participle of Stagnate
staidness noun The quality or state of being staid; seriousness; steadiness; sedateness; regularity; — the opposite of wildness, or levity.
stainless adjective Free from stain; immaculate.
staircase noun A flight of stairs with their supporting framework, casing, balusters, etc.
stairhead noun The head or top of a staircase.
staithman noun A man employed in weighing and shipping at a staith.
stakehead noun A horizontal bar on a stake, used for supporting the yarns which are kept apart by pins in the bar.
stalactic adjective Alt. of Stalactical
stalemate noun The position of the king when he can not move without being placed on check and there is no other piece which can be moved., To subject to a stalemate; hence, to bring to a stand.
staleness noun The quality or state of being stale.
stalkless adjective Having no stalk.
stall-fed imp. & past participle of Stall-feed
stalworth adjective Brave; bold; strong; redoubted; daring; vehement; violent.
staminate adjective Furnished with stamens; producing stamens., Having stamens, but lacking pistils., To indue with stamina.
stamineal adjective Alt. of Stamineous
staminode noun A staminodium.
stammered imp. & past participle of Stammer
stammerer noun One who stammers.
stanching present participle & vb. noun of Stanch
stanchion noun A prop or support; a piece of timber in the form of a stake or post, used for a support or stay., Any upright post or beam used as a support, as for the deck, the quarter rails, awnings, etc., A vertical bar for confining cattle in a stall.
standgale noun See Stannel.
standpipe noun A vertical pipe, open at the top, between a hydrant and a reservoir, to equalize the flow of water; also, a large vertical pipe, near a pumping engine, into which water is forced up, so as to give it sufficient head to rise to the required level at a distance., A supply pipe of sufficient elevation to enable the water to flow into the boiler, notwithstanding the pressure of the steam.
stanielry noun Hawking with staniels, — a base kind of falconry.
stannoso- adjective A combining form (also used adjectively) denoting relation to, or connection with, certain stannnous compounds.
stapedial adjective Of or pertaining to stapes.
starboard verb t. That side of a vessel which is on the right hand of a person who stands on board facing the bow; — opposed to larboard, or port., Pertaining to the right-hand side of a ship; being or lying on the right side; as, the starboard quarter; starboard tack., To put to the right, or starboard, side of a vessel; as, to starboard the helm.
starching present participle & vb. noun of Starch
starcraft noun Astrology.
starfinch noun The European redstart.
stargaser noun One who gazes at the stars; an astrologer; sometimes, in derision or contempt, an astronomer., Any one of several species of spiny-rayed marine fishes belonging to Uranoscopus, Astroscopus, and allied genera, of the family Uranoscopidae. The common species of the Eastern United States are Astroscopus anoplus, and A. guttatus. So called from the position of the eyes, which look directly upward.
staringly adverb With a staring look.
starkness noun The quality or state of being stark.
starlight noun The light given by the stars., Lighted by the stars, or by the stars only; as, a starlight night.
starproof adjective Impervious to the light of the stars; as, a starproof elm.
star-read noun Doctrine or knowledge of the stars; star lore; astrology; astronomy.
starshine noun The light of the stars.
starshoot noun See Nostoc.
starstone noun Asteriated sapphire.
startling present participle & vb. noun of Startle
startlish adjective Easily startled; apt to start; startish; skittish; — said especially of a hourse.
starvedly adverb In the condition of one starved or starving; parsimoniously.
statarian adjective Fixed; settled; steady; statary.
statehood noun The condition of being a State; as, a territory seeking Statehood.
stateless adjective Without state or pomp.
statelily adverb In a stately manner.
statement noun The act of stating, reciting, or presenting, orally or in paper; as, to interrupt a speaker in the statement of his case., That which is stated; a formal embodiment in language of facts or opinions; a narrative; a recital.
stateroom noun A magnificent room in a place or great house., A small apartment for lodging or sleeping in the cabin, or on the deck, of a vessel; also, a somewhat similar apartment in a railway sleeping car.
statesmen plural of Statesman
statesman noun A man versed in public affairs and in the principles and art of government; especially, one eminent for political abilities., One occupied with the affairs of government, and influental in shaping its policy., A small landholder.
stationed imp. & past participle of Station
stational adjective Of or pertaining to a station.
stationer adjective A bookseller or publisher; — formerly so called from his occupying a stand, or station, in the market place or elsewhere., One who sells paper, pens, quills, inkstands, pencils, blank books, and other articles used in writing.
statistic adjective Alt. of Statistical
statuette noun A small statue; — usually applied to a figure much less than life size, especially when of marble or bronze, or of plaster or clay as a preparation for the marble or bronze, as distinguished from a figure in terra cotta or the like. Cf. Figurine.
statutory adjective Enacted by statute; depending on statute for its authority; as, a statutory provision.
staunchly Alt. of Staunchness
stavewood noun A tall tree (Simaruba amara) growing in tropical America. It is one of the trees which yields quassia.
staymaker noun One whose occupation is to make stays.
steadfast adjective Firmly fixed or established; fast fixed; firm., Not fickle or wavering; constant; firm; resolute; unswerving; steady.
steadying present participle & vb. noun of Steady
steamboat noun A boat or vessel propelled by steam power; — generally used of river or coasting craft, as distinguished from ocean steamers.
steamship noun A ship or seagoing vessel propelled by the power of steam; a steamer.
steaningp noun See Steening.
stearolic adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, an acid of the acetylene series, isologous with stearis acid, and obtained, as a white crystalline substance, from oleic acid.
stearrhea noun seborrhea.
steatitic noun Pertaining to, or of the nature of, steatite; containing or resembling steatite.
steedless adjective Having no steed; without a horse.
steelhead noun A North Pacific salmon (Salmo Gairdneri) found from Northern California to Siberia; — called also hardhead, and preesil., The ruddy duck.
steelyard noun A form of balance in which the body to be weighed is suspended from the shorter arm of a lever, which turns on a fulcrum, and a counterpoise is caused to slide upon the longer arm to produce equilibrium, its place upon this arm (which is notched or graduated) indicating the weight; a Roman balance; — very commonly used also in the plural form, steelyards.
steenkirk noun Alt. of Steinkirk
steinkirk noun A kind of neckcloth worn in a loose and disorderly fashion., Same as Steenkirk.
steepened imp. & past participle of Steepen
steepness noun Quality or state of being steep; precipitous declivity; as, the steepnessof a hill or a roof., Height; loftiness.
steerable adjective Capable of being steered; dirigible.
steerless adjective Having no rudder.
steerling noun A young small steer.
steersmen plural of Steersman
steersman noun One who steers; the helmsman of a vessel.
stegnosis noun Constipation; also, constriction of the vessels or ducts.
stegnotic adjective Tending to render costive, or to diminish excretions or discharges generally., A stegnotic medicine; an astringent.
steinbock noun The European ibex., A small South African antelope (Nanotragus tragulus) which frequents dry, rocky districts; — called also steenbok.
steingale noun The stannel.
stellated adjective Resembling a star; pointed or radiated, like the emblem of a star., Starlike; having similar parts radiating from a common center; as, stellate flowers.
stellerid noun A starfish.
stellular adjective Having the shape or appearance of little stars; radiated., Marked with starlike spots of color.
stenciled imp. & past participle of Stencil
stenciler noun One who paints or colors in figures by means of stencil.
stenoderm noun Any species of bat belonging to the genus Stenoderma, native of the West Indies and South America. These bats have a short or rudimentary tail and a peculiarly shaped nose membrane.
stentorin noun A blue coloring matter found in some stentors. See Stentor, 2.
stepchild noun A bereaved child; one who has lost father or mother., A son or daughter of one’s wife or husband by a former marriage.
stepstone noun A stone laid before a door as a stair to rise on in entering the house.
stercolin noun Same as Serolin (b).
stercorin noun Same as Serolin (b).
sterility noun The quality or condition of being sterile., Quality of being sterile; infecundity; also, the state of being free from germs or spores.
sterilize verb t. To make sterile or unproductive; to impoverish, as land; to exhaust of fertility., To deprive of the power of reproducing; to render incapable of germination or fecundation; to make sterile., To destroy all spores or germs in (an organic fluid or mixture), as by heat, so as to prevent the development of bacterial or other organisms.
sternebra noun One of the segments of the sternum.
sternmost adjective Farthest in the rear; farthest astern; as, the sternmost ship in a convoy.
sternness noun The quality or state of being stern.
sternpost noun A straight piece of timber, or an iron bar or beam, erected on the extremity of the keel to support the rudder, and receive the ends of the planks or plates of the vessel.
sternsman noun A steersman.
stevedore noun One whose occupation is to load and unload vessels in port; one who stows a cargo in a hold.
stewardly adverb In a manner, or with the care, of a steward.
stewartry noun An overseer or superintendent., The office of a steward; stewardship., In Scotland, the jurisdiction of a steward; also, the lands under such jurisdiction.
stibiated adjective Combined or impregnated with antimony (stibium).
stibonium noun The hypothetical radical SbH4, analogous to ammonium; — called also antimonium.
stichwort noun A kind of chickweed (Stellaria Holostea).
stickfuls plural of Stickful
stick-lac noun See the Note under Lac.
stickling present participle & vb. noun of Stickle
sticktail noun The ruddy duck.
stiffened imp. & past participle of Stiffen
stiffener noun One who, or that which, stiffens anything, as a piece of stiff cloth in a cravat.
stiffness noun The quality or state of being stiff; as, the stiffness of cloth or of paste; stiffness of manner; stiffness of character.
stifftail noun The ruddy duck.
stigmaria noun The fossil root stem of a coal plant of the genus Sigillaria.
stigmatic noun A notorious profligate or criminal who has been branded; one who bears the marks of infamy or punishment., A person who is marked or deformed by nature., A person bearing the wounds on the hands and feet resembling those of Jesus Christ caused by His crucifixion; — for true stigmantics the wounds are supposed to have been caused miraculously, as a sign of great holiness., Alt. of Stigmatical
stilettos plural of Stiletto
stillborn adjective Dead at the birth; as, a stillborn child., Fig.: Abortive; as, a stillborn poem.
stillness noun The quality or state of being still; quietness; silence; calmness; inactivity., Habitual silence or quiet; taciturnity.
stillroom noun A room for distilling., An apartment in a house where liquors, preserves, and the like, are kept.
stiltbird noun See Stilt, n., 3.
stimulant adjective Serving to stimulate., Produced increased vital action in the organism, or in any of its parts., That which stimulates, provokes, or excites., An agent which produces a temporary increase of vital activity in the organism, or in any of its parts; — sometimes used without qualification to signify an alcoholic beverage used as a stimulant.
stimulate verb t. To excite as if with a goad; to excite, rouse, or animate, to action or more vigorous exertion by some pungent motive or by persuasion; as, to stimulate one by the hope of reward, or by the prospect of glory., To excite; to irritate; especially, to excite the activity of (a nerve or an irritable muscle), as by electricity.
stimulism noun The theory of medical practice which regarded life as dependent upon stimulation, or excitation, and disease as caused by excess or deficiency in the amount of stimulation., The practice of treating disease by alcoholic stimulants.
stingaree noun Any sting ray. See under 6th Ray.
stingbull noun The European greater weever fish (Trachinus draco), which is capable of inflicting severe wounds with the spinous rays of its dorsal fin. See Weever.
stingfish noun The weever.
stingless adjective Having no sting.
stingtail noun A sting ray.
stinkball noun A composition of substances which in combustion emit a suffocating odor; — used formerly in naval warfare.
stinkhorn noun A kind of fungus of the genus Phallus, which emits a fetid odor.
stinkweed noun Stramonium. See Jamestown weed, and Datura.
stinkwood noun A name given to several kinds of wood with an unpleasant smell, as that of the Foetidia Mauritiana of the Mauritius, and that of the South African Ocotea bullata.
stintance noun Restraint; stoppage.
stintless adjective Without stint or restraint.
stipitate adjective Supported by a stipe; elevated on a stipe, as the fronds of most ferns, or the pod of certain cruciferous plants.
stippling present participle & vb. noun of Stipple, A mode of execution which produces the effect by dots or small points instead of lines., A mode of execution in which a flat or even tint is produced by many small touches.
stipulary adjective Of or pertaining to stipules; stipular.
stipulate adjective Furnished with stipules; as, a stipulate leaf., To make an agreement or covenant with any person or company to do or forbear anything; to bargain; to contract; to settle terms; as, certain princes stipulated to assist each other in resisting the armies of France.
stirabout noun A dish formed of oatmeal boiled in water to a certain consistency and frequently stirred, or of oatmeal and dripping mixed together and stirred about in a pan; a hasty pudding.
stiriated adjective Adorned with pendants like icicles.
stitching present participle & vb. noun of Stitch, The act of one who stitches., Work done by sewing, esp. when a continuous line of stitches is shown on the surface; stitches, collectively.
stitchery noun Needlework; — in contempt.
stockaded imp. & past participle of Stockade
stockdove noun A common European wild pigeon (Columba aenas), so called because at one time believed to be the stock of the domestic pigeon, or, according to some, from its breeding in the stocks, or trunks, of trees.
stockfish noun Salted and dried fish, especially codfish, hake, ling, and torsk; also, codfish dried without being salted., Young fresh cod.
stockinet noun An elastic textile fabric imitating knitting, of which stockings, under-garments, etc., are made.
stockwork noun A system of working in ore, etc., when it lies not in strata or veins, but in solid masses, so as to be worked in chambers or stories., A metalliferous deposit characterized by the impregnation of the mass of rock with many small veins or nests irregularly grouped. This kind of deposit is especially common with tin ore. Such deposits are worked in floors or stories.
stokehole noun The mouth to the grate of a furnace; also, the space in front of the furnace, where the stokers stand.
stolidity noun The state or quality of being stolid; dullness of intellect; obtuseness; stupidity.
stomached imp. & past participle of Stomach
stomachal adjective Of or pertaining to the stomach; gastric., Helping the stomach; stomachic; cordial., A stomachic.
stomacher noun One who stomachs., An ornamental covering for the breast, worn originally both by men and women. Those worn by women were often richly decorated.
stomachic adjective Alt. of Stomachical, A medicine that strengthens the stomach and excites its action.
stomapoda noun pl. An order of Crustacea including the squillas. The maxillipeds are leglike in form, and the large claws are comblike. They have a large and elongated abdomen, which contains a part of the stomach and heart; the abdominal appendages are large, and bear the gills. Called also Gastrula, Stomatopoda, and Squilloidea.
stomatoda noun pl. A division of Protozoa in which a mouthlike opening exists.
stomatode adjective Having a mouth; — applied to certain Protozoa., One of the Stomatoda.
stomatous adjective Having a stoma.
stonebird noun The yellowlegs; — called also stone snipe. See Tattler, 2.
stonebuck noun See Steinbock.
stonechat noun A small, active, and very common European singing bird (Pratincola rubicola); — called also chickstone, stonechacker, stonechatter, stoneclink, stonesmith., The wheatear., The blue titmouse.
stonecray noun A distemper in hawks.
stonecrop noun A sort of tree., Any low succulent plant of the genus Sedum, esp. Sedum acre, which is common on bare rocks in Europe, and is spreading in parts of America. See Orpine.
stonegall noun See Stannel.
stoneroot noun A North American plant (Collinsonia Canadensis) having a very hard root; horse balm. See Horse balm, under Horse.
stoneware noun A species of coarse potter’s ware, glazed and baked.
stoneweed noun Any plant of the genus Lithospermum, herbs having a fruit composed of four stony nutlets.
stonework noun Work or wall consisting of stone; mason’s work of stone.
stonewort noun Any plant of the genus Chara; — so called because they are often incrusted with carbonate of lime. See Chara.
stoniness noun The quality or state of being stony.
stoolball noun A kind of game with balls, formerly common in England, esp. with young women.
stop-over adjective Permitting one to stop over; as, a stop-over check or ticket. See To stop over, under Stop, v. i.
stoppered imp. & past participle of Stopper
stoppling present participle & vb. noun of Stopple
storeroom noun Room in a storehouse or repository; a room in which articles are stored.
storeship noun A vessel used to carry naval stores for a fleet, garrison, or the like.
stormcock noun The missel thrush., The fieldfare., The green woodpecker.
stormless adjective Without storms.
stormwind noun A heavy wind; a wind that brings a storm; the blast of a storm.
storthing noun The Parliament of Norway, chosen by indirect election once in three years, but holding annual sessions.
storybook noun A book containing stories, or short narratives, either true or false.
stoutness noun The state or quality of being stout.
stovepipe noun Pipe made of sheet iron in length and angular or curved pieces fitting together, — used to connect a portable stove with a chimney flue.
stowboard noun A place into which rubbish is put.
straddled imp. & past participle of Straddle
straggled imp. & past participle of Straggle
straggler noun One who straggles, or departs from the direct or proper course, or from the company to which he belongs; one who falls behind the rest; one who rambles without any settled direction., A roving vagabond., Something that shoots, or spreads out, beyond the rest, or too far; an exuberant growth., Something that stands alone or by itself.
stragulum noun The mantle, or pallium, of a bird.
straining present participle & vb. noun of Strain, a. & n. from Strain.
stranding present participle & vb. noun of Strand
strangely adverb As something foreign, or not one’s own; in a manner adapted to something foreign and strange., In the manner of one who does not know another; distantly; reservedly; coldly., In a strange manner; in a manner or degree to excite surprise or wonder; wonderfully.
strangled imp. & past participle of Strangle
strangler noun One who, or that which, strangles.
strangles noun A disease in horses and swine, in which the upper part of the throat, or groups of lymphatic glands elsewhere, swells.
strangury noun A painful discharge of urine, drop by drop, produced by spasmodic muscular contraction., A swelling or other disease in a plant, occasioned by a ligature fastened tightly about it.
strapping present participle & vb. noun of Strap, Tall; strong; lusty; large; as, a strapping fellow.
strappado noun A military punishment formerly practiced, which consisted in drawing an offender to the top of a beam and letting him fall to the length of the rope, by which means a limb was often dislocated., To punish or torture by the strappado.
strapwork noun A kind of ornament consisting of a narrow fillet or band folded, crossed, and interlaced.
stratagem noun An artifice or trick in war for deceiving the enemy; hence, in general, artifice; deceptive device; secret plot; evil machination.
strategic adjective Alt. of Strategical
strategus noun The leader or commander of an army; a general.
stratonic adjective Of or pertaining to an army.
stratotic adjective Warlike; military.
strawworm noun A caddice worm.
streaking present participle & vb. noun of Streak
streaming present participle & vb. noun of Stream, Sending forth streams., The act or operation of that which streams; the act of that which sends forth, or which runs in, streams., The reduction of stream tin; also, the search for stream tin.
streamful adjective Abounding in streams, or in water.
streamlet noun A small stream; a rivulet; a rill.
strengest the original compar. & superl. of Strong.
strengthy adjective Having strength; strong.
strenuity noun Strenuousness; activity.
strenuous adjective Eagerly pressing or urgent; zealous; ardent; earnest; bold; valiant; intrepid; as, a strenuous advocate for national rights; a strenuous reformer; a strenuous defender of his country.
stressful adjective Having much stress.
stretched imp. & past participle of Stretch
stretcher noun One who, or that which, stretches., A brick or stone laid with its longer dimension in the line of direction of the wall., A piece of timber used in building., A narrow crosspiece of the bottom of a boat against which a rower braces his feet., A crosspiece placed between the sides of a boat to keep them apart when hoisted up and griped., A litter, or frame, for carrying disabled, wounded, or dead persons., An overstretching of the truth; a lie., One of the rods in an umbrella, attached at one end to one of the ribs, and at the other to the tube sliding upon the handle., An instrument for stretching boots or gloves., The frame upon which canvas is stretched for a painting.
strewment noun Anything scattered, as flowers for decoration.
striating present participle & vb. noun of Striate
striation noun The quality or condition of being striated., A stria; as, the striations on a shell.
striature noun A stria.
strickler noun See Strickle.
striction noun The act of constricting, or the state of being constricted.
stricture noun Strictness., A stroke; a glance; a touch., A touch of adverse criticism; censure., A localized morbid contraction of any passage of the body. Cf. Organic stricture, and Spasmodic stricture, under Organic, and Spasmodic.
strifeful adjective Contentious; discordant.
strigment noun Scraping; that which is scraped off.
stringing present participle & vb. noun of String
stringent adjective Binding strongly; making strict requirements; restrictive; rigid; severe; as, stringent rules.
stripping present participle & vb. noun of Strip, The act of one who strips., The last milk drawn from a cow at a milking.
stripling noun A youth in the state of adolescence, or just passing from boyhood to manhood; a lad.
strisores noun pl. A division of passerine birds including the humming birds, swifts, and goatsuckers. It is now generally considered an artificial group.
strobilae plural of Strobila
strokeing present participle & vb. noun of Stroke
strolling present participle & vb. noun of Stroll
stromatic adjective Miscellaneous; composed of different kinds.
strombite noun A fossil shell of the genus Strombus.
stromboid adjective Of, pertaining to, or like, Strombus.
strongish adjective Somewhat strong.
strontian noun Strontia.
strontium noun A metallic element of the calcium group, always naturally occurring combined, as in the minerals strontianite, celestite, etc. It is isolated as a yellowish metal, somewhat malleable but harder than calcium. It is chiefly employed (as in the nitrate) to color pyrotechnic flames red. Symbol Sr. Atomic weight 87.3., A radioactive isotope of strontium produced by certain nuclear reactions, and constituting one of the prominent harmful components of radioactive fallout from nuclear explosions; also called radiostrontium. It has a half-life of 28 years.
stropping present participle & vb. noun of Strop
strouding noun Material for strouds; a kind of coarse cloth used in trade with the North American Indians.
structure noun The act of building; the practice of erecting buildings; construction., Manner of building; form; make; construction., Arrangement of parts, of organs, or of constituent particles, in a substance or body; as, the structure of a rock or a mineral; the structure of a sentence., Manner of organization; the arrangement of the different tissues or parts of animal and vegetable organisms; as, organic structure, or the structure of animals and plants; cellular structure., That which is built; a building; esp., a building of some size or magnificence; an edifice.
struggled imp. & past participle of Struggle
struggler noun One who struggles.
strumming present participle & vb. noun of Strum
strumatic adjective Scrofulous; strumous.
struntian noun A kind of worsted braid, about an inch broad.
strutting present participle & vb. noun of Strut, a. & n. from Strut, v.
struthian adjective Struthious.
strychnia noun Strychnine.
strychnic adjective Of or pertaining to strychnine; produced by strychnine; as, strychnic compounds; strychnic poisoning, used to designate an acid, called also igasuric acid.
strychnos noun A genus of tropical trees and shrubs of the order Loganiaceae. See Nux vomica.
stryphnic adjective Pertaining to, or designating, a complex nitrogenous acid, obtained by the action of acetic acid and potassium nitrite on uric acid, as a yellow crystalline substance, with a bitter, astringent taste.
stuccoing present participle & vb. noun of Stucco
studentry noun A body of students.
studiedly adverb In a studied manner.
stumbling present participle & vb. noun of Stumble
stuntness noun Stuntedness; brevity.
stupefied adjective Having been made stupid., of Stupefy
stupefier noun One who, or that which, stupefies; a stupefying agent.
stupidity noun The quality or state of being stupid; extreme dullness of perception or understanding; insensibility; sluggishness., Stupor; astonishment; stupefaction.
sturiones noun pl. An order of fishes including the sturgeons.
stuttered imp. & past participle of Stutter
stutterer noun One who stutters; a stammerer.
stylaster noun Any one of numerous species of delicate, usually pink, calcareous hydroid corals of the genus Stylaster.
styliform adjective Having the form of, or resembling, a style, pin, or pen; styloid.
stylistic adjective Of or pertaining to style in language.
stylobate noun The uninterrupted and continuous flat band, coping, or pavement upon which the bases of a row of columns are supported. See Sub-base.
stylohyal noun A segment in the hyoidean arch between the epihyal and tympanohyal.
styphnate noun A salt of styphnic acid.
styptical adjective Styptic; astringent.
styrolene noun An unsaturated hydrocarbon, C8H8, obtained by the distillation of storax, by the decomposition of cinnamic acid, and by the condensation of acetylene, as a fragrant, aromatic, mobile liquid; — called also phenyl ethylene, vinyl benzene, styrol, styrene, and cinnamene.
suability noun Liability to be sued; the state of being subjected by law to civil process.
suavified imp. & past participle of Suavify
subaction noun The act of reducing to any state, as of mixing two bodies combletely.
subaerial adjective Beneath the sky; in the open air; specifically (Geol.), taking place on the earth’s surface, as opposed to subaqueous.
subagency noun A subordinate agency.
subashdar noun A viceroy; a governor of a subah; also, a native captain in the British native army.
subalpine adjective Inhabiting the somewhat high slopes and summits of mountains, but considerably below the snow line.
subaltern adjective Ranked or ranged below; subordinate; inferior; specifically (Mil.), ranking as a junior officer; being below the rank of captain; as, a subaltern officer., Asserting only a part of what is asserted in a related proposition., A person holding a subordinate position; specifically, a commissioned military officer below the rank of captain., A subaltern proposition.
subapical adjective Being under the apex; of or pertaining to the part just below the apex.
subarctic adjective Approximately arctic; belonging to a region just without the arctic circle.
subastral adjective Beneath the stars or heavens; terrestrial.
subbeadle noun An under beadle.
subcaudal adjective Situated under, or on the ventral side of, the tail; as, the subcaudal, or chevron, bones.
subcostal adjective Situated below the costas, or ribs; as, the subcostal muscles., A subcostal muscle., One of the principal nervures of the wings of an insect. It is situated next beneath or behind the costal. See Nervure.
subdeacon noun One belonging to an order in the Roman Catholic Church, next interior to the order of deacons; also, a member of a minor order in the Greek Church.
subdented adjective Indented beneath.
subdivide verb t. To divide the parts of (anything) into more parts; to part into smaller divisions; to divide again, as what has already been divided., To be, or to become, subdivided.
subdivine adjective Partaking of divinity; divine in a partial or lower degree.
subdolous adjective Sly; crafty; cunning; artful.
subduable adjective Able to be subdued.
subdulcid adjective Somewhat sweet; sweetish.
subeditor noun An assistant editor, as of a periodical or journal.
subereous adjective Of or pertaining to cork; of the nature of cork; suberose.
subfamily noun One of the subdivisions, of more importance than genus, into which certain families are divided.
subgenera plural of Subgenus
subinduce verb t. To insinuate; to offer indirectly.
subjacent adjective Lying under or below., Being in a lower situation, though not directly beneath; as, hills and subjacent valleys.
subjected imp. & past participle of Subject, Subjacent., Reduced to subjection; brought under the dominion of another., Exposed; liable; subject; obnoxious.
subjoined imp. & past participle of Subjoin
subjugate verb t. To subdue, and bring under the yoke of power or dominion; to conquer by force, and compel to submit to the government or absolute control of another; to vanquish.
sublation noun The act of taking or carrying away; removal.
sublative adjective Having power, or tending, to take away.
sublessee noun A holder of a sublease.
sublimate verb t. To bring by heat into the state of vapor, which, on cooling, returns again to the solid state; as, to sublimate sulphur or camphor., To refine and exalt; to heighten; to elevate., A product obtained by sublimation; hence, also, a purified product so obtained., Brought into a state of vapor by heat, and again condensed as a solid.
subliming present participle & vb. noun of Sublime
sublimely adverb In a sublime manner.
sublimity noun The quality or state of being sublime (in any sense of the adjective)., That which is sublime; as, the sublimities of nature.
sublingua noun A process or fold below the tongue in some animals.
sublition noun The act or process of laying the ground in a painting.
sublumbar adjective Situated under, or on the ventral side of, the lumbar region of the vertebral column.
sublunary adjective Situated beneath the moon; hence, of or pertaining to this world; terrestrial; earthly., Any worldly thing.
submarine adjective Being, acting, or growing, under water in the sea; as, submarine navigators; submarine plants., A submarine plant or animal.
submedial adjective Lying under the middle.
submedian adjective Next to the median (on either side); as, the submedian teeth of mollusks.
submental adjective Situated under the chin; as, the submental artery.
submentum noun The basal part of the labium of insects. It bears the mentum.
submerged imp. & past participle of Submerge
submersed adjective Being or growing under water, as the leaves of aquatic plants.
submissly adverb In a submissive manner; with a submission.
submitted imp. & past participle of Submit
submitter noun One who submits.
submonish verb t. To suggest; to prompt.
submucous adjective Situated under a mucous membrane.
subnormal noun That part of the axis of a curved line which is intercepted between the ordinate and the normal.
subobtuse adjective Partially obtuse.
suboctave adjective Alt. of Suboctuple
subocular adjective Situated under, or on the ventral side of, the eye.
suborning present participle & vb. noun of Suborn
subovated adjective Subovate.
subpoenal adjective Required or done under penalty.
subreader noun An under reader in the inns of court, who reads the texts of law the reader is to discourse upon.
subrector noun An assistant restor.
subrogate verb t. To put in the place of another; to substitute.
subrotund adjective Somewhat rotund.
subsacral adjective Situated under, or on the ventral side of, the sacrum.
subsaline adjective Moderately saline or salt.
subscribe verb t. To write underneath, as one’s name; to sign (one’s name) to a document., To sign with one’s own hand; to give consent to, as something written, or to bind one’s self to the terms of, by writing one’s name beneath; as, parties subscribe a covenant or contract; a man subscribes a bond., To attest by writing one’s name beneath; as, officers subscribe their official acts, and secretaries and clerks subscribe copies or records., To promise to give, by writing one’s name with the amount; as, each man subscribed ten dollars., To sign away; to yield; to surrender., To declare over one’s signature; to publish., To sign one’s name to a letter or other document., To give consent to something written, by signing one’s name; hence, to assent; to agree., To become surely; — with for., To yield; to admit one’s self to be inferior or in the wrong., To set one’s name to a paper in token of promise to give a certain sum., To enter one’s name for a newspaper, a book, etc.
subscript adjective Written below or underneath; as, iota subscript. (See under Iota.) Specifically (Math.), said of marks, figures, or letters (suffixes), written below and usually to the right of other letters to distinguish them; as, a, n, 2, in the symbols Xa, An, Y2. See Suffix, n., 2, and Subindex., Anything written below.
subsecute verb t. To follow closely, or so as to overtake; to pursue.
subsellia plural of Subsellium
subserous adjective Situated under a serous membrane.
subserved imp. & past participle of Subserve
subsiding present participle & vb. noun of Subside
subsidize verb t. To furnish with a subsidy; to purchase the assistance of by the payment of a subsidy; to aid or promote, as a private enterprise, with public money; as, to subsidize a steamship line.
subsidies plural of Subsidy
subsigned imp. & past participle of Subsign
subsisted imp. & past participle of Subsist
subsolary adjective Being under the sun; hence, terrestrial; earthly; mundane.
substance noun That which underlies all outward manifestations; substratum; the permanent subject or cause of phenomena, whether material or spiritual; that in which properties inhere; that which is real, in distinction from that which is apparent; the abiding part of any existence, in distinction from any accident; that which constitutes anything what it is; real or existing essence., The most important element in any existence; the characteristic and essential components of anything; the main part; essential import; purport., Body; matter; material of which a thing is made; hence, substantiality; solidity; firmness; as, the substance of which a garment is made; some textile fabrics have little substance., Material possessions; estate; property; resources., Same as Hypostasis, 2., To furnish or endow with substance; to supply property to; to make rich.
substract verb t. To subtract; to withdraw.
substrate noun A substratum., Having very slight furrows., To strew or lay under anything.
substrata plural of Substratum
substruct verb t. To build beneath something; to lay as the foundation.
substylar adjective Pertaining to the substyle.
subsultus noun A starting, twitching, or convulsive motion.
subtenant noun One who rents a tenement, or land, etc., of one who is also a tenant; an undertenant.
subtended imp. & past participle of Subtend
subterete adjective Somewhat terete.
subtilism noun The quality or state of being subtile; subtility; subtlety.
subtility noun Subtilty.
subtilize verb t. To make thin or fine; to make less gross or coarse., To refine; to spin into niceties; as, to subtilize arguments., To refine in argument; to make very nice distinctions.
subtorrid adjective Nearly torrid.
subtriple adjective Containing a third, or one part to three.
subtruded imp. & past participle of Subtrude
subulated adjective Very narrow, and tapering gradually to a fine point from a broadish base; awl-shaped; linear.
subungual adjective Under the nail or hoof.
suburbial adjective Alt. of Suburbian
suburbian adjective Suburban.
subvening present participle & vb. noun of Subvene
subverted imp. & past participle of Subvert
subverant adjective Reserved.
subverter noun One who, or that which, subverts; an overthrower.
subworker noun A subordinate worker or helper.
succedane noun A succedaneum.
succeeded imp. & past participle of Succeed
succeeder noun A successor.
succentor noun A subchanter.
successor noun One who succeeds or follows; one who takes the place which another has left, and sustains the like part or character; — correlative to predecessor; as, the successor of a deceased king.
succinate noun A salt of succinic acid.
succinite noun Amber., A garnet of an amber color.
succinous adjective Succinic.
succision noun The act of cutting down, as of trees; the act of cutting off.
succoring present participle & vb. noun of Succor
succotash noun Green maize and beans boiled together. The dish is borrowed from the native Indians.
succubine adjective Of or pertaining to succuba.
succubous adjective Having the leaves so placed that the upper part of each one is covered by the base of the next higher leaf, as in hepatic mosses of the genus Plagiochila.
succulent adjective Full of juice; juicy.
succulous adjective Succulent; juicy.
succumbed imp. & past participle of Succumb
succursal verb t. Serving to aid or help; serving as a chapel of ease; tributary.
suckatash noun See Succotash.
suckering present participle & vb. noun of Sucker
suctorial adjective Adapted for sucking; living by sucking; as, the humming birds are suctorial birds., Capable of adhering by suction; as, the suctorial fishes.
suctorian noun A cartilaginous fish with a mouth adapted for suction, as the lampery., One of the Suctoria.
sudatoria plural of Sudatorium
sudorific adjective Causing sweat; as, sudorific herbs., A sudorific medicine. Cf. Diaphoretic.
suffering present participle & vb. noun of Suffer, The bearing of pain, inconvenience, or loss; pain endured; distress, loss, or injury incurred; as, sufferings by pain or sorrow; sufferings by want or by wrongs., Being in pain or grief; having loss, injury, distress, etc.
sufficing present participle & vb. noun of Suffice, Affording enough; satisfying.
suffisant adjective Sufficient.
suffixing present participle & vb. noun of Suffix
suffixion noun The act of suffixing, or the state of being suffixed.
suffocate adjective Suffocated; choked., To choke or kill by stopping respiration; to stifle; to smother., To destroy; to extinguish; as, to suffocate fire., To become choked, stifled, or smothered.
suffragan adjective Assisting; assistant; as, a suffragan bishop., An assistant., A bishop considered as an assistant, or as subject, to his metropolitan; an assistant bishop.
suffrance noun Sufferance.
suffumige noun A medical fume.
suffusing present participle & vb. noun of Suffuse
suffusion noun The act or process of suffusing, or state of being suffused; an overspreading., That with which a thing is suffused., A blending of one color into another; the spreading of one color over another, as on the feathers of birds.
sugarless adjective Without sugar; free from sugar.
sugarplum noun A kind of candy or sweetneat made up in small balls or disks.
sugescent adjective Of or pertaining to sucking.
suggested imp. & past participle of Suggest
suggester noun One who suggests.
suicidism noun The quality or state of being suicidal, or self-murdering.
suigothus noun pl. The Scandinavian Goths. See the Note under Goths.
sulcation noun A channel or furrow.
sulciform adjective Having the form of a sulcus; as, sulciform markings.
sulkiness noun The quality or state of being sulky; sullenness; moroseness; as, sulkiness of disposition.
sullevate verb t. To rouse; to excite.
sulphacid noun An acid in which, to a greater or less extent, sulphur plays a part analogous to that of oxygen in an oxyacid; thus, thiosulphuric and sulpharsenic acids are sulphacids; — called also sulphoacid. See the Note under Acid, n., 2.
sulphamic adjective Of or pertaining to a sulphamide; derived from, or related to, a sulphamide; specifically, designating an amido acid derivative, NH2.SO2.OH, of sulphuric acid (analogous to sulphonic acid) which is not known in the free state, but is known in its salts.
sulphatic adjective Of, pertaining to, resembling, or containing, a sulphate or sulphates.
sulphato- A combining form (also used adjectively) denoting a sulphate as an ingredient in certain double salts; as, sulphato-carbonate.
sulphinic adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, any one of a series of acids regarded as acid ethereal salts of hyposulphurous acid; as, methyl sulphinic acid, CH3.SO.OH, a thick unstable liquid.
sulphonal noun A substance employed as a hypnotic, produced by the union of mercaptan and acetone.
sulphonic adjective Pertaining to, or derived from, a sulphone; — used specifically to designate any one of a series of acids (regarded as acid ethereal salts of sulphurous acid) obtained by the oxidation of the mercaptans, or by treating sulphuric acid with certain aromatic bases (as benzene); as, phenyl sulphonic acid, C6H5.SO2.OH, a stable colorless crystalline substance.
sulphuret noun A sulphide; as, a sulphuret of potassium.
sulphuric adjective Of or pertaining to sulphur; as, a sulphuric smell., Derived from, or containing, sulphur; specifically, designating those compounds in which the element has a higher valence as contrasted with the sulphurous compounds; as, sulphuric acid.
sulphuryl noun The hypothetical radical SO2; — called also sulphon.
sulpician noun One of an order of priests established in France in 1642 to educate men for the ministry. The order was introduced soon afterwards into Canada, and in 1791 into the United States.
sultanate noun The rule or dominion of a sultan; sultanship.
sultaness noun A sultana.
summarily adverb In a summary manner.
summarist noun One who summarized.
summarize verb t. To comprise in, or reduce to, a summary; to present briefly.
summaries plural of Summary
summation verb t. The act of summing, or forming a sum, or total amount; also, an aggregate.
summering present participle & vb. noun of Summer
summerset noun See Somersault, Somerset.
summoning present participle & vb. noun of Summon
summonses plural of Summons
sumptuary adjective Relating to expense; regulating expense or expenditure.
sumptuous adjective Involving large outlay or expense; costly; expensive; hence, luxurious; splendid; magnificient; as, a sumptuous house or table; sumptuous apparel.
sunbonnet noun A bonnet, generally made of some thin or light fabric, projecting beyond the face, and commonly having a cape, — worn by women as a protection against the sun.
sunburned imp. & past participle of Sunburn
sundering present participle & vb. noun of Sunder
sun-dried adjective Dried by the heat of the sun.
sundrymen plural of Sundryman
sundryman noun One who deals in sundries, or a variety of articles.
sunflower noun Any plant of the genus Helianthus; — so called probably from the form and color of its flower, which is large disk with yellow rays. The commonly cultivated sunflower is Helianthus annuus, a native of America.
sunniness noun The quality or state of being sunny.
sunrising noun The first appearance of the sun above the horizon in the morning; more generally, the time of such appearance, whether in fair or cloudy weather; as, to begin work at sunrise., Hence, the region where the sun rises; the east.
sunsquall noun Any large jellyfish.
sunstroke noun Any affection produced by the action of the sun on some part of the body; especially, a sudden prostration of the physical powers, with symptoms resembling those of apoplexy, occasioned by exposure to excessive heat, and often terminating fatally; coup de soleil.
superable adjective Capable of being overcome or conquered; surmountable.
superfete verb i. To superfetate., To conceive (another fetus) after a former conception.
superfice noun A superficies.
superfine adjective Very fine, or most fine; being of surpassing fineness; of extra nice or fine quality; as, superfine cloth., Excessively fine; too nice; over particular; as, superfine distinctions; superfine tastes.
superflux noun Superabundance; superfluity; an overflowing.
superfuse adjective To pour (something) over or on something else.
superheat verb t. To heat too much, to overheat; as, to superheat an oven., To heat, as steam, apart from contact with water, until it resembles a perfect gas., The increase of temperature communicated to steam by superheating it.
superhive noun A removable upper part of a hive. The word is sometimes contracted to super.
superplus noun Surplus.
superpose verb t. To lay upon, as one kind of rock on another., To lay (a figure) upon another in such a manner that all the parts of the one coincide with the parts of the other; as, to superpose one plane figure on another.
supersalt noun An acid salt. See Acid salt (a), under Salt, n.
supersede verb t. To come, or be placed, in the room of; to replace., To displace, or set aside, and put another in place of; as, to supersede an officer., To make void, inefficacious, or useless, by superior power, or by coming in the place of; to set aside; to render unnecessary; to suspend; to stay., To omit; to forbear.
supervene verb i. To come as something additional or extraneous; to occur with reference or relation to something else; to happen upon or after something else; to be added; to take place; to happen.
supervise verb t. To oversee for direction; to superintend; to inspect with authority; as, to supervise the construction of a steam engine, or the printing of a book., To look over so as to read; to peruse., Supervision; inspection.
supervive verb t. To survive; to outlive.
supinator noun A muscle which produces the motion of supination.
suppliant adjective Asking earnestly and submissively; entreating; beseeching; supplicating., Manifesting entreaty; expressive of supplication., One who supplicates; a humble petitioner; one who entreats submissively.
supplicat noun A petition; esp., a written one, with a certificate that the conditions have been complied with.
supplying present participle & vb. noun of Supply
supplyant adjective Supplying or aiding; auxiliary; suppletory.
supported imp. & past participle of Support
supporter noun One who, or that which, supports; as, oxygen is a supporter of life., Especially, an adherent; one who sustains, advocates, and defends; as, the supporter of a party, faction, or candidate., A knee placed under the cathead., A figure, sometimes of a man, but commonly of some animal, placed on either side of an escutcheon, and exterior to it. Usually, both supporters of an escutcheon are similar figures., A broad band or truss for supporting the abdomen or some other part or organ.
supposing present participle & vb. noun of Suppose
supposeer noun One who supposes.
supposure noun Supposition; hypothesis; conjecture.
suppurant noun A suppurative.
suppurate verb i. To generate pus; as, a boil or abscess suppurates., To cause to generate pus; as, to suppurate a sore.
supputate verb t. To suppute.
supremacy noun The state of being supreme, or in the highest station of power; highest or supreme authority or power; as, the supremacy of a king or a parliament.
supremely adverb In a supreme manner.
supremity noun Supremacy.
suradanni noun A valuable kind of wood obtained on the shores of the Demerara River in South America, much used for timbers, rails, naves and fellies of wheels, and the like.
surbating present participle & vb. noun of Surbate
surbedded imp. & past participle of Surbed
surcharge verb t. To overload; to overburden; to overmatch; to overcharge; as, to surcharge a beast or a ship; to surcharge a cannon., To overstock; especially, to put more cattle into, as a common, than the person has a right to do, or more than the herbage will sustain. Blackstone., To show an omission in (an account) for which credit ought to have been given., An overcharge; an excessive load or burden; a load greater than can well be borne., The putting, by a commoner, of more beasts on the common than he has a right to., The showing an omission, as in an account, for which credit ought to have been given.
surcingle noun A belt, band, or girth which passes over a saddle, or over anything laid on a horse’s back, to bind it fast., The girdle of a cassock, by which it is fastened round the waist.
surcloyed imp. & past participle of Surcloy
surculate verb t. To purne; to trim.
surculose adjective Producing suckers, or shoots resembling suckers.
surfacing present participle & vb. noun of Surface
surfeited imp. & past participle of Surfeit
surfeiter noun One who surfeits.
surgeless adjective Free from surges; smooth; calm.
surgeoncy noun The office or employment of a surgeon, as in the naval or military service.
surgeonry noun Surgery.
surliness noun The quality or state of being surly.
surmising present participle & vb. noun of Surmise, a. & n. from Surmise, v.
surmullet adjective Any one of various species of mullets of the family Millidae, esp. the European species (Millus surmulletus), which is highly prized as a food fish. See Mullet.
surnaming present participle & vb. noun of Surname
surpassed imp. & past participle of Surpass
surpliced adjective Wearing a surplice.
surprisal noun The act of surprising, or state of being surprised; surprise.
surprised imp. & past participle of Surprise
surpriser noun One who surprises.
surquedry noun Alt. of Surquidry
surquidry noun Overweening pride; arrogance; presumption; insolence.
surrejoin verb i. To reply, as a plaintiff to a defendant’s rejoinder.
surrender verb t. To yield to the power of another; to give or deliver up possession of (anything) upon compulsion or demand; as, to surrender one’s person to an enemy or to an officer; to surrender a fort or a ship., To give up possession of; to yield; to resign; as, to surrender a right, privilege, or advantage., To yield to any influence, emotion, passion, or power; — used reflexively; as, to surrender one’s self to grief, to despair, to indolence, or to sleep., To yield; to render or deliver up; to give up; as, a principal surrendered by his bail, a fugitive from justice by a foreign state, or a particular estate by the tenant thereof to him in remainder or reversion., To give up one’s self into the power of another; to yield; as, the enemy, seeing no way of escape, surrendered at the first summons., The act of surrendering; the act of yielding, or resigning one’s person, or the possession of something, into the power of another; as, the surrender of a castle to an enemy; the surrender of a right., The yielding of a particular estate to him who has an immediate estate in remainder or reversion., The giving up of a principal into lawful custody by his bail., The delivery up of fugitives from justice by one government to another, as by a foreign state. See Extradition.
surrendry noun Surrender.
surrogate noun A deputy; a delegate; a substitute., The deputy of an ecclesiastical judge, most commonly of a bishop or his chancellor, especially a deputy who grants marriage licenses., In some States of the United States, an officer who presides over the probate of wills and testaments and yield the settlement of estates., To put in the place of another; to substitute.
sursanure noun A wound healed or healing outwardly only.
surseance noun Peace; quiet.
survening present participle & vb. noun of Survene
surveying present participle & vb. noun of Survey, That branch of applied mathematics which teaches the art of determining the area of any portion of the earth’s surface, the length and directions of the bounding lines, the contour of the surface, etc., with an accurate delineation of the whole on paper; the act or occupation of making surveys.
surviving present participle & vb. noun of Survive, Remaining alive; yet living or existing; as, surviving friends; surviving customs.
susceptor noun One who undertakes anything; specifically, a godfather; a sponsor; a guardian.
suscitate verb t. To rouse; to excite; to call into life and action.
suspected imp. & past participle of Suspect, Distrusted; doubted.
suspecter noun One who suspects.
suspended imp. & past participle of Suspend
suspender noun One who, or that which, suspends; esp., one of a pair of straps or braces worn over the shoulders, for holding up the trousers.
suspensor noun A suspensory., The cord which suspends the embryo; and which is attached to the radicle in the young state; the proembryo.
suspicion noun The act of suspecting; the imagination or apprehension of the existence of something (esp. something wrong or hurtful) without proof, or upon very slight evidence, or upon no evidence., Slight degree; suggestion; hint., To view with suspicion; to suspect; to doubt.
sustained imp. & past participle of Sustain, Held up to a certain pitch, degree, or level; uniform; as, sustained pasion; a sustained style of writing; a sustained note in music.
sustainer noun One who, or that which, sustains.
sustaltic adjective Mournful; — said of a species of music among the ancient Greeks.
susurrant adjective Whispering.
susurrous adjective Whispering; rustling; full of whispering sounds.
sutteeism noun The practice of self-immolation of widows in Hindostan.
suturally adverb In a sutural manner.
suturated adjective Sewed or knit together; united by a suture; stitched.
swaddling present participle & vb. noun of Swaddle, a. & n. from Swaddle, v.
swagbelly noun A prominent, overhanging belly., Any large tumor developed in the abdomen, and neither fluctuating nor sonorous.
swaggered imp. & past participle of Swagger
swaggerer noun One who swaggers; a blusterer; a bully; a boastful, noisy fellow.
swainling noun A little swain.
swainmote noun A court held before the verders of the forest as judges, by the steward of the court, thrice every year, the swains, or freeholders, within the forest composing the jury.
swainship noun The condition of a swain.
swallowed imp. & past participle of Swallow
swallower noun One who swallows; also, a glutton.
swanimote noun See Swainmote.
swartback noun The black-backed gull (Larus marinus); — called also swarbie.
swarthily adverb In a swarthy manner; with a tawny hue; duskily.
swartness noun The quality or state of being swart.
sweepings noun pl. Things collected by sweeping; rubbish; as, the sweepings of a street.
sweep-saw noun A bow-saw.
sweetened imp. & past participle of Sweeten
sweetener noun One who, or that which, sweetens; one who palliates; that which moderates acrimony.
sweetmeat noun Fruit preserved with sugar, as peaches, pears, melons, nuts, orange peel, etc.; — usually in the plural; a confect; a confection., The paint used in making patent leather., A boat shell (Crepidula fornicata) of the American coast.
sweetness noun The quality or state of being sweet (in any sense of the adjective); gratefulness to the taste or to the smell; agreeableness.
sweetroot noun Licorice.
sweet-sop noun A kind of custard apple (Anona squamosa). See under Custard.
sweetweed noun A name for two tropical American weeds (Capraria biflora, and Scoparia dulcis) of the Figwort family.
sweetwood noun The true laurel (Laurus nobilis.), The timber of the tree Oreodaphne Leucoxylon, growing in Jamaica. The name is also applied to the timber of several other related trees.
sweetwort noun Any plant of a sweet taste.
sweinmote noun See Swainmote.
swellfish noun Any plectognath fish that dilates itself, as the bur fish, puffer, or diodon.
swelltoad noun A swellfish.
sweltered imp. & past participle of Swelter
swietenia noun A genus of meliaceous trees consisting of one species (Sweitenia Mahogoni), the mahogany tree.
swiftfoot adjective Nimble; fleet., The courser.
swiftness noun The quality or state of being swift; speed; quickness; celerity; velocity; rapidity; as, the swiftness of a bird; the swiftness of a stream; swiftness of descent in a falling body; swiftness of thought, etc.
swillings noun pl. See Swill, n., 1.
swimmeret noun One of a series of flat, fringed, and usually bilobed, appendages, of which several pairs occur on the abdominal somites of many crustaceans. They are used as fins in swimming.
swindling present participle & vb. noun of Swindle
swindlery noun Swindling; rougery.
swinecase noun A hogsty.
swinecote noun A hogsty.
swinecrue noun A hogsty.
swinefish noun The wolf fish.
swineherd noun A keeper of swine.
swinepipe noun The European redwing.
swine-pox noun A variety of the chicken pox, with acuminated vesicles containing a watery fluid; the water pox.
swingeing present participle & vb. noun of Swinge, Huge; very large.
swingling present participle & vb. noun of Swingle, a. & n. from Swingle, v. t.
swingtree noun The bar of a carriage to which the traces are fastened; the whiffletree.
switching present participle & vb. noun of Switch, a. & n. from Switch, v.
switchmen plural of Switchman
switchman noun One who tends a switch on a railway.
swordbill noun A humming bird (Docimastes ensiferus) having a very long, slender bill, exceeding the length of the body of the bird.
swordfish noun A very large oceanic fish (Xiphias gladius), the only representative of the family Xiphiidae. It is highly valued as a food fish. The bones of the upper jaw are consolidated, and form a long, rigid, swordlike beak; the dorsal fin is high and without distinct spines; the ventral fins are absent. The adult is destitute of teeth. It becomes sixteen feet or more long., The gar pike., The cutlass fish., A southern constellation. See Dorado, 1.
swordless adjective Destitute of a sword.
swordplay noun Fencing; a sword fight.
swordsmen plural of Swordsman
swordsman noun A soldier; a fighting man., One skilled of a use of the sword; a professor of the science of fencing; a fencer.
swordtail noun The limulus., Any hemipterous insect of the genus Uroxiphus, found upon forest trees.
sybaritic adjective Alt. of Sybaritical
sycoceric adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, an acid obtained by the oxidation of sycoceryl alcohol.
sycoceryl noun A radical, of the aromatic series, regarded as an essential ingredient of certain compounds found in the waxy resin of an Australian species of fig.
sycophant noun An informer; a talebearer., A base parasite; a mean or servile flatterer; especially, a flatterer of princes and great men., To inform against; hence, to calumniate., To play the sycophant toward; to flatter obsequiously., To play the sycophant.
syllabary noun A table of syllables; more especially, a table of the indivisible syllabic symbols used in certain languages, as the Japanese and Cherokee, instead of letters.
syllabify verb t. To form or divide into syllables.
syllabism noun The expressing of the sounds of a language by syllables, rather than by an alphabet or by signs for words.
syllabist noun One who forms or divides words into syllables, or is skilled in doing this.
syllabize verb t. To syllabify.
syllepsis noun A figure of speech by which a word is used in a literal and metaphorical sense at the same time., The agreement of a verb or adjective with one, rather than another, of two nouns, with either of which it might agree in gender, number, etc.; as, rex et regina beati.
sylleptic adjective Alt. of Sylleptical
syllidian noun Any one of numerous species of marine annelids of the family Syllidae.
syllogism noun The regular logical form of every argument, consisting of three propositions, of which the first two are called the premises, and the last, the conclusion. The conclusion necessarily follows from the premises; so that, if these are true, the conclusion must be true, and the argument amounts to demonstration
syllogize verb i. To reason by means of syllogisms.
sylphlike adjective Like a sylph; airy; graceful.
sylvanite noun A mineral, a telluride of gold and silver, of a steel-gray, silver-white, or brass-yellow color. It often occurs in implanted crystals resembling written characters, and hence is called graphic tellurium.
sylvanium noun An old name for tellurium.
symbolics noun The study of ancient symbols, that branch of historic theology which treats of creeds and confessions of faith; symbolism; — called also symbolic.
symbolism noun The act of symbolizing, or the state of being symbolized; as, symbolism in Christian art is the representation of truth, virtues, vices, etc., by emblematic colors, signs, and forms., A system of symbols or representations., The practice of using symbols, or the system of notation developed thereby., A combining together of parts or ingredients., The science of creeds; symbolics.
symbolist noun One who employs symbols.
symbolize verb i. To have a resemblance of qualities or properties; to correspond; to harmonize., To hold the same faith; to agree., To use symbols; to represent ideas symbolically., To make to agree in properties or qualities., To make representative of something; to regard or treat as symbolic., To represent by a symbol or symbols.
symbology noun The art of expressing by symbols.
symmetral adjective Commensurable; symmetrical.
symmetric adjective Symmetrical.
symphonic adjective Symphonious., Relating to, or in the manner of, symphony; as, the symphonic form or style of composition.
symphyses plural of Symphysis
symphysis noun An articulation formed by intervening cartilage; as, the pubic symphysis., The union or coalescence of bones; also, the place of union or coalescence; as, the symphysis of the lower jaw. Cf. Articulation.
sympodial adjective Composed of superposed branches in such a way as to imitate a simple axis; as, a sympodial stem.
sympodium noun An axis or stem produced by dichotomous branching in which one of the branches is regularly developed at the expense of the other, as in the grapevine.
symposiac adjective Of or pertaining to compotations and merrymaking; happening where company is drinking together; as, symposiac meetings., A conference or conversation of philosophers at a banquet; hence, any similar gathering.
symposion noun A drinking together; a symposium.
symposium noun A drinking together; a merry feast., A collection of short essays by different authors on a common topic; — so called from the appellation given to the philosophical dialogue by the Greeks.
syneresis noun The union, or drawing together into one syllable, of two vowels that are ordinarily separated in syllabification; synecphonesis; — the opposite of diaeresis., Same as Synaeresis.
synagogue noun A congregation or assembly of Jews met for the purpose of worship, or the performance of religious rites., The building or place appropriated to the religious worship of the Jews., The council of, probably, 120 members among the Jews, first appointed after the return from the Babylonish captivity; — called also the Great Synagogue, and sometimes, though erroneously, the Sanhedrin., A congregation in the early Christian church., Any assembly of men.
synalepha noun A contraction of syllables by suppressing some vowel or diphthong at the end of a word, before another vowel or diphthong; as, th’ army, for the army.
synangium noun The divided part beyond the pylangium in the aortic trunk of the amphibian heart.
synaptase noun A ferment resembling diastase, found in bitter almonds. Cf. Amygdalin, and Emulsin.
syncarpia plural of Syncarpium
synchrony noun The concurrence of events in time; synchronism.
synchysis noun A derangement or confusion of any kind, as of words in a sentence, or of humors in the eye.
synclinal adjective Inclined downward from opposite directions, so as to meet in a common point or line., Formed by strata dipping toward a common line or plane; as, a synclinal trough or valley; a synclinal fold; — opposed to anticlinal., A synclinal fold.
syncopate verb t. To contract, as a word, by taking one or more letters or syllables from the middle; as, “Gloster” is a syncopated form of “Gloucester.”, To commence, as a tone, on an unaccented part of a measure, and continue it into the following accented part, so that the accent is driven back upon the weak part and the rhythm drags.
syncopist noun One who syncopates.
syncopize verb t. To syncopate.
syncretic adjective Uniting and blending together different systems, as of philosophy, morals, or religion.
syncrisis noun A figure of speech in which opposite things or persons are compared.
syncytium noun Tissue in which the cell or partition walls are wholly wanting and the cell bodies fused together, so that the tissue consists of a continuous mass of protoplasm in which nuclei are imbedded, as in ordinary striped muscle., The ectoderm of a sponge.
syndicate noun The office or jurisdiction of a syndic; a council, or body of syndics., An association of persons officially authorized to undertake some duty or to negotiate some business; also, an association of persons who combine to carry out, on their own account, a financial or industrial project; as, a syndicate of bankers formed to take up and dispose of an entire issue of government bonds., To judge; to censure.
synergism noun The doctrine or theory, attributed to Melanchthon, that in the regeneration of a human soul there is a cooperation, or joint agency, on the part both of God and of man.
synergist noun One who holds the doctrine of synergism., A remedy which has an action similar to that of another remedy, and hence increases the efficiency of that remedy when combined with it.
syngnathi noun pl. A suborder of lophobranch fishes which have an elongated snout and lack the ventral and first dorsal fins. The pipefishes and sea horses are examples.
synizesis noun An obliteration of the pupil of the eye., A contraction of two syllables into one; synecphonesis.
synodical adjective Of or pertaining to a synod; transacted in, or authorized by, a synod; as, synodical proceedings or forms., Pertaining to conjunction, especially to the period between two successive conjunctions; extending from one conjunction, as of the moon or a planet with the sun, to the next; as, a synodical month (see Lunar month, under Month); the synodical revolution of the moon or a planet.
synonymal adjective Synonymous.
synonymic noun The science, or the scientific treatment, of synonymous words., Alt. of Synonymical
synoptist noun Any one of the authors of the three synoptic Gospels, which give a history of our Lord’s life and ministry, in distinction from the writer of John’s Gospel, which gives a fuller record of his teachings.
synovitis noun Inflammation of the synovial membrane.
syntactic adjective Alt. of Syntactical
syntheses plural of Synthesis
synthesis noun Composition, or the putting of two or more things together, as in compounding medicines., The art or process of making a compound by putting the ingredients together, as contrasted with analysis; thus, water is made by synthesis from hydrogen and oxygen; hence, specifically, the building up of complex compounds by special reactions, whereby their component radicals are so grouped that the resulting substances are identical in every respect with the natural articles when such occur; thus, artificial alcohol, urea, indigo blue, alizarin, etc., are made by synthesis., The combination of separate elements of thought into a whole, as of simple into complex conceptions, species into genera, individual propositions into systems; — the opposite of analysis.
synthetic adjective Alt. of Synthetical
syphering noun The lapping of chamfered edges of planks to make a smooth surface, as for a bulkhead.
syphilide noun A cutaneous eruption due to syphilis.
syphilize verb t. To inoculate with syphilis.
syphiloid adjective Resembling syphilis.
syriacism noun A Syrian idiom; a Syrianism.
syrianism noun A Syrian idiom, or a peculiarity of the Syrian language; a Syriacism.
syringing present participle & vb. noun of Syringe
syringeal adjective Of or pertaining to the syrinx; as, the syringeal muscle.
systaltic adjective Capable of, or taking place by, alternate contraction and dilatation; as, the systaltic action of the heart.
systemize verb t. To reduce to system; to systematize.