9 letter word starting with san

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
sanbenito noun Anciently, a sackcloth coat worn by penitents on being reconciled to the church., A garnment or cap, or sometimes both, painted with flames, figures, etc., and worn by persons who had been examined by the Inquisition and were brought forth for punishment at the auto-da-fe.
sanctuary noun A sacred place; a consecrated spot; a holy and inviolable site., The most retired part of the temple at Jerusalem, called the Holy of Holies, in which was kept the ark of the covenant, and into which no person was permitted to enter except the high priest, and he only once a year, to intercede for the people; also, the most sacred part of the tabernacle; also, the temple at Jerusalem., The most sacred part of any religious building, esp. that part of a Christian church in which the altar is placed., A house consecrated to the worship of God; a place where divine service is performed; a church, temple, or other place of worship., A sacred and inviolable asylum; a place of refuge and protection; shelter; refuge; protection.
sandarach noun Alt. of Sandarac
sandglass noun An instrument for measuring time by the running of sand. See Hourglass.
sandiness noun The quality or state of being sandy, or of being of a sandy color.
sandpaper noun Paper covered on one side with sand glued fast, — used for smoothing and polishing., To smooth or polish with sandpaper; as, to sandpaper a door.
sandpiper noun Any one of numerous species of small limicoline game birds belonging to Tringa, Actodromas, Ereunetes, and various allied genera of the family Tringidae., A small lamprey eel; the pride.
sandstone noun A rock made of sand more or less firmly united. Common or siliceous sandstone consists mainly of quartz sand.
sanhedrin noun Alt. of Sanhedrim
sanhedrim noun the great council of the Jews, which consisted of seventy members, to whom the high priest was added. It had jurisdiction of religious matters.
santonate noun A salt of santonic acid.