9 letter word starting with str

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
straddled imp. & past participle of Straddle
straggled imp. & past participle of Straggle
straggler noun One who straggles, or departs from the direct or proper course, or from the company to which he belongs; one who falls behind the rest; one who rambles without any settled direction., A roving vagabond., Something that shoots, or spreads out, beyond the rest, or too far; an exuberant growth., Something that stands alone or by itself.
stragulum noun The mantle, or pallium, of a bird.
straining present participle & vb. noun of Strain, a. & n. from Strain.
stranding present participle & vb. noun of Strand
strangely adverb As something foreign, or not one’s own; in a manner adapted to something foreign and strange., In the manner of one who does not know another; distantly; reservedly; coldly., In a strange manner; in a manner or degree to excite surprise or wonder; wonderfully.
strangled imp. & past participle of Strangle
strangler noun One who, or that which, strangles.
strangles noun A disease in horses and swine, in which the upper part of the throat, or groups of lymphatic glands elsewhere, swells.
strangury noun A painful discharge of urine, drop by drop, produced by spasmodic muscular contraction., A swelling or other disease in a plant, occasioned by a ligature fastened tightly about it.
strapping present participle & vb. noun of Strap, Tall; strong; lusty; large; as, a strapping fellow.
strappado noun A military punishment formerly practiced, which consisted in drawing an offender to the top of a beam and letting him fall to the length of the rope, by which means a limb was often dislocated., To punish or torture by the strappado.
strapwork noun A kind of ornament consisting of a narrow fillet or band folded, crossed, and interlaced.
stratagem noun An artifice or trick in war for deceiving the enemy; hence, in general, artifice; deceptive device; secret plot; evil machination.
strategic adjective Alt. of Strategical
strategus noun The leader or commander of an army; a general.
stratonic adjective Of or pertaining to an army.
stratotic adjective Warlike; military.
strawworm noun A caddice worm.
streaking present participle & vb. noun of Streak
streaming present participle & vb. noun of Stream, Sending forth streams., The act or operation of that which streams; the act of that which sends forth, or which runs in, streams., The reduction of stream tin; also, the search for stream tin.
streamful adjective Abounding in streams, or in water.
streamlet noun A small stream; a rivulet; a rill.
strengest the original compar. & superl. of Strong.
strengthy adjective Having strength; strong.
strenuity noun Strenuousness; activity.
strenuous adjective Eagerly pressing or urgent; zealous; ardent; earnest; bold; valiant; intrepid; as, a strenuous advocate for national rights; a strenuous reformer; a strenuous defender of his country.
stressful adjective Having much stress.
stretched imp. & past participle of Stretch
stretcher noun One who, or that which, stretches., A brick or stone laid with its longer dimension in the line of direction of the wall., A piece of timber used in building., A narrow crosspiece of the bottom of a boat against which a rower braces his feet., A crosspiece placed between the sides of a boat to keep them apart when hoisted up and griped., A litter, or frame, for carrying disabled, wounded, or dead persons., An overstretching of the truth; a lie., One of the rods in an umbrella, attached at one end to one of the ribs, and at the other to the tube sliding upon the handle., An instrument for stretching boots or gloves., The frame upon which canvas is stretched for a painting.
strewment noun Anything scattered, as flowers for decoration.
striating present participle & vb. noun of Striate
striation noun The quality or condition of being striated., A stria; as, the striations on a shell.
striature noun A stria.
strickler noun See Strickle.
striction noun The act of constricting, or the state of being constricted.
stricture noun Strictness., A stroke; a glance; a touch., A touch of adverse criticism; censure., A localized morbid contraction of any passage of the body. Cf. Organic stricture, and Spasmodic stricture, under Organic, and Spasmodic.
strifeful adjective Contentious; discordant.
strigment noun Scraping; that which is scraped off.
stringing present participle & vb. noun of String
stringent adjective Binding strongly; making strict requirements; restrictive; rigid; severe; as, stringent rules.
stripping present participle & vb. noun of Strip, The act of one who strips., The last milk drawn from a cow at a milking.
stripling noun A youth in the state of adolescence, or just passing from boyhood to manhood; a lad.
strisores noun pl. A division of passerine birds including the humming birds, swifts, and goatsuckers. It is now generally considered an artificial group.
strobilae plural of Strobila
strokeing present participle & vb. noun of Stroke
strolling present participle & vb. noun of Stroll
stromatic adjective Miscellaneous; composed of different kinds.
strombite noun A fossil shell of the genus Strombus.
stromboid adjective Of, pertaining to, or like, Strombus.
strongish adjective Somewhat strong.
strontian noun Strontia.
strontium noun A metallic element of the calcium group, always naturally occurring combined, as in the minerals strontianite, celestite, etc. It is isolated as a yellowish metal, somewhat malleable but harder than calcium. It is chiefly employed (as in the nitrate) to color pyrotechnic flames red. Symbol Sr. Atomic weight 87.3., A radioactive isotope of strontium produced by certain nuclear reactions, and constituting one of the prominent harmful components of radioactive fallout from nuclear explosions; also called radiostrontium. It has a half-life of 28 years.
stropping present participle & vb. noun of Strop
strouding noun Material for strouds; a kind of coarse cloth used in trade with the North American Indians.
structure noun The act of building; the practice of erecting buildings; construction., Manner of building; form; make; construction., Arrangement of parts, of organs, or of constituent particles, in a substance or body; as, the structure of a rock or a mineral; the structure of a sentence., Manner of organization; the arrangement of the different tissues or parts of animal and vegetable organisms; as, organic structure, or the structure of animals and plants; cellular structure., That which is built; a building; esp., a building of some size or magnificence; an edifice.
struggled imp. & past participle of Struggle
struggler noun One who struggles.
strumming present participle & vb. noun of Strum
strumatic adjective Scrofulous; strumous.
struntian noun A kind of worsted braid, about an inch broad.
strutting present participle & vb. noun of Strut, a. & n. from Strut, v.
struthian adjective Struthious.
strychnia noun Strychnine.
strychnic adjective Of or pertaining to strychnine; produced by strychnine; as, strychnic compounds; strychnic poisoning, used to designate an acid, called also igasuric acid.
strychnos noun A genus of tropical trees and shrubs of the order Loganiaceae. See Nux vomica.
stryphnic adjective Pertaining to, or designating, a complex nitrogenous acid, obtained by the action of acetic acid and potassium nitrite on uric acid, as a yellow crystalline substance, with a bitter, astringent taste.