9 letter word starting with super

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
superable adjective Capable of being overcome or conquered; surmountable.
superfete verb i. To superfetate., To conceive (another fetus) after a former conception.
superfice noun A superficies.
superfine adjective Very fine, or most fine; being of surpassing fineness; of extra nice or fine quality; as, superfine cloth., Excessively fine; too nice; over particular; as, superfine distinctions; superfine tastes.
superflux noun Superabundance; superfluity; an overflowing.
superfuse adjective To pour (something) over or on something else.
superheat verb t. To heat too much, to overheat; as, to superheat an oven., To heat, as steam, apart from contact with water, until it resembles a perfect gas., The increase of temperature communicated to steam by superheating it.
superhive noun A removable upper part of a hive. The word is sometimes contracted to super.
superplus noun Surplus.
superpose verb t. To lay upon, as one kind of rock on another., To lay (a figure) upon another in such a manner that all the parts of the one coincide with the parts of the other; as, to superpose one plane figure on another.
supersalt noun An acid salt. See Acid salt (a), under Salt, n.
supersede verb t. To come, or be placed, in the room of; to replace., To displace, or set aside, and put another in place of; as, to supersede an officer., To make void, inefficacious, or useless, by superior power, or by coming in the place of; to set aside; to render unnecessary; to suspend; to stay., To omit; to forbear.
supervene verb i. To come as something additional or extraneous; to occur with reference or relation to something else; to happen upon or after something else; to be added; to take place; to happen.
supervise verb t. To oversee for direction; to superintend; to inspect with authority; as, to supervise the construction of a steam engine, or the printing of a book., To look over so as to read; to peruse., Supervision; inspection.
supervive verb t. To survive; to outlive.