9 letter word starting with tr

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
trabeated adjective Furnished with an entablature.
trabecula noun A small bar, rod, bundle of fibers, or septal membrane, in the framework of an organ part.
traceable adjective Capable of being traced.
traceries plural of Tracer/y
tracheary adjective Tracheal; breathing by means of tracheae., One of the Trachearia.
tracheata nounpl. An extensive division of arthropods comprising all those which breathe by tracheae, as distinguished from Crustacea, which breathe by means of branchiae.
tracheate adjective Breathing by means of tracheae; of or pertaining to the Tracheata., Any arthropod having tracheae; one of the Tracheata.
trachitis noun Tracheitis.
trachytic adjective Of, pertaining to, or resembling, trachyte.
trackless adjective Having no track; marked by no footsteps; untrodden; as, a trackless desert.
tractable verb t. Capable of being easily led, taught, or managed; docile; manageable; governable; as, tractable children; a tractable learner., Capable of being handled; palpable; practicable; feasible; as, tractable measures.
tractator noun One who writes tracts; specif., a Tractarian.
tradeless adjective Having no trade or traffic.
tradesmen plural of Tradesman
tradesman noun One who trades; a shopkeeper., A mechanic or artificer; esp., one whose livelihood depends upon the labor of his hands.
tradition noun The act of delivering into the hands of another; delivery., The unwritten or oral delivery of information, opinions, doctrines, practices, rites, and customs, from father to son, or from ancestors to posterity; the transmission of any knowledge, opinions, or practice, from forefathers to descendants by oral communication, without written memorials., Hence, that which is transmitted orally from father to son, or from ancestors to posterity; knowledge or belief transmitted without the aid of written memorials; custom or practice long observed., An unwritten code of law represented to have been given by God to Moses on Sinai., That body of doctrine and discipline, or any article thereof, supposed to have been put forth by Christ or his apostles, and not committed to writing., To transmit by way of tradition; to hand down.
traditive adjective Transmitted or transmissible from father to son, or from age, by oral communication; traditional.
traducing present participle & vb. noun of Traduce
traducent adjective Slanderous.
traducian noun A believer in traducianism.
tragedian noun A writer of tragedy., An actor or player in tragedy.
tragedies plural of Tragedy
trainable adjective Capable of being trained or educated; as, boys trainable to virtue.
trainband noun A band or company of an organized military force instituted by James I. and dissolved by Charles II.; — afterwards applied to the London militia.
train oil Oil procured from the blubber or fat of whales, by boiling.
traitorly adjective Like a traitor; treacherous; traitorous.
traitress noun A woman who betrays her country or any trust; a traitoress.
trajected imp. & past participle of Traject
trajetour noun Alt. of Trajetry
tralation noun The use of a word in a figurative or extended sense; ametaphor; a trope.
tralucent adjective Translucent.
trammeled imp. & past participle of Trammel, Having blazes, or white marks, on the fore and hind foot of one side, as if marked by trammels; — said of a horse.
trammeler noun One who uses a trammel net., One who, or that which, trammels or restrains.
trampling present participle & vb. noun of Trample
trampoose verb i. To walk with labor, or heavily; to tramp.
tranation noun The act of swimming over.
transcend verb t. To rise above; to surmount; as, lights in the heavens transcending the region of the clouds., To pass over; to go beyond; to exceed., To surpass; to outgo; to excel; to exceed., To climb; to mount., To be transcendent; to excel.
transenne noun A transom.
transflux noun A flowing through, across, or beyond.
transform verb t. To change the form of; to change in shape or appearance; to metamorphose; as, a caterpillar is ultimately transformed into a butterfly., To change into another substance; to transmute; as, the alchemists sought to transform lead into gold., To change in nature, disposition, heart, character, or the like; to convert., To change, as an algebraic expression or geometrical figure, into another from without altering its value., To be changed in form; to be metamorphosed.
transfuge noun Alt. of Transfugitive
transfund verb t. To pour from one vessel into another; to transfuse.
transfuse verb t. To pour, as liquid, out of one vessel into another; to transfer by pouring., To transfer, as blood, from the veins or arteries of one man or animal to those of another., To cause to pass from to another; to cause to be instilled or imbibed; as, to transfuse a spirit of patriotism into a man; to transfuse a love of letters.
transhape verb t. To transshape.
transient adjective Passing before the sight or perception, or, as it were, moving over or across a space or scene viewed, and then disappearing; hence, of short duration; not permanent; not lasting or durable; not stationary; passing; fleeting; brief; transitory; as, transient pleasure., Hasty; momentary; imperfect; brief; as, a transient view of a landscape., Staying for a short time; not regular or permanent; as, a transient guest; transient boarders., That which remains but for a brief time.
translate verb t. To bear, carry, or remove, from one place to another; to transfer; as, to translate a tree., To change to another condition, position, place, or office; to transfer; hence, to remove as by death., To remove to heaven without a natural death., To remove, as a bishop, from one see to another., To render into another language; to express the sense of in the words of another language; to interpret; hence, to explain or recapitulate in other words., To change into another form; to transform., To cause to remove from one part of the body to another; as, to translate a disease., To cause to lose senses or recollection; to entrance., To make a translation; to be engaged in translation.
transmove verb t. To move or change from one state into another; to transform.
transmute verb t. To change from one nature, form, or substance, into another; to transform.
transpare verb t. & i. To be, or cause to be, transparent; to appear, or cause to appear, or be seen, through something.
transpass verb t. To pass over; as, Alexander transpassed the river., To pass by; to pass away.
transpire verb i. To pass off in the form of vapor or insensible perspiration; to exhale., To evaporate from living cells., To escape from secrecy; to become public; as, the proceedings of the council soon transpired., To happen or come to pass; to occur., To excrete through the skin; to give off in the form of vapor; to exhale; to perspire., To evaporate (moisture) from living cells.
transport verb t. To carry or bear from one place to another; to remove; to convey; as, to transport goods; to transport troops., To carry, or cause to be carried, into banishment, as a criminal; to banish., To carry away with vehement emotion, as joy, sorrow, complacency, anger, etc.; to ravish with pleasure or ecstasy; as, music transports the soul., Transportation; carriage; conveyance., A vessel employed for transporting, especially for carrying soldiers, warlike stores, or provisions, from one place to another, or to convey convicts to their destination; — called also transport ship, transport vessel., Vehement emotion; passion; ecstasy; rapture., A convict transported, or sentenced to exile.
transpose verb t. To change the place or order of; to substitute one for the other of; to exchange, in respect of position; as, to transpose letters, words, or propositions., To change; to transform; to invert., To bring, as any term of an equation, from one side over to the other, without destroying the equation; thus, if a + b = c, and we make a = c – b, then b is said to be transposed., To change the natural order of, as words., To change the key of.
transship verb t. To transfer from one ship or conveyance to another.
transuded imp. & past participle of Transude
transumpt noun A copy or exemplification of a record.
transvert verb t. To cause to turn across; to transverse.
trapanned imp. & past participle of Trapan
trapanner noun One who trapans, or insnares.
trapezate adjective Having the form of a trapezium; trapeziform.
trapezium noun A plane figure bounded by four right lines, of which no two are parallel., A bone of the carpus at the base of the first metacarpal, or thumb., A region on the ventral side of the brain, either just back of the pons Varolii, or, as in man, covered by the posterior extension of its transverse fibers.
trapezoid noun A plane four-sided figure, having two sides parallel to each other., A bone of the carpus at the base of the second metacarpal, or index finger., Having the form of a trapezoid; trapezoidal; as, the trapezoid ligament which connects the coracoid process and the clavicle., Of or pertaining to the trapezoid ligament; as, the trapezoid line.
trappings noun pl. That which serves to trap or adorn; ornaments; dress; superficial decorations., Specifically, ornaments to be put on horses.
trappures noun pl. Trappings for a horse.
trapstick noun A stick used in playing the game of trapball; hence, fig., a slender leg.
traumatic adjective Of or pertaining to wounds; applied to wounds., Adapted to the cure of wounds; vulnerary., Produced by wounds; as, traumatic tetanus., A traumatic medicine.
travailed imp. & past participle of Travail
travelled of Travel
traveling present participle & vb. noun of Travel
traversed imp. & past participle of Traverse
traverser noun One who, or that which, traverses, or moves, as an index on a scale, and the like., One who traverses, or denies., A traverse table. See under Traverse, n.
trawlboat noun A boat used in fishing with trawls or trawlnets.
trawlwarp noun A rope passing through a block, used in managing or dragging a trawlnet.
tray-trip noun An old game played with dice.
treachery noun Violation of allegiance or of faith and confidence; treasonable or perfidious conduct; perfidy; treason.
treachour noun A traitor.
treadfowl noun A cock.
treadmill noun A mill worked by persons treading upon steps on the periphery of a wide wheel having a horizontal axis. It is used principally as a means of prison discipline. Also, a mill worked by horses, dogs, etc., treading an endless belt.
treasured imp. & past participle of Treasure
treasurer noun One who has the care of a treasure or treasure or treasury; an officer who receives the public money arising from taxes and duties, or other sources of revenue, takes charge of the same, and disburses it upon orders made by the proper authority; one who has charge of collected funds; as, the treasurer of a society or corporation.
treatable adjective Manageable; tractable; hence, moderate; not violent.
treatably adverb In a treatable manner.
treatiser noun One who writes a treatise.
treatment noun The act or manner of treating; management; manipulation; handling; usage; as, unkind treatment; medical treatment., Entertainment; treat.
trebuchet noun Alt. of Trebucket
trebucket noun A cucking stool; a tumbrel., A military engine used in the Middle Ages for throwing stones, etc. It acted by means of a great weight fastened to the short arm of a lever, which, being let fall, raised the end of the long arm with great velocity, hurling stones with much force., A kind of balance for weighing.
treebeard noun A pendulous branching lichen (Usnea barbata); — so called from its resemblance to hair.
trefoiled adjective Same as Trefle.
tregetour noun A juggler who produces illusions by the use of elaborate machinery.
trehalose noun Mycose; — so called because sometimes obtained from trehala.
treillage noun Latticework for supporting vines, etc.; an espalier; a trellis.
trellised adjective Having a trellis or trellises.
trematode noun One of the Trematodea. Also used adjectively.
trematoid adjective Of or pertaining to the Trematodea. See Illustration in Appendix.
trembling present participle & vb. noun of Tremble, Shaking; tottering; quivering.
tremolite noun A white variety of amphibole, or hornblende, occurring in long, bladelike crystals, and coarsely fibrous masses.
tremulant adjective Alt. of Tremulent
tremulent adjective Tremulous; trembling; shaking.
tremulous adjective Shaking; shivering; quivering; as, a tremulous limb; a tremulous motion of the hand or the lips; the tremulous leaf of the poplar., Affected with fear or timidity; trembling.
trenching present participle & vb. noun of Trench
trenchand adjective Trenchant.
trenchant verb t. Fitted to trench or cut; gutting; sharp., Fig.: Keen; biting; severe; as, trenchant wit.
trepanned imp. & past participle of Trepan
trepanize verb t. To trepan.
trepanner noun One who trepans.
trephined imp. & past participle of Trephine
trepidity noun Trepidation.
tressured adjective Provided or bound with a tressure; arranged in the form of a tressure.
tres-tyne noun In the antler of a stag, the third tyne above the base. This tyne appears in the third year. In those deer in which the brow tyne does not divide, the tres-tyne is the second tyne above the base. See Illust. under Rucervine, and under Rusine.
trialogue noun A discourse or colloquy by three persons.
triandria noun pl. A Linnaean class of plants having three distinct and equal stamens.
triangled adjective Having three angles; triangular.
triatomic adjective Having three atoms; — said of certain elements or radicals., Having a valence of three; trivalent; sometimes, in a specific sense, having three hydroxyl groups, whether acid or basic; thus, glycerin, glyceric acid, and tartronic acid are each triatomic.
tribalism noun The state of existing in tribes; also, tribal feeling; tribal prejudice or exclusiveness; tribal peculiarities or characteristics.
tribunary adjective Of or pertaining to tribunes; as, tribunary powers or authority.
tribunate noun The state or office of a tribune; tribuneship.
tributary adjective Paying tribute to another, either from compulsion, as an acknowledgment of submission, or to secure protection, or for the purpose of purchasing peace., Hence, subject; subordinate; inferior., Paid in tribute., Yielding supplies of any kind; serving to form or make up, a greater object of the same kind, as a part, branch, etc.; contributing; as, the Ohio has many tributary streams, and is itself tributary to the Mississippi., A ruler or state that pays tribute, or a stated sum, to a conquering power, for the purpose of securing peace and protection, or as an acknowledgment of submission, or for the purchase of security., A stream or river flowing into a larger river or into a lake; an affluent.
tributing present participle & vb. noun of Tribute
trichinae plural of Trichina
trichroic adjective Exhibiting trichroism; pleochroic; pleochroism.
trickling present participle & vb. noun of Trickle
trickment noun Decoration.
trickster noun One who tricks; a deceiver; a tricker; a cheat.
triclinic adjective Having, or characterized by, three unequal axes intersecting at oblique angles. See the Note under crystallization.
triclinia plural of Triclinium
tricrotic adjective Of or pertaining to tricrotism; characterized by tricrotism.
tricuspid adjective Having three cusps, or points; tricuspidate; as, a tricuspid molar., Of or pertaining to the tricuspid valves; as, tricuspid obstruction.
tridactyl adjective Alt. of Tridactyle
tridecane noun A hydrocarbon, C13H28, of the methane series, which is a probable ingredient both of crude petroleum and of kerosene, and is produced artificially as a light colorless liquid.
tridented adjective Having three prongs; trident; tridentate; as, a tridented mace.
tridymite noun Pure silica, like quartz, but crystallizing in hexagonal tables. It is found in trachyte and similar rocks.
triennial adjective Continuing three years; as, triennial parliaments; a triennial reign., Happening, coming about, or appearing once in every three years; as, triennial elections; a triennial catalogue; a triennial visitation., Something which takes place or appears once in three years.
trierarch noun The commander of a trireme., At Athens, one who (singly, or jointly with other citizens) had to fit out a trireme for the public service.
trifacial adjective See Trigeminal.
trifallow verb t. To plow the third time before sowing, as land.
trifloral adjective Alt. of Triflorous
trifolium noun A genus of leguminous herbs with densely spiked flowers and usually trifoliate leaves; trefoil. There are many species, all of which are called clover. See Clover.
triforium noun The gallery or open space between the vaulting and the roof of the aisles of a church, often forming a rich arcade in the interior of the church, above the nave arches and below the clearstory windows.
trigamist noun One who has been married three times; also, one who has three husbands or three wives at the same time.
trigamous adjective Having three sorts of flowers in the same head, — male, female, and hermaphrodite, or perfect, flowers.
trigintal noun A trental.
trigonous adjective Same as Trigonal.
trigynian adjective Alt. of Trigynous
trigynous adjective Having three pistils or styles; of or pertaining to the Trigynia.
trihedral adjective Having three sides or faces; thus, a trihedral angle is a solid angle bounded by three plane angles.
trihedron noun A figure having three sides.
trijugate adjective In three pairs; as, a trijugate leaf, or a pinnate leaf with three pairs of leaflets.
trijugous adjective Same as Trijugate.
trikosane noun A hydrocarbon, C23H48, of the methane series, resembling paraffin; — so called because it has twenty-three atoms of carbon in the molecule.
trilinear adjective Of, pertaining to, or included by, three lines; as, trilinear coordinates.
trilithic adjective Pertaining to a trilith.
trilithon noun A monument consisting of three stones; especially, such a monument forming a kind of doorway, as among the ancient Celts.
trilobate adjective Having three lobes.
trilobita noun pl. An extinct order of arthropods comprising the trilobites.
trilobite noun Any one of numerous species of extinct arthropods belonging to the order Trilobita. Trilobites were very common in the Silurian and Devonian periods, but became extinct at the close of the Paleozoic. So named from the three lobes usually seen on each segment.
trimellic adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, a certain tribasic acid (called also trimellitic acid) metameric with trimesitic acid.
trimerous adjective Having the parts in threes.
trimester noun A term or period of three months.
trimethyl A prefix or combining form (also used adjectively) indicating the presence of three methyl groups.
trimetric adjective Same as Orthorhombic.
trinerved adjective Same as Trinervate.
trinketer noun One who trinkets.
trinketry noun Ornaments of dress; trinkets, collectively.
trinomial noun A quantity consisting of three terms, connected by the sign + or -; as, x + y + z, or ax + 2b – c2., Consisting of three terms; of or pertaining to trinomials; as, a trinomial root.
triobolar adjective Alt. of Triobolary
trioctile noun An aspect of two planets with regard to the earth when they are three octants, or three eighths of a circle, that is, 135 degrees, distant from each other.
tri/cious adjective Having three sorts of flowers on the same or on different plants, some of the flowers being staminate, others pistillate, and others both staminate and pistillate; belonging to the order Tri/cia.
triparted adjective Parted into three piece; having three parts or pieces; — said of the field or of a bearing; as, a cross triparted., Divided nearly to the base into three segments or lobes.
tripmadam noun Same as Prickmadam.
tripodian noun An ancient stringed instrument; — so called because, in form, it resembled the Delphic tripod.
tripoline adjective Of or pertaining to Tripoli or its inhabitants; Tripolitan., Of or pertaining to tripoli, the mineral.
triquetra plural of Triquetrum
trisagion noun An ancient anthem, — usually known by its Latin name tersanctus.See Tersanctus.
trisected imp. & past participle of Trisect, Divided into three parts or segments by incisions extending to the midrib or to the base; — said of leaves.
triserial adjective Alt. of Triseriate
tritheism noun The opinion or doctrine that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three distinct Gods.
tritheist noun One who believes in tritheism.
tritheite noun A tritheist.
tritorium noun Same as Triturium.
triturate verb t. To rub, grind, bruise, or thrash., To rub or grind to a very fine or impalpable powder; to pulverize and comminute thoroughly.
triturium noun A vessel for separating liquids of different densities.
tritylene noun Propylene.
triumphed imp. & past participle of Triumph
triumphal adjective Of or pertaining to triumph; used in a triumph; indicating, or in honor of, a triumph or victory; as, a triumphal crown; a triumphal arch., A token of victory.
triumpher noun One who was honored with a triumph; a victor., One who triumphs or rejoices for victory.
triumviri plural of Triumvir
triumvirs plural of Triumvir
triumviry noun A triumvirate.
triunguli plural of Triungulus
trivalent adjective Having a valence of three; capable of being combined with, substituted for, or compared with, three atoms of hydrogen; — said of triad atoms or radicals; thus, nitrogen is trivalent in ammonia.
trivially adverb In a trivial manner.
triweekly adjective Occurring or appearing three times a week; thriceweekly; as, a triweekly newspaper., Three times a week., A triweekly publication.
trochilic adjective OF or pertaining to rotary motion; having power to draw out or turn round.
trochilos noun The crocodile bird, or trochil.
trochilus noun A genus of humming birds. It Formerly included all the known species., Any one of several species of wrens and kinglets., The crocodile bird., An annular molding whose section is concave, like the edge of a pulley; — called also scotia.
trochisci plural of Trochiscus
trochlear noun Shaped like, or resembling, a pulley; pertaining to, or connected with, a trochlea; as, a trochlear articular surface; the trochlear muscle of the eye.
trogonoid adjective Like or pertaining to the trogons.
troiluses plural of Troilus
trollopee noun A kind of loose dress for women.
troopbird noun Any troupial.
troopfowl noun The American scaup duck.
troopmeal adverb By troops; in crowds.
troopship noun A vessel built or fitted for the conveyance of troops; a transport.
troostite noun Willemite.
tropidine noun An alkaloid, C8H13N, obtained by the chemical dehydration of tropine, as an oily liquid having a coninelike odor.
tropology noun A rhetorical mode of speech, including tropes, or changes from the original import of the word.
trothless adjective Faitless; false; treacherous.
troubling present participle & vb. noun of Trouble
troublous adjective Full of trouble; causing trouble.
trouncing present participle & vb. noun of Trounce
trousseau noun The collective lighter equipments or outfit of a bride, including clothes, jewelry, and the like; especially, that which is provided for her by her family.
troutbird noun The American golden plover.
troutling noun A little trout; a troutlet.
trowelful noun As much as a trowel will hold; enough to fill a trowel.
troyounce noun See Troy ounce, under Troy weight, above, and under Ounce.
truceless adjective Without a truce; unforbearing.
truckling present participle & vb. noun of Truckle
truculent adjective Fierce; savage; ferocious; barbarous; as, the truculent inhabitants of Scythia., Cruel; destructive; ruthless.
trudgeman noun A truchman.
true-blue adjective Of inflexible honesty and fidelity; — a term derived from the true, or Coventry, blue, formerly celebrated for its unchanging color. See True blue, under Blue., A person of inflexible integrity or fidelity.
true-born adjective Of genuine birth; having a right by birth to any title; as, a true-born Englishman.
true-bred adjective Of a genuine or right breed; as, a true-bred beast., Being of real breeding or education; as, a true-bred gentleman.
trumpeted imp. & past participle of Trumpet
trumpeter noun One who sounds a trumpet., One who proclaims, publishes, or denounces., Any one of several species of long-legged South American birds of the genus Psophia, especially P. crepitans, which is abundant, and often domesticated and kept with other poultry by the natives. They are allied to the cranes. So called from their loud cry. Called also agami, and yakamik., A variety of the domestic pigeon., An American swan (Olor buccinator) which has a very loud note., A large edible fish (Latris hecateia) of the family Cirrhitidae, native of Tasmania and New Zealand. It sometimes weighs as much as fifty or sixty pounds, and is highly esteemed as a food fish.
trumplike adjective Resembling a trumpet, esp. in sound; as, a trumplike voice.
truncated imp. & past participle of Truncate, Cut off; cut short; maimed., Replaced, or cut off, by a plane, especially when equally inclined to the adjoining faces; as, a truncated edge., Lacking the apex; — said of certain spiral shells in which the apex naturally drops off.
truncheon noun A short staff, a club; a cudgel; a shaft of a spear., A baton, or military staff of command., A stout stem, as of a tree, with the branches lopped off, to produce rapid growth., To beat with a truncheon.
trundling present participle & vb. noun of Trundle
trunkback noun The leatherback.
trunkfish noun Any one of several species of plectognath fishes, belonging to the genus Ostracion, or the family Ostraciontidae, having an angular body covered with a rigid integument consisting of bony scales. Some of the species are called also coffer fish, and boxfish.
trunkfuls plural of Trunkful
trunkwork noun Work or devices suitable to be concealed; a secret stratagem.
trustless adjective That may not be trusted; not worthy of trust; unfaithful.
truthless adjective Devoid of truth; dishonest; dishonest; spurious; faithless.
truthness noun Truth.