9 letter word starting with v

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
vacancies plural of Vacancy
vaccinate verb t. To inoculate with the cowpox by means of a virus, called vaccine, taken either directly or indirectly from cows.
vaccinist noun A vaccinator.
vaccinium noun A genus of ericaceous shrubs including the various kinds of blueberries and the true cranberries.
vacillant adjective Vacillating; wavering; fluctuating; irresolute.
vacillate verb t. To move one way and the other; to reel or stagger; to waver., To fluctuate in mind or opinion; to be unsteady or inconstant; to waver.
vacuation noun The act of emptying; evacuation.
vagarious adjective Given to, or characterized by, vagaries; capricious; whimsical; crochety.
vaginated adjective Invested with, or as if with, a sheath; as, a vaginate stem, or one invested by the tubular base of a leaf.
vaginitis noun Inflammation of the vagina, or the genital canal, usually of its mucous living membrane.
vagissate verb i. To caper or frolic.
vagrantly adverb In a vagrant manner.
vagueness noun The quality or state of being vague.
vainglory noun Excessive vanity excited by one’s own performances; empty pride; undue elation of mind; vain show; boastfulness.
vaishnava noun A worshiper of the god Vishnu in any of his incarnations.
valancing present participle & vb. noun of Valance
valencies plural of Valency
valentine noun A sweetheart chosen on St. Valentine’s Day., A letter containing professions of love, or a missive of a sentimental, comic, or burlesque character, sent on St. Valentine’s Day.
validness noun The quality or state of being valid.
valkyrian adjective Of or pertaining to the Valkyrias; hence, relating to battle.
vallation noun A rampart or intrenchment.
vallatory adjective Of or pertaining to a vallation; used for a vallation; as, vallatory reads.
vallecula noun A groove; a fossa; as, the vallecula, or fossa, which separates the hemispheres of the cerebellum., One of the grooves, or hollows, between the ribs of the fruit of umbelliferous plants.
valuation noun The act of valuing, or of estimating value or worth; the act of setting a price; estimation; appraisement; as, a valuation of lands for the purpose of taxation., Value set upon a thing; estimated value or worth; as, the goods sold for more than their valuation.
valueless adjective Being of no value; having no worth.
vampirism noun Belief in the existence of vampires., The actions of a vampire; the practice of bloodsucking., Fig.: The practice of extortion.
vanadious adjective Pertaining to, or containing, vanadium; specifically, designating those compounds in which vanadium has a lower valence as contrasted with the vanadic compounds; as, vanadious acid.
vandalism noun The spirit or conduct of the Vandals; ferocious cruelty; hostility to the arts and literature, or willful destruction or defacement of their monuments.
vanessian noun A vanessa.
vanillate noun A salt of vanillic acid.
vanilloes noun pl. An inferior kind of vanilla, the pods of Vanilla Pompona.
vanishing present participle & vb. noun of Vanish, a. & n. from Vanish, v.
vantbrace noun Alt. of Vantbrass
vantbrass noun Armor for the arm; vambrace.
vaporable adjective Capable of being converted into vapor by the agency of heat; vaporizable.
vaporific adjective Producing vapor; tending to pass, or to cause to pass, into vapor; thus, volatile fluids are vaporific; heat is a vaporific agent.
vaporized imp. & past participle of Vaporize
vaporizer noun One who, or that which, vaporizes, or converts into vapor.
varangian noun One of the Northmen who founded a dynasty in Russia in the 9th century; also, one of the Northmen composing, at a later date, the imperial bodyguard at Constantinople.
variation noun The act of varying; a partial change in the form, position, state, or qualities of a thing; modification; alternation; mutation; diversity; deviation; as, a variation of color in different lights; a variation in size; variation of language., Extent to which a thing varies; amount of departure from a position or state; amount or rate of change., Change of termination of words, as in declension, conjugation, derivation, etc., Repetition of a theme or melody with fanciful embellishments or modifications, in time, tune, or harmony, or sometimes change of key; the presentation of a musical thought in new and varied aspects, yet so that the essential features of the original shall still preserve their identity., One of the different arrangements which can be made of any number of quantities taking a certain number of them together.
varicella noun Chicken pox.
variegate verb t. To diversify in external appearance; to mark with different colors; to dapple; to streak; as, to variegate a floor with marble of different colors.
varieties plural of Variety
variolite noun A kind of diorite or diabase containing imbedded whitish spherules, which give the rock a spotted appearance.
varioloid adjective Resembling smallpox; pertaining to the disease called varioloid., The smallpox as modified by previous inoculation or vaccination.
variolous adjective Of or pertaining to the smallpox; having pits, or sunken impressions, like those of the smallpox; variolar; variolic.
variously adverb In various or different ways.
variscite noun An apple-green mineral occurring in reniform masses. It is a hydrous phosphate of alumina.
varnished imp. & past participle of Varnish
varnisher noun One who varnishes; one whose occupation is to varnish., One who disguises or palliates; one who gives a fair external appearance.
vasculose noun One of the substances of which vegetable tissue is composed, differing from cellulose in its solubility in certain media.
vasomotor adjective Causing movement in the walls of vessels; as, the vasomotor mechanisms; the vasomotor nerves, a system of nerves distributed over the muscular coats of the blood vessels.
vassalage noun The state of being a vassal, or feudatory., Political servitude; dependence; subjection; slavery; as, the Greeks were held in vassalage by the Turks., A territory held in vassalage., Vassals, collectively; vassalry., Valorous service, such as that performed by a vassal; valor; prowess; courage.
vassaless noun A female vassal.
vastation noun A laying waste; waste; depopulation; devastation.
vastidity noun Vastness; immensity.
vastitude noun Vastness; immense extent., Destruction; vastation.
vaticinal adjective Of or pertaining to prophecy; prophetic.
vauntmure noun A false wall; a work raised in front of the main wall.
vedantist noun One versed in the doctrines of the Vedantas.
vegetable verb Of or pertaining to plants; having the nature of, or produced by, plants; as, a vegetable nature; vegetable growths, juices, etc., Consisting of, or comprising, plants; as, the vegetable kingdom., Plants having distinct flowers and true seeds., Plants without true flowers, and reproduced by minute spores of various kinds, or by simple cell division., A plant. See Plant., A plant used or cultivated for food for man or domestic animals, as the cabbage, turnip, potato, bean, dandelion, etc.; also, the edible part of such a plant, as prepared for market or the table.
vegetated imp. & past participle of Vegetate
vehemence noun The quality pr state of being vehement; impetuous force; impetuosity; violence; fury; as, the vehemence., Violent ardor; great heat; animated fervor; as, the vehemence of love, anger, or other passions.
vehemency noun Vehemence.
vehicular adjective Of or pertaining to a vehicle; serving as a vehicle; as, a vehicular contrivance.
veinstone noun The nonmetalliferous mineral or rock material which accompanies the ores in a vein, as quartz, calcite, barite, fluor spar, etc.; — called also veinstuff.
vellicate verb t. To twitch; to cause to twitch convulsively., To move spasmodically; to twitch; as, a nerve vellicates.
velveteen noun A kind of cloth, usually cotton, made in imitation of velvet; cotton velvet.
velveting noun The fine shag or nap of velvet; a piece of velvet; velvet goods.
venatical adjective Of or pertaining to hunting; used in hunting.
venditate verb t. To cry up. as if for sale; to blazon.
vendition noun The act of vending, or selling; sale.
veneering present participle & vb. noun of Veneer, The act or art of one who veneers., Thin wood or other material used as a veneer.
venefical adjective Veneficial.
vennation noun The act of poisoning., Poison; venom.
venerable adjective Capable of being venerated; worthy of veneration or reverence; deserving of honor and respect; — generally implying an advanced age; as, a venerable magistrate; a venerable parent., Rendered sacred by religious or other associations; that should be regarded with awe and treated with reverence; as, the venerable walls of a temple or a church.
veneracea noun pl. An extensive tribe of bivalve mollusks of which the genus Venus is the type. The shells are usually oval, or somewhat heartshaped, with a conspicuous lunule. See Venus.
venerated imp. & past participle of Venerate
venerator noun One who venerates.
venereous adjective Venereal; exciting lust; aphrodisiac., Lustful; lascivious; libidinous.
vengeable adjective Revengeful; deserving revenge.
vengeance noun Punishment inflicted in return for an injury or an offense; retribution; — often, in a bad sense, passionate or unrestrained revenge., Harm; mischief.
vengement noun Avengement; penal retribution; vengeance.
veniality noun The quality or state of being venial; venialness.
ventiduct noun A passage for wind or air; a passage or pipe for ventilating apartments.
ventilate verb t. To open and expose to the free passage of air; to supply with fresh air, and remove impure air from; to air; as, to ventilate a room; to ventilate a cellar; to ventilate a mine., To provide with a vent, or escape, for air, gas, etc.; as, to ventilate a mold, or a water-wheel bucket., To change or renew, as the air of a room., To winnow; to fan; as, to ventilate wheat., To sift and examine; to bring out, and subject to penetrating scrutiny; to expose to examination and discussion; as, to ventilate questions of policy., To give vent; to utter; to make public.
ventosity noun Quality or state of being ventose; windiness; hence, vainglory; pride.
ventricle noun A cavity, or one of the cavities, of an organ, as of the larynx or the brain; specifically, the posterior chamber, or one of the two posterior chambers, of the heart, which receives the blood from the auricle and forces it out from the heart. See Heart., The stomach., Fig.: Any cavity, or hollow place, in which any function may be conceived of as operating.
venturing present participle & vb. noun of Venture
venturine noun Gold powder for covering varnished surfaces.
venturous noun Daring; bold; hardy; fearless; venturesome; adveturous; as, a venturous soldier.
veracious adjective Observant of truth; habitually speaking truth; truthful; as, veracious historian., Characterized by truth; not false; as, a veracious account or narrative.
veratrate noun A salt of veratric acid.
veratrina noun Same as Veratrine.
veratrine noun A poisonous alkaloid obtained from the root hellebore (Veratrum) and from sabadilla seeds as a white crystalline powder, having an acrid, burning taste. It is sometimes used externally, as in ointments, in the local treatment of neuralgia and rheumatism. Called also veratria, and veratrina.
verbalism noun Something expressed verbally; a verbal remark or expression.
verbalist noun A literal adherent to, or a minute critic of, words; a literalist.
verbality noun The quality or state of being verbal; mere words; bare literal expression.
verbalize verb t. To convert into a verb; to verbify., To be verbose.
verbarian adjective Of or pertaining to words; verbal., One who coins words.
verbarium noun A game in word making. See Logomachy, 2.
verbenate verb t. To strew with verbena, or vervain, as in ancient sacrifices and rites.
verberate verb t. To beat; to strike.
verbosity noun The quality or state of being verbose; the use of more words than are necessary; prolixity; wordiness; verbiage.
verdantly adverb In a verdant manner.
verdigris noun A green poisonous substance used as a pigment and drug, obtained by the action of acetic acid on copper, and consisting essentially of a complex mixture of several basic copper acetates., The green rust formed on copper., To cover, or coat, with verdigris.
verditure noun The faintest and palest green.
verdurous adjective Covered with verdure; clothed with the fresh green of vegetation; verdured; verdant; as, verdurous pastures.
vergalien noun Alt. of Vergaloo
veridical adjective Truth-telling; truthful; veracious.
verifying present participle & vb. noun of Verify
veritable adjective Agreeable to truth or to fact; actual; real; true; genuine.
vermicide noun A medicine which destroys intestinal worms; a worm killer.
vermicule noun A small worm or insect larva; also, a wormlike body.
vermiform adjective Resembling a worm in form or motions; vermicular; as, the vermiform process of the cerebellum.
vermifuge noun A medicine or substance that expels worms from animal bodies; an anthelmintic.
vermilion noun A bright red pigment consisting of mercuric sulphide, obtained either from the mineral cinnabar or artificially. It has a fine red color, and is much used in coloring sealing wax, in printing, etc., Hence, a red color like the pigment; a lively and brilliant red; as, cheeks of vermilion., To color with vermilion, or as if with vermilion; to dye red; to cover with a delicate red.
verminate verb i. To breed vermin.
verminous adjective Tending to breed vermin; infested by vermin., Caused by, or arising from the presence of, vermin; as, verminous disease.
vernation noun The arrangement of the leaves within the leaf bud, as regards their folding, coiling, rolling, etc.; prefoliation.
vernicose adjective Having a brilliantly polished surface, as some leaves.
vernility noun Fawning or obsequious behavior; servility.
verrucose adjective Covered with wartlike elevations; tuberculate; warty; verrucous; as, a verrucose capsule.
verrucous adjective Verrucose.
versatile adjective Capable of being turned round., Liable to be turned in opinion; changeable; variable; unsteady; inconstant; as versatile disposition., Turning with ease from one thing to another; readily applied to a new task, or to various subjects; many-sided; as, versatile genius; a versatile politician., Capable of turning; freely movable; as, a versatile anther, which is fixed at one point to the filament, and hence is very easily turned around; a versatile toe of a bird.
versifier noun One who versifies, or makes verses; as, not every versifier is a poet., One who converts into verse; one who expresses in verse the ideas of another written in prose; as, Dr. Watts was a versifier of the Psalms.
versified imp. & past participle of Versify
vertebrae plural of Vertebra
vertebral adjective Of or pertaining to a vertebrae, or the vertebral column; spinal; rachidian., Vertebrate., A vertebrate.
vertebro- A combining form used in anatomy to indicate connection with, or relation to, a vertebra, vertebrae, or vertebral column; as in vertebrocostal.
verticity noun The quality or power of turning; revolution; rotation.
vertigoes plural of Vertigo
vesicated imp. & past participle of Vesicate
vesiculae plural of Vesicula
vesicular adjective Of or pertaining to vesicles; esp., of or pertaining to the air vesicles, or air cells, of the lungs; as, vesicular breathing, or normal breathing, in which the air enters freely the air vesicles of the lungs., Containing, or composed of, vesicles or vesiclelike structures; covered with vesicles or bladders; vesiculate; as, vesicular coral; vesicular lava; a vesicular leaf., Having the form or structure of a vesicle; as, a vesicular body.
vesselful noun As much as a vessel will hold; enough to fill a vessel.
vessicnon noun Alt. of Vessignon
vessignon noun A soft swelling on a horse’s leg; a windgall.
vestibule noun The porch or entrance into a house; a hall or antechamber next the entrance; a lobby; a porch; a hall.
vestibula plural of Vestibulum
vestigate verb t. To investigate.
vestigial adjective Of or pertaining to a vestige or remnant; like a vestige.
vestiture noun In vestiture.
vestrymen plural of Vestryman
vestryman noun A member of a vestry; especially (Prot. Epis. Ch.), a member other than a warden. See Vestry.
vetchling noun Any small leguminous plant of the genus Lathyrus, especially L. Nissolia.
vetturini plural of Vetturino
vetturino noun One who lets or drives a vettura., A vettura.
vexatious adjective Causing vexation; agitating; afflictive; annoying; as, a vexatious controversy; a vexatious neighbor., Full or vexation, trouble, or disquiet; disturbed.
vexillary Of or pertaining to an ensign or standard., Of or pertaining to the vexillum, or upper petal of papilionaceous flowers., A standard bearer.
viability noun The quality or state of being viable., The capacity of living after birth., The capacity of living, or being distributed, over wide geographical limits; as, the viability of a species.
vibracula plural of Vibraculum
vibrating present participle & vb. noun of Vibrate
vibratile adjective Adapted to, or used in, vibratory motion; having the power of vibrating; vibratory; as, the vibratile organs of insects.
vibration noun The act of vibrating, or the state of being vibrated, or in vibratory motion; quick motion to and fro; oscillation, as of a pendulum or musical string., A limited reciprocating motion of a particle of an elastic body or medium in alternately opposite directions from its position of equilibrium, when that equilibrium has been disturbed, as when a stretched cord or other body produces musical notes, or particles of air transmit sounds to the ear. The path of the particle may be in a straight line, in a circular arc, or in any curve whatever.
vibrative adjective vibrating
vibratory adjective Consisting in, or causing, vibration, or oscillation; vibrating; as, a vibratory motion; a vibratory power.
vibriones plural of Vibrio
vibrissae plural of Vibrissa
vicariate adjective Having delegated power, as a vicar; vicarious., Delegated office or power; vicarship; the office or oversight of a vicar.
vicarious preposition Of or pertaining to a vicar, substitute, or deputy; deputed; delegated; as, vicarious power or authority., Acting of suffering for another; as, a vicarious agent or officer., Performed of suffered in the place of another; substituted; as, a vicarious sacrifice; vicarious punishment., Acting as a substitute; — said of abnormal action which replaces a suppressed normal function; as, vicarious hemorrhage replacing menstruation.
vicarship noun The office or dignity of a vicar.
vicennial adjective Lasting or comprising twenty years., Happening once in twenty years; as, a vicennial celebration.
viciosity noun Vitiosity.
vicontiel adjective Of or pertaining to the viscount or sheriff of a country.
victimate verb t. To make a victim of; to sacrifice; to immolate.
victimize verb t. To make a victim of, esp. by deception; to dupe; to cheat.
victoress noun A victress.
victorian adjective Of or pertaining to the reign of Queen Victoria of England; as, the Victorian poets.
victorine noun A woman’s fur tippet.
victories plural of Victory
victualed imp. & past participle of Victual
victualer noun One who furnishes victuals., One who keeps a house of entertainment; a tavern keeper; an innkeeper., A vessel employed to carry provisions, usually for military or naval use; a provision use; a provision ship., One who deals in grain; a corn factor.
videlicet adverb To wit; namely; — often abbreviated to viz.
viduation noun The state of being widowed or bereaved; loss; bereavement.
viewiness noun The quality or state of being viewy, or of having unpractical views.
vigesimal adjective Twentieth; divided into, or consisting of, twenties or twenty parts.
vigilance noun The quality or state of being vigilant; forbearance of sleep; wakefulness., Watchfulness in respect of danger; care; caution; circumspection., Guard; watch.
vigilancy noun Vigilance.
vilifying present participle & vb. noun of Vilify
villagery noun Villages; a district of villages.
villanage noun The state of a villain, or serf; base servitude; tenure on condition of doing the meanest services for the lord., Baseness; infamy; villainy.
villanize verb t. To make vile; to debase; to degrade; to revile.
villanous noun Alt. of Villanousness
villenage noun Villanage.
villenous adjective Of or pertaining to a villein.
villiform adjective Having the form or appearance of villi; like close-set fibers, either hard or soft; as, the teeth of perch are villiform.
villosity noun State of being villous., A coating of long, slender hairs., A villus.
vimineous adjective Of or pertaining to twigs; made of pliant twigs., Producing long, slender twigs or shoots.
vinaceous adjective Belonging to, or like, wine or grapes., Of the color of wine, especially of red wine.
vinagrous adjective Resembling vinegar; sour., Fig.: Unamiable; morose.
vinculums plural of Vinculum
vindemial adjective Of or pertaining to a vintage, or grape harvest.
vindicate verb t. To lay claim to; to assert a right to; to claim., To maintain or defend with success; to prove to be valid; to assert convincingly; to sustain against assault; as, to vindicate a right, claim, or title., To support or maintain as true or correct, against denial, censure, or objections; to defend; to justify., To maintain, as a law or a cause, by overthrowing enemies., To liberate; to set free; to deliver., To avenge; to punish; as, a war to vindicate or punish infidelity.
vine-clad adjective Covered with vines.
vinolency noun Drunkennes.
vinometer noun An instrument for determining the strength or purity of wine by measuring its density.
vintaging noun The act of gathering the vintage, or crop of grapes.
violantin noun A complex nitrogenous substance, produced as a yellow crystalline substance, and regarded as a complex derivative of barbituric acid.
violating present participle & vb. noun of Violate
violation noun The act of violating, treating with violence, or injuring; the state of being violated., Infringement; transgression; nonobservance; as, the violation of law or positive command, of covenants, promises, etc., An act of irreverence or desecration; profanation or contemptuous treatment of sacred things; as, the violation of a church., Interruption, as of sleep or peace; disturbance., Ravishment; rape; outrage.
violative adjective Violating, or tending to violate.
violently adverb In a violent manner.
violinist noun A player on the violin.
virescent adjective Beginning to be green; slightly green; greenish.
virgalieu noun A valuable kind of pear, of an obovate shape and with melting flesh of delicious flavor; — more properly called White Doyenne.
virgilian adjective Of or pertaining to Virgil, the Roman poet; resembling the style of Virgil.
virginity noun The quality or state of being a virgin; undefiled purity or chastity; maidenhood., The unmarried life; celibacy.
virgulate adjective Shaped like a little twig or rod.
viridness noun Viridity; greenness.
virmilion noun See Vermilion.
virtually adverb In a virtual manner; in efficacy or effect only, and not actually; to all intents and purposes; practically.
virtuosos plural of Virtuoso
virulence noun Alt. of Virulency
virulency noun The quality or state of being virulent or venomous; poisonousness; malignancy., Extreme bitterness or malignity of disposition.
vis-a-vis noun One who, or that which, is face to face with another; esp., one who faces another in dancing., A carriage in which two persons sit face to face. Also, a form of sofa with seats for two persons, so arranged that the occupants are face to face while sitting on opposite sides., Face to face.
viz-cacha noun A large burrowing South American rodent (Lagostomus trichodactylus) allied to the chinchillas, but much larger. Its fur is soft and rather long, mottled gray above, white or yellowish white beneath. There is a white band across the muzzle, and a dark band on each cheek. It inhabits grassy plains, and is noted for its extensive burrows and for heaping up miscellaneous articles at the mouth of its burrows. Called also biscacha, bizcacha, vischacha, vishatscha.
viscerate verb t. To deprive of the viscera, or entrails; to eviscerate; to disembowel.
viscidity noun The quality or state of being viscid; also, that which is viscid; glutinous concretion; stickiness.
viscoidal adjective Somewhat viscous. Cf. Mobile, a., 2.
viscosity noun The quality or state of being viscous., A quality analogous to that of a viscous fluid, supposed to be caused by internal friction, especially in the case of gases.
viscounty noun The quality, rank, or office of a viscount.
visioning present participle & vb. noun of Vision
visionary adjective Of or pertaining to a visions or visions; characterized by, appropriate to, or favorable for, visions., Affected by phantoms; disposed to receive impressions on the imagination; given to reverie; apt to receive, and act upon, fancies as if they were realities., Existing in imagination only; not real; fanciful; imaginary; having no solid foundation; as, visionary prospect; a visionary scheme or project., One whose imagination is disturbed; one who sees visions or phantoms., One whose imagination overpowers his reason and controls his judgment; an unpractical schemer; one who builds castles in the air; a daydreamer.
visionist noun A visionary.
visitable adjective Liable or subject to be visited or inspected.
visualize verb t. To make visual, or visible; to see in fancy.
vitalized imp. & past participle of Vitalize
vitellary adjective Vitelline.
vitelline adjective Of or pertaining to the yolk of eggs; as, the vitelline membrane, a smooth, transparent membrane surrounding the vitellus.
vitiating present participle & vb. noun of Vitiate
vitiation noun The act of vitiating, or the state of being vitiated; depravation; corruption; invalidation; as, the vitiation of the blood; the vitiation of a contract.
vitiosity noun Viciousness; depravity.
vitiously noun Alt. of Vitiousness
vitrified adjective Converted into glass., of Vitrify
vitriform adjective Having the form or appearance of glass; resembling glass; glasslike.
vitriolic adjective Of or pertaining to vitriol; derived from, or resembling, vitriol; vitriolous; as, a vitriolic taste. Cf. Vitriol.
vitruvian adjective Of or pertaining to Vitruvius, an ancient Roman architect.
vivacious adjective Having vigorous powers of life; tenacious of life; long-lived., Sprightly in temper or conduct; lively; merry; as, a vivacious poet., Living through the winter, or from year to year; perennial.
vivariums plural of Vivarium
viva voce By word of mouth; orally.
viverrine adjective Of or pertaining to the Viverridae, or Civet family.
vivianite noun A hydrous phosphate of iron of a blue to green color, growing darker on exposure. It occurs in monoclinic crystals, also fibrous, massive, and earthy.
vivifical adjective Giving life; reviving; enlivening.
vivifying present participle & vb. noun of Vivify
vizierate noun The office, dignity, or authority of a vizier.
vizierial adjective Of, pertaining to, or issued by, a vizier.
vlissmaki noun The diadem indris. See Indris.
vocalized imp. & past participle of Vocalize
vocalness noun The quality of being vocal; vocality.
voiceless adjective Having no voice, utterance, or vote; silent; mute; dumb., Not sounded with voice; as, a voiceless consonant; surd.
voir dire An oath administered to a witness, usually before being sworn in chief, requiring him to speak the truth, or make true answers in reference to matters inquired of, to ascertain his competency to give evidence.
volacious adjective Apt or fit to fly.
volcanian adjective Volcanic.
volcanism noun Volcanic power or action; volcanicity.
volcanist noun One versed in the history and phenomena of volcanoes., One who believes in the igneous, as opposed to the aqueous, origin of the rocks of the earth’s crust; a vulcanist. Cf. Neptunist.
volcanity noun The quality or state of being volcanic, or volcanic origin; volcanicity.
volcanize verb t. To subject to, or cause to undergo, volcanic heat, and to be affected by its action.
volcanoes plural of Volcano
volitable adjective Volatilizable.
volitient adjective Exercising the will; acting from choice; willing, or having power to will.
volkslied noun A popular song, or national air.
volleying present participle & vb. noun of Volley
voltatype noun An electrotype.
voltigeur noun A tumbler; a leaper or vaulter., One of a picked company of irregular riflemen in each regiment of the French infantry.
voltmeter noun An instrument for measuring in volts the differences of potential between different points of an electrical circuit.
volumeter noun An instrument for measuring the volumes of gases or liquids by introducing them into a vessel of known capacity.
voluntary verb t. Proceeding from the will; produced in or by an act of choice., Unconstrained by the interference of another; unimpelled by the influence of another; not prompted or persuaded by another; done of his or its own accord; spontaneous; acting of one’s self, or of itself; free., Done by design or intention; intentional; purposed; intended; not accidental; as, if a man kills another by lopping a tree, it is not voluntary manslaughter., Of or pertaining to the will; subject to, or regulated by, the will; as, the voluntary motions of an animal, such as the movements of the leg or arm (in distinction from involuntary motions, such as the movements of the heart); the voluntary muscle fibers, which are the agents in voluntary motion., Endowed with the power of willing; as, man is a voluntary agent., Free; without compulsion; according to the will, consent, or agreement, of a party; without consideration; gratuitous; without valuable consideration., Of or pertaining to voluntaryism; as, a voluntary church, in distinction from an established or state church., One who engages in any affair of his own free will; a volunteer., A piece played by a musician, often extemporarily, according to his fancy; specifically, an organ solo played before, during, or after divine service., One who advocates voluntaryism.
volunteer adjective One who enters into, or offers for, any service of his own free will., One who enters into service voluntarily, but who, when in service, is subject to discipline and regulations like other soldiers; — opposed to conscript; specifically, a voluntary member of the organized militia of a country as distinguished from the standing army., A grantee in a voluntary conveyance; one to whom a conveyance is made without valuable consideration; a party, other than a wife or child of the grantor, to whom, or for whose benefit, a voluntary conveyance is made., Of or pertaining to a volunteer or volunteers; consisting of volunteers; voluntary; as, volunteer companies; volunteer advice., To offer or bestow voluntarily, or without solicitation or compulsion; as, to volunteer one’s services., To enter into, or offer for, any service of one’s own free will, without solicitation or compulsion; as, he volunteered in that undertaking.
vomic nut Same as Nux vomica.
voodooism noun A degraded form of superstition and sorcery, said to include human sacrifices and cannibalism in some of its rites. It is prevalent among the negroes of Hayti, and to some extent in the United States, and is regarded as a relic of African barbarism.
voracious adjective Greedy in eating; very hungry; eager to devour or swallow; ravenous; gluttonous; edacious; rapacious; as, a voracious man or appetite; a voracious gulf or whirlpool.
vorticose adjective Vortical; whirling; as, a vorticose motion.
vouchment noun A solemn assertion.
vouchsafe verb t. To condescend to grant; to concede; to bestow., To receive or accept in condescension., To condescend; to deign; to yield; to descend or stoop.
vulcanian adjective Of or pertaining to Vulcan; made by Vulcan; hence, of or pertaining to works in iron or other metals., Volcanic.
vulcanism noun Volcanism.
vulcanist noun A volcanist.
vulcanite noun Hard rubber produced by vulcanizing with a large proportion of sulphur.
vulcanize verb t. To change the properties of, as caoutchouc, or India rubber, by the process of vulcanization.
vulgarian noun A vulgar person; one who has vulgar ideas. Used also adjectively.
vulgarism noun Grossness; rudeness; vulgarity., A vulgar phrase or expression.
vulgarity noun The quality or state of being vulgar; mean condition of life; the state of the lower classes of society., Grossness or clownishness of manners of language; absence of refinement; coarseness.
vulgarize verb t. & i. To make vulgar, or common.
vulnerary adjective Useful in healing wounds; adapted to the cure of external injuries; as, vulnerary plants or potions., A vulnerary remedy.
vulnerate verb t. To wound; to hurt.
vulnerose adjective Full of wounds; wounded.
vulpicide noun One who kills a fox, except in hunting; also, the act of so killing a fox.
vulpinism noun The quality of being cunning like the fox; craft; artfulness.
vulpinite noun A scaly granular variety of anhydrite of a grayish white color, used for ornamental purposes.
vulturine adjective Of or pertaining to a vulture; resembling a vulture in qualities or looks; as, the vulturine sea eagle (Gypohierax Angolensis); vulturine rapacity.
vulturish adjective Vulturous.
vulturism noun The quality or state of being like a vulture; rapaciousness.
vulturous adjective Like a vulture; rapacious.
vulviform adjective Like a cleft with projecting edges.