9 letter word starting with wa

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
wadsetter noun One who holds by a wadset.
wagenboom noun A south African proteaceous tree (Protea grandiflora); also, its tough wood, used for making wagon wheels.
waggeries plural of Waggery
wagnerite noun A fluophosphate of magnesia, occurring in yellowish crystals, and also in massive forms.
wagonette noun A kind of pleasure wagon, uncovered and with seats extended along the sides, designed to carry six or eight persons besides the driver.
wagonfuls plural of Wagonful
wagonload noun Same as Wagonful.
waileress noun A woman who wails.
wailingly adverb In a wailing manner.
waistband noun The band which encompasses the waist; esp., one on the upper part of breeches, trousers, pantaloons, skirts, or the like., A sash worn by women around the waist.
waistcoat noun A short, sleeveless coat or garment for men, worn under the coat, extending no lower than the hips, and covering the waist; a vest., A garment occasionally worn by women as a part of fashionable costume.
waitingly adverb By waiting.
waldenses noun pl. A sect of dissenters from the ecclesiastical system of the Roman Catholic Church, who in the 13th century were driven by persecution to the valleys of Piedmont, where the sect survives. They profess substantially Protestant principles.
waldgrave noun In the old German empire, the head forest keeper.
walk-mill noun A fulling mill.
walk-over noun In racing, the going over a course by a horse which has no competitor for the prize; hence, colloquially, a one-sided contest; an uncontested, or an easy, victory.
wallabies plural of Wallaby
walleteer noun One who carries a wallet; a foot traveler; a tramping beggar.
wall-eyed adjective Having an eye of a very light gray or whitish color.
walloping present participle & vb. noun of Wallop
wallowing present participle & vb. noun of Wallow
wallowish adjective Flat; insipid.
wall-plat noun The spotted flycatcher. It builds its nest on walls.
wandering present participle & vb. noun of Wander, a. & n. from Wander, v.
wantoning present participle & vb. noun of Wanton
wantonize verb i. To behave wantonly; to frolic; to wanton.
wapentake noun In some northern counties of England, a division, or district, answering to the hundred in other counties. Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, and Nottinghamshire are divided into wapentakes, instead of hundreds.
ward-corn noun The duty of keeping watch and ward (see the Note under Watch, n., 1) with a horn to be blown upon any occasion of surprise.
wardcorps noun Guardian; one set to watch over another.
warehouse noun A storehouse for wares, or goods., To deposit or secure in a warehouse., To place in the warehouse of the government or customhouse stores, to be kept until duties are paid.
wariangle noun The red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio); — called also wurger, worrier, and throttler.
warlockry noun Impishness; magic.
warmonger noun One who makes ar a trade or business; a mercenary.
warningly adverb In a warning manner.
warnstore verb t. To furnish.
warranted imp. & past participle of Warrant
warrantee noun The person to whom a warrant or warranty is made.
warranter noun One who warrants, gives authority, or legally empowers., One who assures, or covenants to assure; one who contracts to secure another in a right, or to make good any defect of title or quality; one who gives a warranty; a guarantor; as, the warranter of a horse.
warrantor noun One who warrants.
washboard noun A fluted, or ribbed, board on which clothes are rubbed in washing them., A board running round, and serving as a facing for, the walls of a room, next to the floor; a mopboard., A broad, thin plank, fixed along the gunwale of boat to keep the sea from breaking inboard; also, a plank on the sill of a lower deck port, for the same purpose; — called also wasteboard.
washermen plural of Washerman
washerman noun A man who washes clothes, esp. for hire, or for others.
washhouse noun An outbuilding for washing, esp. one for washing clothes; a laundry.
washiness noun The quality or state of being washy, watery, or weak.
washstand noun A piece of furniture holding the ewer or pitcher, basin, and other requisites for washing the person.
wassailer noun One who drinks wassail; one who engages in festivity, especially in drinking; a reveler.
wastebook noun A book in which rough entries of transactions are made, previous to their being carried into the journal.
wasteness noun The quality or state of being waste; a desolate state or condition; desolation., That which is waste; a desert; a waste.
wasteweir noun An overfall, or weir, for the escape, or overflow, of superfluous water from a canal, reservoir, pond, or the like.
watchword noun A word given to sentinels, and to such as have occasion to visit the guards, used as a signal by which a friend is known from an enemy, or a person who has a right to pass the watch from one who has not; a countersign; a password., A sentiment or motto; esp., one used as a rallying cry or a signal for action.
water bed A kind of mattress made of, or covered with, waterproof fabric and filled with water. It is used in hospitals for bedridden patients.
water bug The Croton bug., Any one of numerous species of large, rapacious, aquatic, hemipterous insects belonging to Belostoma, Benacus, Zaitha, and other genera of the family Belostomatidae. Their hind legs are long and fringed, and act like oars. Some of these insects are of great size, being among the largest existing Hemiptera. Many of them come out of the water and fly about at night.
water can Any one of several species of Nuphar; the yellow frog lily; — so called from the shape of the seed vessel. See Nuphar, and cf. Candock.
water dog A dog accustomed to the water, or trained to retrieve waterfowl. Retrievers, waters spaniels, and Newfoundland dogs are so trained., The menobranchus., A small floating cloud, supposed to indicate rain., A sailor, esp. an old sailor; an old salt.
waterfall noun A fall, or perpendicular descent, of the water of a river or stream, or a descent nearly perpendicular; a cascade; a cataract., An arrangement of a woman’s back hair over a cushion or frame in some resemblance to a waterfall., A certain kind of neck scarf.
waterfowl noun Any bird that frequents the water, or lives about rivers, lakes, etc., or on or near the sea; an aquatic fowl; — used also collectively.
water fox The carp; — so called on account of its cunning.
water gas See under Gas.
water god A fabulous deity supposed to dwell in, and preside over, some body of water.
water hen Any gallinule., The common American coot.
water hog The capybara.
water ice Water flavored, sweetened, and frozen, to be eaten as a confection.
waterleaf noun Any plant of the American genus Hydrophyllum, herbs having white or pale blue bell-shaped flowers.
water leg See Leg, 7.
waterless adjective Destitute of water; dry.
watermark noun A mark indicating the height to which water has risen, or at which it has stood; the usual limit of high or low water., A letter, device, or the like, wrought into paper during the process of manufacture., See Water line, 2.
water oat Indian rice. See under Rice.
water pig The capybara., The gourami.
water poa Meadow reed grass. See under Reed.
water pox A variety of chicken pox, or varicella.
water ram An hydraulic ram.
water rat The water vole. See under Vole., The muskrat., The beaver rat. See under Beaver., A thief on the water; a pirate.
water-ret verb t. To ret, or rot, in water, as flax; to water-rot.
water-rot verb t. To rot by steeping in water; to water-ret; as, to water-rot hemp or flax.
watershed noun The whole region or extent of country which contributes to the supply of a river or lake., The line of division between two adjacent rivers or lakes with respect to the flow of water by natural channels into them; the natural boundary of a basin.
watertath noun A kind of coarse grass growing in wet grounds, and supposed to be injurious to sheep.
water way Same as Water course.
waterweed noun See Anacharis.
waterwork noun Painting executed in size or distemper, on canvas or walls, — formerly, frequently taking the place of tapestry., An hydraulic apparatus, or a system of works or fixtures, by which a supply of water is furnished for useful or ornamental purposes, including dams, sluices, pumps, aqueducts, distributing pipes, fountains, etc.; — used chiefly in the plural.
waterworn adjective Worn, smoothed, or polished by the action of water; as, waterworn stones.
waterwort noun Any plant of the natural order Elatineae, consisting of two genera (Elatine, and Bergia), mostly small annual herbs growing in the edges of ponds. Some have a peppery or acrid taste.
wattmeter noun An instrument for measuring power in watts, — much used in measuring the energy of an electric current.
wavellite noun A hydrous phosphate of alumina, occurring usually in hemispherical radiated forms varying in color from white to yellow, green, or black.
waxworker noun One who works in wax; one who makes waxwork., A bee that makes or produces wax.
wayfaring adjective Traveling; passing; being on a journey.
way-going adjective Going away; departing; of or pertaining to one who goes away.
way-goose noun See Wayz-goose, n., 2.
waylaying present participle & vb. noun of Waylay
waymented imp. & past participle of Wayment
way shaft A rock shaft., An interior shaft, usually one connecting two levels.