9 letter word starting with wi

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
wiclifite noun Alt. of Wickliffite
widewhere adverb Widely; far and wide.
widowhood noun The state of being a widow; the time during which a woman is widow; also, rarely, the state of being a widower., Estate settled on a widow.
wieldable adjective Capable of being wielded.
wieldance noun The act or power of wielding.
wieldless adjective Not to be wielded; unmanageable; unwieldy.
wieldsome adjective Admitting of being easily wielded or managed.
wierangle noun Same as Wariangle.
wildering present participle & vb. noun of Wilder, A plant growing in a state of nature; especially, one which has run wild, or escaped from cultivation.
wildgrave noun A waldgrave, or head forest keeper. See Waldgrave.
willemite noun A silicate of zinc, usually occurring massive and of a greenish yellow color, also in reddish crystals (troostite) containing manganese.
willingly adverb In a willing manner; with free will; without reluctance; cheerfully.
willowish adjective Having the color of the willow; resembling the willow; willowy.
wincopipe noun A little red flower, no doubt the pimpernel, which, when it opens in the morning, is supposed to bode a fair day. See Pimpernel.
windbound adjective prevented from sailing, by a contrary wind. See Weatherbound.
windhover noun The kestrel; — called also windbibber, windcuffer, windfanner.
windiness noun The quality or state of being windy or tempestuous; as, the windiness of the weather or the season., Fullness of wind; flatulence., Tendency to generate wind or gas; tendency to produce flatulence; as, the windiness of vegetables., Tumor; puffiness.
windingly adverb In a winding manner.
windowing present participle & vb. noun of Window
wind-rode adjective Caused to ride or drive by the wind in opposition to the course of the tide; — said of a vessel lying at anchor, with wind and tide opposed to each other.
windrowed imp. & past participle of Windrow
windstorm noun A storm characterized by high wind with little or no rain.
windtight adjective So tight as to prevent the passing through of wind.
wineberry noun The red currant., The bilberry., A peculiar New Zealand shrub (Coriaria ruscifolia), in which the petals ripen and afford an abundant purple juice from which a kind of wine is made. The plant also grows in Chili.
wineglass noun A small glass from which to drink wine.
winkingly adverb In a winking manner; with the eye almost closed.
winnard 2 noun The redwing.
winningly adverb In a winning manner.
winninish noun The land-locked variety of the common salmon.
winnowing present participle & vb. noun of Winnew, The act of one who, or that which, winnows.
wintering present participle & vb. noun of Winter
wiredrawn past participle of Wiredraw
wire-heel noun A disease in the feet of a horse or other beast.
wise-like adjective Resembling that which is wise or sensible; judicious.
wish-wash noun Any weak, thin drink.
wit(t)ing present participle & vb. noun of Wit
witch-elm noun See Wych-elm.
withamite noun A variety of epidote, of a reddish color, found in Scotland.
withdrawn past participle of Withdraw
withering present participle & vb. noun of Wither, Tending to wither; causing to shrink or fade.
witherite noun Barium carbonate occurring in white or gray six-sided twin crystals, and also in columnar or granular masses.
withernam noun A second or reciprocal distress of other goods in lieu of goods which were taken by a first distress and have been eloigned; a taking by way of reprisal; — chiefly used in the expression capias in withernam, which is the name of a writ used in connection with the action of replevin (sometimes called a writ of reprisal), which issues to a defendant in replevin when he has obtained judgment for a return of the chattels replevied, and fails to obtain them on the writ of return.
withe-rod noun A North American shrub (Viburnum nudum) whose tough osierlike shoots are sometimes used for binding sheaves.
withouten preposition Without.
withstood imp. & past participle of Withstand, o/ Withstand.
withstand preposition To stand against; to oppose; to resist, either with physical or moral force; as, to withstand an attack of troops; to withstand eloquence or arguments.
witnessed imp. & past participle of Witness
witnesser noun One who witness.
witticism noun A witty saying; a sentence or phrase which is affectedly witty; an attempt at wit; a conceit.
wittified adjective Possessed of wit; witty.
wittiness noun The quality of being witty.
wittingly verb Knowingly; with knowledge; by design.