10 letter word starting with plu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words pluroderes noun pl. A group of fresh-water turtles in which the neck can not be retracted, but is bent to one side, for protection. The matamata is an example. pluckiness noun The quality or state of being plucky. plumassary noun A plume or collection of ornamental feathers. plumassier noun … Read more

10 letter word starting with po

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words poachiness noun The state of being poachy; marshiness. pocketbook noun A small book or case for carrying papers, money, etc., in the pocket; also, a notebook for the pocket. pocketfuls plural of Pocketful pockmarked adjective Marked by smallpox; pitted. poculiform adjective Having the shape of a goblet or drinking … Read more

10 letter word starting with port

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words portamento noun In singing, or in the use of the bow, a gradual carrying or lifting of the voice or sound very smoothly from one note to another; a gliding from tone to tone. portcrayon noun A metallic handle with a clasp for holding a crayon. portcullis noun A … Read more

10 letter word starting with pr

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words practicing present participle & vb. noun of Practice practician noun One who is acquainted with, or skilled in, anything by practice; a practitioner. practisant noun An agent or confederate in treachery. practisour noun A practitioner. praecocial adjective Of or pertaining to the Praecoces. praecordia noun The front part of … Read more

10 letter word starting with pro

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words procacious adjective Pert; petulant; forward; saucy. procambium noun The young tissue of a fibrovascular bundle before its component cells have begun to be differentiated. procedendo noun A writ by which a cause which has been removed on insufficient grounds from an inferior to a superior court by certiorari, or … Read more

10 letter word starting with ps

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words psalmistry noun The use of psalms in devotion; psalmody. psalmodist noun One who sings sacred songs; a psalmist. psalmodize verb i. To practice psalmody. psalterial adjective Of or pertaining to the psalterium. psalterium noun The third stomach of ruminants. See Manyplies., The lyra of the brain. psalteries plural of … Read more

10 letter word starting with psych

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words psychiatry noun The application of the healing art to mental diseases. psychology noun The science of the human soul; specifically, the systematic or scientific knowledge of the powers and functions of the human soul, so far as they are known by consciousness; a treatise on the human soul. psychopomp … Read more

10 letter word starting with sa

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words sabaeanism noun Same as Sabianism. sabbatical adjective Of or pertaining to the Sabbath; resembling the Sabbath; enjoying or bringing an intermission of labor. sabulosity noun The quality of being sabulous; sandiness; grittiness. saccharate noun A salt of saccharic acid., In a wider sense, a compound of saccharose, or any … Read more

10 letter word starting with sal

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words salability noun The quality or condition of being salable; salableness. salaeratus noun See Saleratus. salamander noun Any one of numerous species of Urodela, belonging to Salamandra, Amblystoma, Plethodon, and various allied genera, especially those that are more or less terrestrial in their habits., The pouched gopher (Geomys tuza) of … Read more

10 letter word starting with san

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words sanability noun The quality or state of being sanable; sanableness; curableness. sanatorium noun An establishment for the treatment of the sick; a resort for invalids. See Sanitarium. sance-bell noun Alt. of Sancte bell sanctified adjective Made holy; also, made to have the air of sanctity; sanctimonious., of Sanctify sanctifier … Read more