10 letter word starting with im

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words imaginable adjective Capable of being imagined; conceivable. imbankment noun The act of surrounding with a bank; a bank or mound raised for defense, a roadway, etc.; an embankment. See Embankment. imbannered adjective Having banners. imbecility noun The quality of being imbecile; weakness; feebleness, esp. of mind. imbenching noun A … Read more

10 letter word starting with ga

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words gabelleman noun A gabeler. gabionnade noun See Gabionade. gaditanian adjective Of or relating to Cadiz, in Spain., A native or inhabitant of Cadiz. gadolinite noun A mineral of a nearly black color and vitreous luster, and consisting principally of the silicates of yttrium, cerium, and iron. gadolinium noun A … Read more

10 letter word starting with in

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words inablement noun See Enablement. inaccuracy noun The quality of being inaccurate; want of accuracy or exactness., That which is inaccurate or incorrect; mistake; fault; defect; error; as, in inaccuracy in speech, copying, calculation, etc. inaccurate adjective Not accurate; not according to truth; inexact; incorrect; erroneous; as, in inaccurate man, … Read more

10 letter word starting with gas

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words gas-burner noun The jet piece of a gas fixture where the gas is burned as it escapes from one or more minute orifices. gasconaded imp. & past participle of Gasconade gasconader noun A great boaster; a blusterer. gasometric adjective Alt. of Gasometrical gasteropod noun Same as Gastropod. gastralgia noun … Read more

10 letter word starting with inn

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words innateness noun The quality of being innate. innocently adverb In an innocent manner. innodating present participle & vb. noun of Innodate innominate adjective Having no name; unnamed; as, an innominate person or place., A term used in designating many parts otherwise unnamed; as, the innominate artery, a great branch … Read more

10 letter word starting with ge

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words gelatinate verb t. To convert into gelatin, or into a substance resembling jelly., To be converted into gelatin, or into a substance like jelly. gelatinize verb t. To convert into gelatin or jelly. Same as Gelatinate, v. t., To coat, or otherwise treat, with gelatin., Same as Gelatinate, v. … Read more

10 letter word starting with int

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words intactible adjective Alt. of Intactable intactable adjective Not perceptible to the touch. intangible adjective Not tangible; incapable of being touched; not perceptible to the touch; impalpable; imperceptible. intastable adjective Incapable of being tasted; tasteless; unsavory. integrable adjective Capable of being integrated. integrally adverb In an integral manner; wholly; completely; … Read more

10 letter word starting with gi

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words giallolino noun A term variously employed by early writers on art, though commonly designating the yellow oxide of lead, or massicot. gibbostity noun The state of being gibbous or gibbose; gibbousness. giddy-head noun A person without thought fulness, prudence, or judgment. gier-eagle noun A bird referred to in the … Read more

10 letter word starting with go

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words goa powder A bitter powder (also called araroba) found in the interspaces of the wood of a Brazilian tree (Andira araroba) and used as a medicine. It is the material from which chrysarobin is obtained. goatsucker noun One of several species of insectivorous birds, belonging to Caprimulgus and allied … Read more

10 letter word starting with gr

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words gracillent adjective Slender; thin. graciously adverb In a gracious manner; courteously; benignantly., Fortunately; luckily. graduality noun The state of being gradual; gradualness. graduating present participle & vb. noun of Graduate graduation noun The act of graduating, or the state of being graduated; as, graduation of a scale; graduation at … Read more