10 letter word starting with bat

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words batfowling noun A mode of catching birds at night, by holding a torch or other light, and beating the bush or perch where they roost. The birds, flying to the light, are caught with nets or otherwise. bathometer noun An instrument for measuring depths, esp. one for taking soundings … Read more

10 letter word starting with ac

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words academical adjective Belonging to the school or philosophy of Plato; as, the Academic sect or philosophy., Belonging to an academy or other higher institution of learning; scholarly; literary or classical, in distinction from scientific. acalephans plural of Acalephan acalephoid adjective Belonging to or resembling the Acalephae or jellyfishes. acanthuses … Read more

10 letter word starting with be

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words beaconless adjective Having no beacon. beadleship noun The state of being, or the personality of, a beadle. bead proof Among distillers, a certain degree of strength in alcoholic liquor, as formerly ascertained by the floating or sinking of glass globules of different specific gravities thrown into it; now ascertained … Read more

10 letter word starting with ad

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words adactylous adjective Without fingers or without toes., Without claws on the feet (of crustaceous animals). adamantean adjective Of adamant; hard as adamant. adamantine adjective Made of adamant, or having the qualities of adamant; incapable of being broken, dissolved, or penetrated; as, adamantine bonds or chains., Like the diamond in … Read more

10 letter word starting with bel

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words belaboring present participle & vb. noun of Belabor belectured imp. & past participle of Belecture bel-esprit noun A fine genius, or man of wit. belgravian adjective Belonging to Belgravia (a fashionable quarter of London, around Pimlico), or to fashionable life; aristocratic. believable adjective Capable of being believed; credible. belittling … Read more

10 letter word starting with af

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words affability noun The quality of being affable; readiness to converse; courteousness in receiving others and in conversation; complaisant behavior. affectedly adverb In an affected manner; hypocritically; with more show than reality., Lovingly; with tender care. affectible adjective That may be affected. affectuous adjective Full of passion or emotion; earnest. … Read more

10 letter word starting with al

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words alabastrum noun A flower bud. albescence noun The act of becoming white; whitishness. albication noun The process of becoming white, or developing white patches, or streaks. albigenses noun pl. Alt. of Albigeois albinistic adjective Affected with albinism. albumenize verb t. To cover or saturate with albumen; to coat or … Read more

10 letter word starting with am

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words amalgamate verb t. To compound or mix, as quicksilver, with another metal; to unite, combine, or alloy with mercury., To mix, so as to make a uniform compound; to unite or combine; as, to amalgamate two races; to amalgamate one race with another., To unite in an amalgam; to … Read more

10 letter word starting with ama

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words amalgamate verb t. To compound or mix, as quicksilver, with another metal; to unite, combine, or alloy with mercury., To mix, so as to make a uniform compound; to unite or combine; as, to amalgamate two races; to amalgamate one race with another., To unite in an amalgam; to … Read more