10 letter word starting with foot

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words footbridge noun A narrow bridge for foot passengers only. footlicker noun A sycophant; a fawner; a toady. Cf. Bootlick. foot pound A unit of energy, or work, being equal to the work done in raising one pound avoirdupois against the force of gravity the height of one foot.

10 letter word starting with fe

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words fearnaught noun A fearless person., A stout woolen cloth of great thickness; dreadnaught; also, a warm garment. feathering noun Same as Foliation., The act of turning the blade of the oar, as it rises from the water in rowing, from a vertical to a horizontal position. See To feather … Read more

10 letter word starting with fa

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words fabricking present participle & vb. noun of Fabric fabricated imp. & past participle of Fabricate fabricator noun One who fabricates; one who constructs or makes. fabulizing present participle & vb. noun of Fabulize fabulosity noun Fabulousness., A fabulous or fictitious story. facilitate verb t. To make easy or less … Read more

10 letter word starting with f

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words fabricking present participle & vb. noun of Fabric fabricated imp. & past participle of Fabricate fabricator noun One who fabricates; one who constructs or makes. fabulizing present participle & vb. noun of Fabulize fabulosity noun Fabulousness., A fabulous or fictitious story. facilitate verb t. To make easy or less … Read more

10 letter word starting with eye

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words eyeservant noun A servant who attends faithfully to his duty only when watched. eyeservice noun Service performed only under inspection, or the eye of an employer. eye-splice noun A splice formed by bending a rope’s end back, and fastening it into the rope, forming a loop or eye. See … Read more

10 letter word starting with ex

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words exacerbate verb t. To render more violent or bitter; to irriate; to exasperate; to imbitter, as passions or disease. exacritude noun The quality of being exact; exactness. exaggerate verb t. To heap up; to accumulate., To amplify; to magnify; to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth ; to delineate … Read more

10 letter word starting with ev

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words evacuating present participle & vb. noun of Evacuate evacuation noun The act of emptying, clearing of the contents, or discharging., Withdrawal of troops from a town, fortress, etc., Voidance of any matter by the natural passages of the body or by an artificial opening; defecation; also, a diminution of … Read more

10 letter word starting with es

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words escalading present participle & vb. noun of Escalade escalloped adjective See Escaloped. escapement noun The act of escaping; escape., Way of escape; vent., The contrivance in a timepiece which connects the train of wheel work with the pendulum or balance, giving to the latter the impulse by which it … Read more

10 letter word starting with en

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words enablement noun The act of enabling, or the state of being enabled; ability. enaliosaur noun One of the Enaliosauria. enamelling of Enamel enamorment noun The state of being enamored. enantiosis noun A figure of speech by which what is to be understood affirmatively is stated negatively, and the contrary; … Read more