5 letter word starting with ea

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
eager adjective Sharp; sour; acid., Sharp; keen; bitter; severe., Excited by desire in the pursuit of any object; ardent to pursue, perform, or obtain; keenly desirous; hotly longing; earnest; zealous; impetuous; vehement; as, the hounds were eager in the chase., Brittle; inflexible; not ductile., Same as Eagre.
eagle noun Any large, rapacious bird of the Falcon family, esp. of the genera Aquila and Haliaeetus. The eagle is remarkable for strength, size, graceful figure, keenness of vision, and extraordinary flight. The most noted species are the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetus); the imperial eagle of Europe (A. mogilnik / imperialis); the American bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus); the European sea eagle (H. albicilla); and the great harpy eagle (Thrasaetus harpyia). The figure of the eagle, as the king of birds, is commonly used as an heraldic emblem, and also for standards and emblematic devices. See Bald eagle, Harpy, and Golden eagle., A gold coin of the United States, of the value of ten dollars., A northern constellation, containing Altair, a star of the first magnitude. See Aquila., The figure of an eagle borne as an emblem on the standard of the ancient Romans, or so used upon the seal or standard of any people.
eagre noun A wave, or two or three successive waves, of great height and violence, at flood tide moving up an estuary or river; — commonly called the bore. See Bore.
eared imp. & past participle of Ear, Having (such or so many) ears; — used in composition; as, long-eared-eared; sharp-eared; full-eared; ten-eared., Having external ears; having tufts of feathers resembling ears.
earal adjective Receiving by the ear.
early adverb Soon; in good season; seasonably; betimes; as, come early., In advance of the usual or appointed time; in good season; prior in time; among or near the first; — opposed to late; as, the early bird; an early spring; early fruit., Coming in the first part of a period of time, or among the first of successive acts, events, etc.
earsh noun See Arrish.
earst adverb See Erst.
earth noun The globe or planet which we inhabit; the world, in distinction from the sun, moon, or stars. Also, this world as the dwelling place of mortals, in distinction from the dwelling place of spirits., The solid materials which make up the globe, in distinction from the air or water; the dry land., The softer inorganic matter composing part of the surface of the globe, in distinction from the firm rock; soil of all kinds, including gravel, clay, loam, and the like; sometimes, soil favorable to the growth of plants; the visible surface of the globe; the ground; as, loose earth; rich earth., A part of this globe; a region; a country; land., Worldly things, as opposed to spiritual things; the pursuits, interests, and allurements of this life., The people on the globe., Any earthy-looking metallic oxide, as alumina, glucina, zirconia, yttria, and thoria., A similar oxide, having a slight alkaline reaction, as lime, magnesia, strontia, baryta., A hole in the ground, where an animal hides himself; as, the earth of a fox., To hide, or cause to hide, in the earth; to chase into a burrow or den., To cover with earth or mold; to inter; to bury; — sometimes with up., To burrow., A plowing.
eased imp. & past participle of Ease
easel noun A frame (commonly) of wood serving to hold a canvas upright, or nearly upright, for the painter’s convenience or for exhibition.
eaten past participle of Eat
eater noun One who, or that which, eats.
eaves noun pl. The edges or lower borders of the roof of a building, which overhang the walls, and cast off the water that falls on the roof., Brow; ridge., Eyelids or eyelashes.