9 letter word starting with moon

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
moonblind adjective Dim-sighted; purblind.
moonblink noun A temporary blindness, or impairment of sight, said to be caused by sleeping in the moonlight; — sometimes called nyctalopia.
moon-eyed adjective Having eyes affected by the moon; moonblind; dim-eyed; purblind.
moonglade noun The bright reflection of the moon’s light on an expanse of water.
moonlight noun The light of the moon., Occurring during or by moonlight; characterized by moonlight.
moonraker noun Same as Moonsail.
moonshine noun The light of the moon., Hence, show without substance or reality., A month., A preparation of eggs for food., Moonlight.
moonshiny adjective Moonlight.
moonstone noun A nearly pellucid variety of feldspar, showing pearly or opaline reflections from within. It is used as a gem. The best specimens come from Ceylon.