9 letter word starting with par

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
parabanic adjective Pertaining to, or designating, a nitrogenous acid which is obtained by the oxidation of uric acid, as a white crystalline substance (C3N2H2O3); — also called oxalyl urea.
parablast noun A portion of the mesoblast (of peripheral origin) of the developing embryo, the cells of which are especially concerned in forming the first blood and blood vessels.
parabolas plural of Parabola
parabolic adjective Alt. of Parabolical
parachute noun A contrivance somewhat in the form of an umbrella, by means of which a descent may be made from a balloon, or any eminence., A web or fold of skin which extends between the legs of certain mammals, as the flying squirrels, colugo, and phalangister.
paraclete noun An advocate; one called to aid or support; hence, the Consoler, Comforter, or Intercessor; — a term applied to the Holy Spirit.
paraclose noun See Parclose.
paraconic adjective Pertaining to, or designating, an organic acid obtained as a deliquescent white crystalline substance, and isomeric with itaconic, citraconic, and mesaconic acids.
paradisal adjective Paradisiacal.
paradised adjective Placed in paradise; enjoying delights as of paradise.
paradisic adjective Paradisiacal.
paradoses plural of Parados
paradoxes plural of Paradox
paradoxal adjective Paradoxical.
paradoxer noun Alt. of Paradoxist
paraffine noun A white waxy substance, resembling spermaceti, tasteless and odorless, and obtained from coal tar, wood tar, petroleum, etc., by distillation. It is used as an illuminant and lubricant. It is very inert, not being acted upon by most of the strong chemical reagents. It was formerly regarded as a definite compound, but is now known to be a complex mixture of several higher hydrocarbons of the methane or marsh-gas series; hence, by extension, any substance, whether solid, liquid, or gaseous, of the same chemical series; thus coal gas and kerosene consist largely of paraffins.
paragenic adjective Originating in the character of the germ, or at the first commencement of an individual; — said of peculiarities of structure, character, etc.
paragnath noun Same as Paragnathus.
paragogic adjective Alt. of Paragogical
paragraph noun Originally, a marginal mark or note, set in the margin to call attention to something in the text, e. g., a change of subject; now, the character /, commonly used in the text as a reference mark to a footnote, or to indicate the place of a division into sections., A distinct part of a discourse or writing; any section or subdivision of a writing or chapter which relates to a particular point, whether consisting of one or many sentences. The division is sometimes noted by the mark /, but usually, by beginning the first sentence of the paragraph on a new line and at more than the usual distance from the margin., A brief composition complete in one typographical section or paragraph; an item, remark, or quotation comprised in a few lines forming one paragraph; as, a column of news paragraphs; an editorial paragraph., To divide into paragraphs; to mark with the character /., To express in the compass of a paragraph; as, to paragraph an article., To mention in a paragraph or paragraphs
paragrele noun A lightning conductor erected, as in a vineyard, for drawing off the electricity in the atmosphere in order to prevent hailstorms.
paralysis noun Abolition of function, whether complete or partial; esp., the loss of the power of voluntary motion, with or without that of sensation, in any part of the body; palsy. See Hemiplegia, and Paraplegia. Also used figuratively.
paralytic adjective Of or pertaining to paralysis; resembling paralysis., Affected with paralysis, or palsy., Inclined or tending to paralysis., A person affected with paralysis.
paralyzed imp. & past participle of Paralyze
paramalic adjective Pertaining to, or designating, an organic acid metameric with malic acid.
paramatta noun A light fabric of cotton and worsted, resembling bombazine or merino.
paramento noun Ornament; decoration.
parameter noun A term applied to some characteristic magnitude whose value, invariable as long as one and the same function, curve, surface, etc., is considered, serves to distinguish that function, curve, surface, etc., from others of the same kind or family., Specifically (Conic Sections), in the ellipse and hyperbola, a third proportional to any diameter and its conjugate, or in the parabola, to any abscissa and the corresponding ordinate., The ratio of the three crystallographic axes which determines the position of any plane; also, the fundamental axial ratio for a given species.
paramorph noun A kind of pseudomorph, in which there has been a change of physical characters without alteration of chemical composition, as the change of aragonite to calcite.
paramount adjective Having the highest rank or jurisdiction; superior to all others; chief; supreme; preeminent; as, a paramount duty., The highest or chief.
paramours adverb By or with love, esp. the love of the sexes; — sometimes written as two words.
paramylum noun A substance resembling starch, found in the green frothy scum formed on the surface of stagnant water.
paranymph noun A friend of the bridegroom who went with him in his chariot to fetch home the bride., The bridesmaid who conducted the bride to the bridegroom., An ally; a supporter or abettor.
parapeted adjective Having a parapet.
paraphing present participle & vb. noun of Paraph
paraplegy noun Palsy of the lower half of the body on both sides, caused usually by disease of the spinal cord.
parapodia plural of Parapodium
paraptera plural of Parapterum
paraquito noun See Parrakeet.
parasceve noun Among the Jews, the evening before the Sabbath., A preparation.
parasital adjective Of or pertaining to parasites; parasitic.
parasitic adjective Alt. of Parasitical
parataxis noun The mere ranging of propositions one after another, without indicating their connection or interdependence; — opposed to syntax.
paraunter adverb Peradventure. See Paraventure.
parboiled imp. & past participle of Parboil
parbuckle noun A kind of purchase for hoisting or lowering a cylindrical burden, as a cask. The middle of a long rope is made fast aloft, and both parts are looped around the object, which rests in the loops, and rolls in them as the ends are hauled up or payed out., A double sling made of a single rope, for slinging a cask, gun, etc., To hoist or lower by means of a parbuckle.
parcelled of Parcel
parceling present participle & vb. noun of Parcel, The act of dividing and distributing in portions or parts., Long, narrow slips of canvas daubed with tar and wound about a rope like a bandage, before it is served; used, also, in mousing on the stayes, etc.
parcenary noun The holding or occupation of an inheritable estate which descends from the ancestor to two or more persons; coheirship.
parchment noun The skin of a lamb, sheep, goat, young calf, or other animal, prepared for writing on. See Vellum., The envelope of the coffee grains, inside the pulp.
pardoning present participle & vb. noun of Pardon, Relating to pardon; having or exercising the right to pardon; willing to pardon; merciful; as, the pardoning power; a pardoning God.
paregoric adjective Mitigating; assuaging or soothing pain; as, paregoric elixir., A medicine that mitigates pain; an anodyne; specifically, camphorated tincture of opium; — called also paregoric elexir.
parembole noun A kind of parenthesis.
parenesis noun Exhortation.
parenetic adjective Alt. of Parenetioal
parentage noun Descent from parents or ancestors; parents or ancestors considered with respect to their rank or character; extraction; birth; as, a man of noble parentage.
parentele noun Kinship; parentage.
pargasite noun A dark green aluminous variety of amphibole, or hornblende.
pargeting present participle & vb. noun of Parget, Plasterwork; esp.: (a) A kind of decorative plasterwork in raised ornamental figures, formerly used for the internal and external decoration of houses. (b) In modern architecture, the plastering of the inside of flues, intended to give a smooth surface and help the draught.
pargetory noun Something made of, or covered with, parget, or plaster.
parhelion noun A mock sun appearing in the form of a bright light, sometimes near the sun, and tinged with colors like the rainbow, and sometimes opposite to the sun. The latter is usually called an anthelion. Often several mock suns appear at the same time. Cf. Paraselene.
parhelium noun See Parhelion.
parietary adjective See Parietal, 2., Any one of several species of Parietaria. See 1st Pellitory.
parietine noun A piece of a fallen wall; a ruin.
parigenin noun A curdy white substance, obtained by the decomposition of parillin.
parkesine noun A compound, originally made from gun cotton and castor oil, but later from different materials, and used as a substitute for vulcanized India rubber and for ivory; — called also xylotile.
parleying present participle & vb. noun of Parley
parnassia noun A genus of herbs growing in wet places, and having white flowers; grass of Parnassus.
parnassus noun A mountain in Greece, sacred to Apollo and the Muses, and famous for a temple of Apollo and for the Castalian spring.
parochial adjective Of or pertaining to a parish; restricted to a parish; as, parochial duties.
parochian adjective Parochial., A parishioner.
parodical adjective Having the character of parody.
parodying present participle & vb. noun of Parody
parorchis noun The part of the epididymis; or the corresponding part of the excretory duct of the testicle, which is derived from the Wolffian body.
parosteal Of or pertaining to parostosis; as, parosteal ossification.
parotitis noun Inflammation of the parotid glands.
parqueted adjective Formed in parquetry; inlaid with wood in small and differently colored figures.
parquetry noun A species of joinery or cabinet-work consisting of an inlay of geometric or other patterns, generally of different colors, — used especially for floors.
parquette noun See Parquet.
parrakeet noun Alt. of Parakeet
parrhesia noun Boldness or freedom of speech.
parricide noun Properly, one who murders one’s own father; in a wider sense, one who murders one’s father or mother or any ancestor., The act or crime of murdering one’s own father or any ancestor.
parseeism noun The religion and customs of the Parsees.
parsimony noun Closeness or sparingness in the expenditure of money; — generally in a bad sense; excessive frugality; niggardliness.
parsonage noun A certain portion of lands, tithes, and offerings, for the maintenance of the parson of a parish., The glebe and house, or the house only, owned by a parish or ecclesiastical society, and appropriated to the maintenance or use of the incumbent or settled pastor., Money paid for the support of a parson.
parsonish adjective Appropriate to, or like, a parson; — used in disparagement.
partaking present participle & vb. noun of Partake
parthenic adjective Of or pertaining to the Spartan Partheniae, or sons of unmarried women.
parthenon noun A celebrated marble temple of Athene, on the Acropolis at Athens. It was of the pure Doric order, and has had an important influence on art.
partenope noun One of the Sirens, who threw herself into the sea, in despair at not being able to beguile Ulysses by her songs., One of the asteroids between Mars and Jupiter, descovered by M. de Gasparis in 1850.
partially adverb In part; not totally; as, partially true; the sun partially eclipsed., In a partial manner; with undue bias of mind; with unjust favor or dislike; as, to judge partially.
partition verb The act of parting or dividing; the state of being parted; separation; division; distribution; as, the partition of a kingdom., That which divides or separates; that by which different things, or distinct parts of the same thing, are separated; separating boundary; dividing line or space; specifically, an interior wall dividing one part or apartment of a house, an inclosure, or the like, from another; as, a brick partition; lath and plaster partitions., A part divided off by walls; an apartment; a compartment., The servance of common or undivided interests, particularly in real estate. It may be effected by consent of parties, or by compulsion of law., A score., To divide into parts or shares; to divide and distribute; as, to partition an estate among various heirs., To divide into distinct parts by lines, walls, etc.; as, to partition a house.
partitive adjective Denoting a part; as, a partitive genitive., A word expressing partition, or denoting a part.
partridge noun Any one of numerous species of small gallinaceous birds of the genus Perdix and several related genera of the family Perdicidae, of the Old World. The partridge is noted as a game bird., Any one of several species of quail-like birds belonging to Colinus, and allied genera., The ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus).
parvitude noun Alt. of Parvity
parvoline noun A liquid base, C/H/N, of the pyridine group, found in coal tar; also, any one of the series of isometric substances of which it is the type.