9 letter word starting with we

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words weakening present participle & vb. noun of Weaken wealthful adjective Full of wealth; wealthy; prosperous. wealthily adverb In a wealthy manner; richly. weariable adjective That may be wearied. weariless adjective Incapable of being wearied. weariness noun The quality or state of being weary or tried; lassitude; exhaustion of strength; … Read more

9 letter word starting with whi

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words whichever pronoun & adjective Alt. of Whichsoever whiffling present participle & vb. noun of Whiffle whimpered imp. & past participle of Whimper whimperer noun One who whimpers. whimsical adjective Full of, or characterized by, whims; actuated by a whim; having peculiar notions; queer; strange; freakish., Odd or fantastic in … Read more

9 letter word starting with wall

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words wallabies plural of Wallaby walleteer noun One who carries a wallet; a foot traveler; a tramping beggar. wall-eyed adjective Having an eye of a very light gray or whitish color. walloping present participle & vb. noun of Wallop wallowing present participle & vb. noun of Wallow wallowish adjective Flat; … Read more

9 letter word starting with water

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words water bed A kind of mattress made of, or covered with, waterproof fabric and filled with water. It is used in hospitals for bedridden patients. water bug The Croton bug., Any one of numerous species of large, rapacious, aquatic, hemipterous insects belonging to Belostoma, Benacus, Zaitha, and other genera … Read more

9 letter word starting with wor

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words wordiness noun The quality or state of being wordy, or abounding with words; verboseness. workbench noun A bench on which work is performed, as in a carpenter’s shop. workhouse noun A house where any manufacture is carried on; a workshop., A house in which idle and vicious persons are … Read more

9 letter word starting with wo

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words wofulness noun The quality or state of being woeful; misery; wretchedness. wolfberry noun An American shrub (Symphoricarpus occidentalis) which bears soft white berries. wolframic adjective Of or pertaining to wolframium. See Tungstic. wolfsbane noun A poisonous plant (Aconitum Lycoctonum), a kind of monkshood; also, by extension, any plant or … Read more

9 letter word starting with y

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words yachtsmen plural of Yachtsman yachtsman noun One who owns or sails a yacht; a yachter. yankeeism noun A Yankee idiom, word, custom, or the like. yardstick noun A stick three feet, or a yard, in length, used as a measure of cloth, etc. yawningly adverb In a yawning manner. … Read more

9 letter word starting with who

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words wholeness noun The quality or state of being whole, entire, or sound; entireness; totality; completeness. wholesale noun Sale of goods by the piece or large quantity, as distinguished from retail., Pertaining to, or engaged in, trade by the piece or large quantity; selling to retailers or jobbers rather than … Read more

9 letter word starting with vo

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words vocalized imp. & past participle of Vocalize vocalness noun The quality of being vocal; vocality. voiceless adjective Having no voice, utterance, or vote; silent; mute; dumb., Not sounded with voice; as, a voiceless consonant; surd. voir dire An oath administered to a witness, usually before being sworn in chief, … Read more

9 letter word starting with un

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words unability noun Inability. unadvised adjective Not prudent; not discreet; ill advised., Done without due consideration; wanton; rash; inconsiderate; as, an unadvised proceeding. unaidable adjective Incapable of being aided. unalloyed adjective Not alloyed; not reduced by foreign admixture; unmixed; unqualified; pure; as, unalloyed metals; unalloyed happiness. unamiable adjective Not amiable; … Read more