9 letter word starting with sto

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words stockaded imp. & past participle of Stockade stockdove noun A common European wild pigeon (Columba aenas), so called because at one time believed to be the stock of the domestic pigeon, or, according to some, from its breeding in the stocks, or trunks, of trees. stockfish noun Salted and … Read more

9 letter word starting with sti

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words stibiated adjective Combined or impregnated with antimony (stibium). stibonium noun The hypothetical radical SbH4, analogous to ammonium; — called also antimonium. stichwort noun A kind of chickweed (Stellaria Holostea). stickfuls plural of Stickful stick-lac noun See the Note under Lac. stickling present participle & vb. noun of Stickle sticktail … Read more

9 letter word starting with ste

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words steadfast adjective Firmly fixed or established; fast fixed; firm., Not fickle or wavering; constant; firm; resolute; unswerving; steady. steadying present participle & vb. noun of Steady steamboat noun A boat or vessel propelled by steam power; — generally used of river or coasting craft, as distinguished from ocean steamers. … Read more

9 letter word starting with st

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words stability adjective The state or quality of being stable, or firm; steadiness; firmness; strength to stand without being moved or overthrown; as, the stability of a structure; the stability of a throne or a constitution., Steadiness or firmness of character, firmness of resolution or purpose; the quality opposite to … Read more

9 letter word starting with squa

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words squabbish adjective Thick; fat; heavy. squabbled imp. & past participle of Squabble squabbler noun One who squabbles; a contentious person; a brawler. squaimous adjective Squeamish. squalidly adverb In a squalid manner. squalling present participle & vb. noun of Squall squalodon noun A genus of fossil whales belonging to the … Read more

9 letter word starting with squ

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words squabbish adjective Thick; fat; heavy. squabbled imp. & past participle of Squabble squabbler noun One who squabbles; a contentious person; a brawler. squaimous adjective Squeamish. squalidly adverb In a squalid manner. squalling present participle & vb. noun of Squall squalodon noun A genus of fossil whales belonging to the … Read more

9 letter word starting with sp

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words spaceless adjective Without space. spacially adverb See Spatially. spadassin noun A bravo; a bully; a duelist. spadebone noun Shoulder blade. spadefish noun An American market fish (Chaetodipterus faber) common on the southern coasts; — called also angel fish, moonfish, and porgy. spadefoot noun Any species of burrowing toads of … Read more

9 letter word starting with sh

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words shackling present participle & vb. noun of Shackle shacklock noun A sort of shackle. shadeless adjective Being without shade; not shaded. shadiness noun Quality or state of being shady. shadowing present participle & vb. noun of Shadow, Shade, or gradation of light and color; shading., A faint representation; an … Read more

9 letter word starting with seques

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words sequester verb t. To separate from the owner for a time; to take from parties in controversy and put into the possession of an indifferent person; to seize or take possession of, as property belonging to another, and hold it till the profits have paid the demand for which … Read more